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U.S. Government Information: Whistleblower/Impeachment

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Whistleblower Complaint on Ukraine and Impeachment Inquiry

This page strives to serve as a compilation of official documents related to the whistleblower complaint and impeachment inquiry begun in September 2019. 

For those with access to HeinOnline (which includes current UCSD affiliates), content from this page is now also available in that database's new "U.S. Presidential Impeachment Library" collection. More information is available in a HeinOnline blog post.

Note: many links are no longer live, since the Congress and White House have changed hands. Where necessary, I've changed links to point to archived copies in the Internet Archive. After clicking a (via Internet Archive) link, select the appropriate year on the calendar bar at the top of the Internet Archive site, then hover over a blue circle (which indicates the date captured) and click the snapshot link in the popup box.

Timeline of Documents: September 2019

9/2 Pence remarks on aid to Ukraine and corruption (via Internet Archive)
9/3 Office of Legal Counsel opinion: "Urgent Concern" determination by the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (via Internet Archive)
9/4 Letter from Atkinson to Moy formally referring allegations (released 12/14/20 via BuzzFeed News)
9/9 Letter from E. Engel, Schiff, and Cummings to Cipollone requesting documents related to pressure on Ukraine (via Internet Archive)
9/9 Letter from E. Engel, Schiff, and Cummings to Pompeo re: request for documents (via Internet Archive)
9/9 Letter from Bakaj to Congressional Intelligence Committees re: whistleblower disclosure to Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG)
9/9 Letter from Atkinson to House Intelligence Committee re: ICIG receipt of whistleblower disclosure (via Internet Archive)
9/10 Letter from Schiff to Maguire re: forwarding whistleblower disclosure to Congress (via Internet Archive)
9/13 Schiff issues subpoena for whistleblower complaint being unlawfully withheld by Acting DNI from Intelligence Committees (via Internet Archive)
9/13 Letter from Schiff to Maguire re: subpoena (via Internet Archive)
9/13 Letter from Klitenic to House Intelligence Committee and Senate Committee on Intelligence (via Internet Archive)
9/17 Report from the Inspector General to House Intelligence Committee (via Internet Archive)
9/17 Letter from Klitenic to House Intelligence Committee
9/18 Letter from Schiff to Maguire (via Internet Archive)
9/19 House Intelligence Committee releases letters from Intelligence Community Inspector General (via Internet Archive)
9/24 Letter from Schiff, E. Engel, and Cummings to Cipollone (via Internet Archive)
9/24 Bakaj letter to Maguire re: notice of intent to contact Congressional Intelligence Committee (via Internet Archive)
9/24 Schiff letter to Bakaj requesting voluntary interview (via Internet Archive)
9/24 Schiff letter to Barr (via Internet Archive)
9/24 Whistleblower counsel statement concerning release of whistleblower complaint
9/24 Whistleblower counsel statement concerning the Intelligence Community whistleblower
9/24 Memorandum opinion from S. Engel, for the General Counsel, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
9/24 Letter from Bakaj to Maguire
9/24 Letter from Klitenic to Bakaj
9/24 Letter from Burr and Warner to Bakaj
9/24 Letter from Schiff to Bakaj
9/24 Statement by Maguire re: protecting whistleblowers (via Internet Archive)
9/24 Pelosi remarks announcing impeachment inquiry (via Internet Archive)
9/25 Durbin, Menendez, Leahy respond to Trump falsehood on Ukraine
9/25 Letter from Bakaj to Maguire (via Internet Archive)
9/25 Letter from Bakaj to Burr and Warner
9/25 Letter from Bakaj to Schiff re: response to request for whistleblower to appear before House Intelligence Committee
9/25 Letter from Schiff to Maguire re: security clearances for whistleblower's attorneys
