Interest Groups are organizations that seek to influence public policy based on shared concerns or objectives. Examples include trade associations, labor unions, and environmental organizations.
Lobbyists are individuals or organizations that advocate on behalf of interest groups, attempting to influence legislation or policy decisions.
Activism refers to efforts by individuals or groups to promote, impede, or direct social, political, or economic change.
Advocacy involves activities designed to support a cause or proposal, often conducted by interest groups or activists.
The following websites will tell you more about individual interest groups and lobbying organizations and help you track their finances.
Witnesses who provide testimony at Congressional Hearing can be a good way to identify interest groups on a policy.
In addition to being the official transcripts of House and Senate floor activity, the Congressional Record contains pages numbered "HL" which is know as the Lobby List. The list is published quarterly in February, May, August, and November.
A lobby list identifies individuals and organizations that lobby Congress and the clientele that those lobbyists represent. The list is based on disclosure forms filed with the Clerk of the House and Secretary of the Senate, and it is published in the Congressional Record quarterly, usually in February, May, August, and November. The three sections of the lobby list are registrations, quarterly reports for the most recent quarter, and quarterly reports from the prior quarter that were received too late for inclusion in the previous list. From GPO Access Congressional Record Search Tips.
Books and Ebooks (available via the UC San Diego Library)
►Search tip: Use these subject headings to find books, ebooks, etc. about lobbying and interest groups.