Adele gathered on one page the Library resources that support Master's level job-seeking, interviewing prep and career questions, plus information of use to CC staff when helping students. Highlights:
Southern California news sources
International, U.S. and SoCal company and industry research
that focuses on all job fields and career-change topicsThe general guide is intended for everyone on campus. There is a section pertinent to all PhD students (and very early-career faculty), as well as career development pages for everyone seeking to expand what they do.
This guide serves everyone on campus, and focuses on all job fields, job-seeking activities and career-change topics. This site includes resources for particular industries and career paths. Below are the highlights most relevant to Rady grad students
This resource offers company profiles, rankings, and industry and profession profiles. Find career advice using the career guides, résumé templates, and sample cover letters. Search for jobs and internships, and find graduate programs
Sampler of e-books on career paths
The e-books below were gathered from the Career Path guides mentioned above. Look to those guides for more.
Advice for a Successful Career in the Accounting Profession by Jerry MaginnisThis book contains many practical examples and real-life experiences from a long and successful career in the profession that you won't find in any accounting, auditing, or tax textbook. It is written in a fun and engaging style with a simple goal in mind: to share lessons learned and insights that will help accountants of all ages optimize their career opportunities.
Call Number: O'Reilly e-book
ISBN: 9781119855293
Publication Date: 2021
HBR Guide to Your Job Search by Harvard Business Review Harvard Business Review; Kitty Hendrix (Narrated by); Al Kessel (Narrated by)Whether you're new to the workforce or have a well-established career, this book contains practical advice for navigating your job hunt. Learn how to: structure your search strategically; translate your strengths into a strong personal story; activate your network to find opportunities; write a resume that gets callbacks; craft answers to common interview questions; and set yourself up for success in your new role.
Call Number: O'Reilly audiobook
ISBN: 1663731896
Publication Date: 2024
Corporate and Investment Banking by Fidelio TataThis book provides unique information to prepare graduates and newly hired corporate and investment banking professionals for a career in large universal and international investment banks. It shows the interrelationship between the three specific business functions of sales, trading, and research, as well as the interaction with corporate and institutional clients. Engaging the reader with case studies, anecdotes, and industry color, the book addresses the risks and opportunities of the global markets.
Call Number: Springer e-book
ISBN: 9783030443405
Publication Date: 2020
Undiversified : the big gender short in investment management by Ellen Carr and Katrina DudleyDiversification is a core principle of investing. Yet money managers have not applied it to their own ranks. Only around 10 percent of portfolio managers-the people most directly responsible for investing your money-are female, and the numbers are even worse at the ownership level. What are the causes of this underrepresentation, and what are its consequences-including for firms' and clients' bottom lines?
Digital Marketer by Eileen Brown; Betsy AokiDigital marketing is now essential to making products and services a success and digital marketers are more and more in demand. This book is your guide to becoming an efficient and effective digital marketer, covering the expertise and array of skills you will need; how to stay current and future-proof your career; useful digital marketing tools, channels, frameworks and procedures; how to measure campaign success, and how to take the next steps to advance your digital marketing career.
Call Number: O'Reilly e-book
ISBN: 1780174020
Publication Date: 2019
Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) Professionals by Tracy Brown HamiltonWhat kind of skills and educational background do you need to succeed in this field? This book covers information on salaries, working conditions, career paths, and how to navigate the field. It includes interviews with professionals in the field, and covers several areas of this field that have proven to be stable, lucrative, and growing professions (Management and Operations; Policy Development; Research; Personnel and Human Resources; Campaigning and Fundraising; Communications and Public Relations; Volunteer Management; and Grant Writers).
Out of Uniform by Tom WolfeAlthough all service members share common denominators, each individual brings something unique to the job market. Not only does this book cover the basics--search techniques, networking, interview preparation, résumés, negotiation, and a new chapter on social media--it also offers guidance on topics that are often overlooked, specifically the central issues of self-knowledge, interviewing empathy, and the power of questions.
Call Number: JSTOR ebook
ISBN: 9781640120198
Publication Date: 2018
Vault Guide To Accounting Jobs by VaultThis guide provides essential information about key careers and industries, with an emphasis on preparing for a career and getting your foot in the door.
ISBN: 9781438191133
Publication Date: 2021
Vault Guide to Commercial Banking Jobs, 2nd ed.The Vault Guides to Jobs series provides essential information about key careers and industries, with an emphasis on preparing for a career and getting your foot in the door.
This book is a career planning resource that covers industry trends, employment and earnings statistics, and what employers look for in job candidates.