9/25 Statement by Maguire re: no intention of resigining position (via Internet Archive)
9/25 Pelosi floor speech on resolution calling on administration to release whistleblower complaint to Congress (via Internet Archive)
9/25 Joint statement from committee chairs on release of Ukraine call record (via Internet Archive)
9/26 Maguire testimony re: whistleblower complaint (video)
9/26 Transcript / video of Trump remarks at private UN event about whistleblower (via Washington Post)
9/26 Chairmen warn president to stop attacking whistleblower and witnesses to his misconduct and to halt efforts to obstruct impeachment inquiry (via Internet Archive)
9/27 Letter from Peters to Kerner re: continuing protection of whistleblowers (via Internet Archive)
9/27 Letter from E. Engel, Schiff, and Cummings to Pompeo re: subpoena (via Internet Archive)
9/27 Letter from E. Engel, Schiff, and Cummings to Pompeo re: depositions for Yovanovitch, Volker, Kent, Brechbuhl, and Sondland (via Internet Archive)
9/27 Letter from E. Engle, Schiff, and Cummings to Brechbuhl re: request for voluntary deposition (via Internet Archive)
9/28 Letter from Bakaj to Maguire re: safety concerns regarding whistleblower
9/28 Letter from Bakaj to Congressional Intelligence Committees re: safety concerns regarding whistleblower
9/29 Whistleblower counsel statement concerning Congressional contact
9/30 Letter from Schiff, E. Engel, and Cummings to Giuliani re: subpoena (via Internet Archive)
9/30 Letter from Schiff, E. Engel, and Cummings to Parnas re: request for documents (via Internet Archive)
9/30 Letter from Schiff, E. Engel, and Cummings to Fruman re: request for documents (via Internet Archive)
9/30 Letter from Schiff, E. Engel, and Cummings to Kislin re: request for documents (via Internet Archive)
9/30 Letter from Johnson, Grassley, and Lee to Atkinson re: whistleblower disclosure form (via Internet Archive)
9/30 Intelligence Community Inspector General statement on processing of whistleblower complaints
9/30 Whistleblower counsel statements re: investigative process
9/30 Klitenic letter to Bakaj re: whistleblower protections

Timeline of Documents: October 2019

10/1 Grassley statement regarding Intel Community whistleblowerGrassley statement regarding Intel Community whistleblower
10/1 E.Engel, Schiff, and Cummings letter to Sullivan re: Pompeo conflict of interest (via Internet Archive)
10/1 Pompeo letter to E. Engel re: depositions (via Washington Post)
10/1 Menendez letter to Perry re: interactions with Zelensky and other Ukrainian officials
10/2 Memo and draft subpoena from Cummings, Schiff, and E. Engel re: compelling White House to produce documents (via Internet Archive)
10/2 Three Chairs statement on State Department Inspector General briefing (via Internet Archive)
10/2 Justice Department notice to federal judge, agreeing that Trump administration will not destroy records related to Trump conversations with foreign leaders (via Internet Archive) (via BuzzFeed)
10/3 Jackson orders White House to preserve records of communications with foreign leaders (via Politico)
10/3 McCarthy letter to Pelosi seeking suspension of impeachment inquiry (via Internet Archive)
10/3 Pelosi response to McCarthy letter (via Internet Archive)
10/3 Menendez letter to Linick re: inquiry into State Department's decision to withhold aid to Ukraine
10/3 Volker opening statement for testimony before House committees (via Internet Archive) (via BuzzFeed)
10/3 Schiff, Cummings, and E. Engel letter to members of House Intelligence, Oversight, and Foreign Affairs Committees re: Volker testimony, with excerpts from Volker text messages (via Internet Archive)
10/3 Dowd letter to Mitchell re: request for documents (released 10/7/19, via Washington Post)
10/4 Schiff statement on Intelligence Community Inspector General briefing (via Internet Archive)
10/4 Letter from E. Engel, Schiff, and Cummings to Pence for Ukraine documents (via Internet Archive)
