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Latin American Studies Online: Support for Instructors


Requesting New Acquisitions: I am very happy to try to acquire e-versions of high-use materials, including those assigned in classes.  My annual deadline for submitting book (and film) orders has not changed; I have until May 15 to submit orders.  Thus, IF YOU KNOW OF TITLES YOU WANT – ESPECIALLY EBOOKS TO INCREASE ACCESS RIGHT NOW -- please email me directly!  Likewise, our Film Librarian is very busy working to acquire online (streamable) versions of films.  If you need these materials for course use, please submit through Course Reserves.

For less urgent requests -- or to ensure that I will receive 2 messages about the item, use the Recommend a Purchase Form.

Best Practices for Virtual/Video Instruction

In accordance with state-wide and federal copyright/privacy laws, the Library recommends that all instructors inform students, if they are teaching in real time, that the session – including chat transcript (which is not private, even if only between 2 people), is being recorded.  Likewise, if your session is part of another course, the syllabus should indicate this, and you should also announce this at the beginning of the class so the announcement itself is also recorded. 

Resources for Online Instruction


Many of the resources below are referenced with others, on the "Resources for Teaching Online" page of the Education Research Guide