10/4 Letter from Cummings, Schiff, and E. Engels to Mulvaney re: White House subpoena for key documents (via Internet Archive)
10/6 Bakaj tweets confirmation that his team is representing "multiple whistleblowers" (via Internet Archive)
10/6 Open letter to the American people from former national security officials supporting the Intelligence Community whistleblower, as published in the Wall Street Journal
10/7 Schiff, E. Engel, and Cummings letter to Esper re: Pentagon subpoena for documents (via Internet Archive) (with accompanying subpoena schedule)
10/7 Schiff, E. Engel, and Cummings letter to Vought re: OMB subpoena for documents (via Internet Archive) (with accompanying subpoena schedule)
10/8 Letter from Schiff, Cummings, and E. Engel to Sondland re: subpoena for testimony and documents (via Internet Archive) (with accompanying subpoena schedule)
10/8 Pelosi's "Dear Colleague on commitment to upholding Constitution and For the People legislative priorities" (via Internet Archive)
10/8 White House: Statement from the Press Secretary (via Internet Archive)
10/8 Cipollone letter to Pelosi, Schiff, E. Engel, and Cummings re: White House refusal to cooperate with inquiry (via Internet Archive)
10/8 Pelosi statement on Trump Administration refusal to comply with House subpoenas (via Internet Archive)
10/8 Three Chairs issue statement on White House blocking Ambassador Sondland testimony and documents (via Internet Archive)
10/8 Letter from Bakaj to Burr and Warner re: in-person meeting with whistleblower
10/8 Letter from Bakaj to Schiff and Nunes re: in-person meeting with whistleblower
10/9 Whistleblower counsel statement concerning alleged "bias"
10/9 Senate Foreign Relations Committee Democratic members' letter to Risch re: request to convent hearings
10/9 Harris, Blumenthal letter to cabinet officials re: request for cooperation with investigation, preservation of evidence, protection of whistleblowers, and independence of Inspectors General (via Internet Archive)
10/9 Letter from E. Engel, Schiff and Cummings to Hill re: deposition (via Internet Archive) (via Axios)
10/10 Letter from E. Engel, Schiff, and Cummings to Perry re: subpoena for documents (via Internet Archive) (with accompanying subpoena schedule)
10/10 Letter from Schiff, E. Engel, and Cummings to Dowd: re subpoenas for Parnas and Fruman (via Internet Archive) (with accompanying subpoena schedules for Parnas and Fruman)
10/10 Parnas and Fruman charged with conspiring to violate straw and foreign donor bans (with attached indictment)
10/11 Letter from Burr and Warner to whistleblower counsel re: in-person meeting with whistleblower
10/11 Pelosi "Dear Colleague on victory for the rule of law and Constitution" (via Internet Archive)
10/11 Yovanovich opening statement for testimony to House Committees on Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight (via Washington Post)
10/11 Three Chairs statement on interview of Ambassador Yovanovich (via Internet Archive)
10/11 Letter from E. Engel, Schiff, and Cummings to Duffey re: request for voluntary deposition (via Internet Archive)
10/11 Letter from E. Engel, Schiff, and Cummings to Vought re: request for voluntary deposition (via Internet Archive)
10/13 Letter from Wolosky to Purpura and Philbin re: Hill's testimony (via Axios)
10/14 Letter from Purpura to Wolosky re: Hill's testimony (via Axios)
10/15 Letter from Morgan to Cummings, E. Engel, and Schiff re: Pence request for documents (via Internet Archive)
10/15 Pelosi remarks on next steps in impeachment inquiry (via Internet Archive)
10/16 Peters letter to Ferriero re: retention/disposal of presidential records (via Internet Archive)
10/17 Opening statement of Sondland to House Committees on Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight (via CNN)
10/17 Press briefing by Mulvaney (via Internet Archive)  (see also, video)
10/17 Post-briefing statement by Mulvaney (via New York Times)
10/17 Peters letter to Cipollone re: reported misuse of White House classified systems for presidential conversations with foreign leaders (via Internet Archive)
10/18 Burnison letter to Schiff, E. Engle, and Maloney re: Perry subpoena
10/21 Pelosi "fact sheet" on impeachment (via Internet Archive)
10/22 Opening statement of Taylor to House Committees on Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight (via Washington Post)
10/22 Letter from Horowitz and Lerner to S. Engel re: CIGIE response to OLC opinion on whistleblower complaint
10/22 Norquist letter to Levin warning L. Cooper to not cooperate with impeachment inquiry (via New York Times)
10/22 Schiff issues subpoena to L. Cooper for deposition
10/23 Letter from E. Engel, Schiff, and Maloney to Sullivan re: release of key documents (via Internet Archive)
10/24 Graham introduces S.Res.378: "sense of the Senate" on impeachment process
10/25 Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community statement on CIGIE letter
10/25 Letter from E. Engel, Schiff, and Maloney to Duffey re: subpoena to appear (via Internet Archive)
10/25 Letter from E. Engel, Schiff, and Maloney to Vought re: subpoena to appear (via Internet Archive)
10/25 Letter from E. Engel, Schiff, and Maloney to Brechbuhl re: subpoena to appear (via Internet Archive)
10/25 Howell rules impeachment inquiry legal, orders Justice Department to release certain redacted grand jury materials from Mueller report by October 30
10/25 Christopher Cooper grants American Oversight motion for preliminary injunction to compel the release of State Department records related to President Trump’s effort to pressure Ukraine (via American Oversight)
10/26 Press release: Three chairs respond to White House obstruction to prevent Kupperman from testifying in impeachment inquiry (via Internet Archive)
10/26 Letter from Schiff, E. Engel, and Maloney to Kirk and Charles Cooper re: Kupperman lawsuit (via Internet Archive)
10/28 Pelosi "Dear Colleague on Next Steps in House's Ongoing Impeachment Inquiry" (via Internet Archive)
10/29 Opening statement of Vindman to House Committees on Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight (via Politico)
10/29 House impeachment process resolution (H.Res.660) introduced (via Internet Archive)
10/29 Statement from the Press Secretary re: impeachment resolution (via Internet Archive)
10/29 Four chairs statement on resolution for open hearings on Trump's abuse of power (via Internet Archive)
10/29 Chart of impeachment inquiry protections for the president, Nixon/Clinton/Trump (via Internet Archive)
10/30 Opening statement of Croft to House Committees on Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight (via NPR)
10/30 Opening statement of Anderson to House Committees on Intelligence, Foreign Affairs,and Oversight (via NPR)
10/30 Joint status report re: American Oversight lawsuit; State Department agrees to release multiple categories of Ukraine-related records to American Oversight by November 22, 2019 (via American Oversight)
10/30 House impeachment process report (H.Rept. 116-266)
10/31 Opening statement of Morrison to House Committees on Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight (via CBS News)
10/31 Statement from the Press Secretary re: vote on impeachment resolution (via Internet Archive)
10/31 Pelosi floor speech in support of resolution for open hearings on Trump's abuse of power (via Internet Archive)
10/31 Whistleblower counsel statement on speculation of whistleblower identity

Timeline of Documents: November 2019

11/1 S. Engel opinion for the Office of Legal Counsel: "Exclusion of agency counsel from Congressional depositions in the impeachment context" (via Internet Archive)
11/2 Pelosi "Dear Colleague on legislating for the people in the new phase of the impeachment inquiry" (via Internet Archive)
11/4 Deposition transcript with key excerpts (via Internet Archive) for Yovanovitch and transcript with key excerpts (via Internet Archive) for McKinley released by House committees
11/5 Deposition transcript (with appended supplemental declaration) with key excerpts (via Internet Archive) for Sondland and transcript with key excerpts (via Internet Archive) for Volker released by House committees
11/5 All additional Volker text messages received by the committees, along with key excerpts (via Internet Archive), released by House committees
11/5 Letter from E. Engel, Schiff, and Maloney to Mulvaney re: request for deposition (via Internet Archive); with related document, "Committee depositions in the House of Representatives: longstanding republican and democratic practice of excluding agency counsel (via Internet Archive)"
11/6 Whistleblower counsel statement concerning the suspected identity of the whistleblower
11/6 Deposition transcript for Taylor, along with key excerpts (via Internet Archive), released by House committees
11/6 Press release: House Intelligence Committee Announces First Week of Open Hearings with William Taylor, George Kent, and Marie Yovanovitch
11/6 Letter from Schiff to Nunes requesting proposed witness list from minority (via Internet Archive)
11/6 Letter from Bakaj to Nunes re: whistleblower written testimony
11/7 Letter from Bakaj to Cipollone re: cease and desist in Trump's calling for public disclosure of whistleblower identity
11/7 Deposition transcript for Kent, along with key excerpts (via Internet Archive), released by House committees
11/8 Deposition transcript with key excerpts (via Internet Archive) for Vindman and transcript (via Internet Archive) with key excerpts (via Internet Archive) for Hill released by House committees
11/8 Letter from Harris, Whitehouse, and Blumenthal to Barr re: Trump request for news conference about his call with Zelensky (via Internet Archive)
11/8 House Foreign Affairs Committee released (via tweet) redacted emails between State Department and committee re: Yovanovitch testimony (via Internet Archive)
11/9 Letter from Nunes to Schiff with minority witness requests (via Internet Archive)
11/11 Deposition transcript for Cooper, with key excerpts (via Internet Archive); transcript for Croft, with key excerpts (via Internet Archive); and transcript for Anderson, with key excerpts (via Internet Archive), released by House committees
11/12 Schiff memo to House Intelligence Committee members re: procedures for impeachment inquiry hearings (via Internet Archive)
11/12 House GOP memo to Republican members of the Intelligence, Oversight, and Foreign Affairs Committees, outlining their defense of Trump (via CNN)
11/13 Video of public hearing, Taylor and Kent testimony (with transcript, via C-SPAN; transcript also available via Washington Post)
11/13 Opening statement for first day of public hearings (Taylor/Kent) from Schiff (via Internet Archive) and Nunes (via Internet Archive)
11/13 Opening statement for first day of public hearings, from Taylor (via NPR) and Kent (via Internet Archive)
11/15 White House releases memo documenting first Trump-Zelensky phone call (via NPR)
11/15 Video of public hearing, Yovanovitch testimony (with transcript, via C-SPAN)
11/15 Opening statement for second day of public hearings (Yovanovitch) from Schiff (via Internet Archive) and Nunes (via Internet Archive)
11/15 Opening statement for second day of public hearings, from    Yovanovitch (via Internet Archive)
11/15 Trump tweet against Yovanovitch during her testimony (via Internet Archive)
11/15 Opening statement of Holmes to House Committees on Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight (via CNN)
11/16 Deposition transcript for Morrison (via Internet Archive), with key excerpts (via Internet Archive), and transcript for Williams (via Internet Archive), with key excerpts (via Internet Archive), released by House committees
11/16 Jordan and Nunes letter to Johnson re: request for firsthand information about Trump's actions toward Ukraine (via Axios)
11/18 Deposition transcript for Hale, with key excerpts (via Internet Archive), and transcript for Holmes (via Internet Archive), with key excerpts (via Internet Archive), released by House committees
11/18 Pelosi "Dear Colleague on latest developments on For the People agenda and the House's impeachment inquiry" (via Internet Archive)
11/18 Johnson letter to Jordan and Nunes re: request for firsthand information about Trump's actions towards Ukraine (via Internet Archive)
11/19 Video of public hearing, Vidman/Williams testimony (with transcript, via C-SPAN)
11/19 Opening statement for third day of public hearings (Vindman/Williams) from Schiff (via Internet Archive) and Nunes (via Internet Archive)
11/19 Opening statement for third day of public hearings, from Vindman and Williams (via Washington Post)
11/19 Kellogg statement in regard to Williams testimony (via Internet Archive) (via @Acosta on Twitter)
11/19 Video of public hearing, Volker/Morrison testimony (with transcript, via C-SPAN)
11/19 Opening statement for third day of public hearings (Morrison/Volker) from Schiff (via Internet Archive) and Nunes (via Internet Archive)
11/19 Opening statement for third day of public hearings, from Morrison and Volker (via Washington Post)
11/20 Video of public hearing, Sondland testimony (with transcript, via C-SPAN)
11/20 Opening statement for fourth day of public hearings (Sondland) from Schiff (via Internet Archive) and Nunes (via Internet Archive)
11/20 Opening statement for fourth day of public hearings, from Sondland (via Washington Post)
11/20 Department of Energy responds to Sondland testimony
11/20 Video of public hearing, Cooper/Hale testimony (with transcript, via C-SPAN)
11/20 Opening statement for fourth day of public hearings, from Cooper (via Washington Post) - Hale did not provide an opening statement
11/20 Trump notes while speaking to the media (via Internet Archive) (via @GettyImagesNews onTwitter)
11/20 Letter from Pressman to Fox News requesting retraction of news segment suggesting Vindman may be guilty of espionage
11/21 Video of public hearing, Hill/Holmes testimony (with transcript, via C-SPAN)
11/21 Opening statement for fifth day of public hearings, from Hill and Holmes (via Washington Post)
11/22 State Department releases Ukraine documents to American Oversight (via American Oversight)
11/25 Schiff "Dear Colleague" letter re: path forward for impeachment inquiry (via CNN)
11/26 Deposition transcript (via Internet Archive), with key excerpts (via Internet Archive), for Sandy and transcript (via Internet Archive) for Reeker, with key excerpts (via Internet Archive), released by House committees
11/26 House committees release deposition transcripts for several witnesses who failed to comply with subpoenas, including: Kupperman, McCormack, Blair, Eisenberg, Ellis, Duffey, Griffith, Brechbuhl/Vought, and Mulvaney
11/26 Press release: House Judiciary Committee schedules impeachment hearing for December 4 (via Internet Archive), with attached letter to Trump (via Internet Archive)
11/26 Letters from Nadler to Trump (via Internet Archive) and Collins (via Internet Archive) notifying them of their privileges during impeachment hearing
11/29 Nadler letter to Collins inviting response as to whether minority intends to request witnesses (via Internet Archive)

Timeline of Documents: December 2019

12/1 Letter from Cipollone to Nadler declining White House participation in impeachment hearing (via Washington Post)
12/2 Nadler statement on White House refusal to participate in first impeachment hearing (via Internet Archive)
12/2 House Judiciary Committee announcement of impeachment hearing, with witness list (via Internet Archive)
12/2 Collins letter to Nadler re: impeachment inquiry process
12/2 Republican staff report, "Report of Evidence in the Democrats' Impeachment Inquiry in the House of Representatives (via Internet Archive)," released
12/3 House Intelligence Committee releases draft report, "The Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report.(via Internet Archive)" See also related press release (via Internet Archive).
12/4 Video of House Judiciary hearing on the impeachment inquiry (via C-SPAN, with transcript)
12/4 Opening statement for House Judiciary hearing from Nadler and Collins (via Internet Archive)
12/4 Opening statements to the House Judiciary Committee from Feldman, Karlan, Gerhardt, and Turley (via Politico)
12/4 Closing statement for House Judiciary hearing from Nadler
12/5 Pelosi remarks announcing House of Representatives moving forward with articles of impeachment (via Internet Archive) (video, via C-SPAN)
12/6 Cipollone letter to Nadler rejecting invitation for White House to participate in impeachment inquiry (via Internet Archive)
12/6 Nadler statement on White House refusal to participate in impeachment inquiry (via Internet Archive)
12/6 Collins letter to Nadler requesting testimony by eight witnesses, including Schiff and whistleblower
12/6 Schiff letter to Pence requesting declassification of Williams supplemental testimony (via @AndrewDesiderio on Twitter)
12/6 Letter from Schiff, Maloney, and E. Engel formally transmitting impeachment inquiry report to House Judiciary Committee (via @kylegriffin1 on Twitter)
12/7 "Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment" report released by House Judiciary Committee (via Internet Archive) (see also related press release (via Internet Archive))
12/8 Letter from Nadler to Cipollone re: formal transmittal of the House Intelligence Committee's impeachment inquiry report and additional transmittals received from investigative committees (via Internet Archive)
12/9 Video of House Judiciary Committee hearing to receive counsel presentations (via C-SPAN, with transcript)
12/9 Nadler opening statement at House Judiciary Committee hearing to receive counsel presentations (via Internet Archive)
12/9 Collins closing statement at House Judiciary Committee hearing to receive counsel presentations (via Internet Archive)
12/9 Nadler letter to Collins re: request for witness testimony
12/10 House Democrats announce abuse of power and obstruction of Congress articles of impeachment (via Internet Archive) (video, via C-SPAN)
12/10 Nadler's remarks in announcing articles of impeachment (via Internet Archive)
12/10 Text of articles of impeachment (via Internet Archive)
12/11 House Judiciary Committee debates articles of impeachment (video, with transcript, via C-SPAN)
12/11 Opening statements for the markup of articles of impeachment from Nadler (via Internet Archive)and Collins (via Internet Archive)
12/11 Letter from Morgan to Schiff declining to declassifiy Williams supplemental testimony (via @AndrewDesiderio on Twitter)
12/11 Letter from Schiff to Nadler re: classified supplemental submission from Williams (via @kyledcheney on Twitter)
12/11 Letter from Paoletta to Armstrong re: withholding of Ukraine security assistance (via Washington Post)
12/12 Center for Public Integrity releases redacted documents from DOD and OMB about decision to hold Ukraine aid (via FOIA request)
12/13 House Rules Committee announces meeting to consider resolution impeaching Donald John Trump
12/15 Schumer  letter to McConnell re: Democratic requests for impeachment trial, along with attached proposed procedures for impeachment trial
12/16 Schumer remarks at press conference outlining proposed structure for impeachment trial
12/16 "Impeachment of Donald John Trump, President of the United States" (via Internet Archive) Report of the Judiciary Committee; see also key excerpts (via Internet Archive)
12/16 House Judiciary Brief in U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit re: authorizing release of certain grand jury materials for impeachment (via Politico)
12/17 McConnell rejects Democrats' demands for White House witnesses in impeachment trial (video with transcript, via C-SPAN)
12/17 Congressman Raskin statement to Rules Committee in support of articles of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump (via Internet Archive)
12/17 Schiff letter to Pence requesting reconsideration of refusal to declassify Williams supplemental testimony (via @kyledcheney on Twitter)
12/17 Pelosi "Dear Colleague" on floor vote on articles of impeachment against the president (via Internet Archive)
12/17 Letter from Trump to Pelosi protesting impeachment (via Internet Archive)
12/17 House Rules Committee hearing information on adopting rules for impeachment vote
12/18 Pelosi floor speech in support of articles of impeachment against the president of the United States (via Internet Archive)
12/18 Nadler floor statement in support of articles of impeachment (via Internet Archive)
12/18 Schiff floor speech on articles of impeachment (via Internet Archive)
12/18 Maloney floor speech on articles of impeachment (via Internet Archive)
12/18 McCarthy floor speech on articles impeachment (via Internet Archive)
12/18 Collins floor speech on articles of impeachment (via Internet Archive)
12/18 Collins statement on impeachment vote (via Internet Archive)
12/18 Statement from the Press Secretary re: impeachment vote (via Internet Archive)
12/18 Transcript of Speaker Pelosi, Committee Chairs press availability following passage of articles of impeachment (via Internet Archive)
12/18 Final vote results for roll call 695
12/18 Final vote results for roll call 696
12/19 Pelosi "Dear Colleague" on the moral courage of the Congress (via Internet Archive)
12/20 Letter from Miller to Armstrong re: GAO inquiry about withholding Ukraine assistance
12/21 Center for Public Integrity releases second batch of communications between DOD and OMB about Ukraine aid (via FOIA request)
12/23 Schumer letter to all Senators outlining specific documents for the Senate to subpoena
12/23 Schumer remarks at press conference calling for witness testimony and documents
12/23 Schumer statement after JustSecurity released unredacted emails about the decision to withhold aid to Ukraine (with link to JustSecurity report)
12/30 Letter from C. Cooper to Knight re: prepublication security review of Bolton book (released 1/26/20, via New York Times)

Timeline of Documents: January 2020

1/2 Schiff statement on new documents detailing Trump's decision to withhold military aid to Ukraine (via Internet Archive)
1/2 Feinstein letter to Senators urging Senate support for impeachment witnesses and documents (via Internet Archive)
1/2 Schumer statement on new reporting that further exposes details of President Trump's decision to withhold military aid to Ukraine, with link to unredacted emails released by JustSecurity
1/3 Pelosi statement on urgency for fair Senate trial (via Internet Archive)
1/3 Hardy letter to Charlie Savage of the New York Times, declining FOIA request to release 20 emails between Blair and Duffey
1/6 Schumer statement on need to subpoena witnesses and key documents
1/6 Feinstein: Senate should subpoena Bolton
1/6 Hawley introduces resolution to allow dismissal of "bogus impeachment" against Trump
1/6 Bolton statement re: willingness to testify if subpoenaed by Senate
1/7 Schumer remarks on the need for a fair and honest impeachment trial that includes key witnesses and documents
1/7 Pelosi "Dear Colleague" on Senator McConnell's untrue claims regarding impeachment (via Internet Archive)
1/8 American Oversight releases State Department records of Ukraine-related communications with department officials
1/9 Graham introduces Senate Resolution demanding that the House immediately transmit articles to Senate
1/9 McConnell: Pelosi's delaying games generate growing Democratic backlash
1/10 Pelosi "Dear Colleague" on next steps of impeachment (via Internet Archive)
1/12 Trump tweet advocates for Senate dismissal of impeachment articles
1/13 Joint Status Report filed by American Oversight and Department of Energy: DOE agrees to start releasing Ukraine-related documents on Jan. 28, 2020
1/14 Pelosi statement on timing of appointment of impeachment managers and transmittal of articles to Senate (via Internet Archive)
1/14 Letter from Schiff to Nadler transmitting additional evidence (via Internet Archive)
1/14 Four chairs statement on transmission of additional evidence supplied by Parnas, including links to some of the documents (part 1 via Internet Archive and part 2 via Internet Archive)
1/15 Pelosi names impeachment managers (via Internet Archive)
1/15 Transcript of House impeachment managers announcement (via Internet Archive)
1/15 Schiff statement on being named lead House impeachment manager (via Internet Archive)
1/15 Pelosi floor speech in support of resolution to appoint impeachment managers and transmit articles of impeachment to the Senate (via Internet Archive)
1/15 Pelosi remarks at engrossment ceremony photo opportunity for articles of impeachment and and procession of impeachment managers (via Internet Archive)
1/15 McConnell: do Democrats sound impartial?
1/15 E. Engel statement on potential threats to Yovanovitch's security (via Internet Archive)
1/15 E. Engel letter to Bulatao demanding State Department documents on potential threats to Yovanovitch's security (via Internet Archive)
1/15 House Intelligence Committee transmits new Parnas evidence to Judicary Committee; and second batch of Parnas documents
1/16 Congressional Record for January 16, 2020, Senate impeachment proceedings (p. S266 - S269, S282)
1/16 McConnell on impeachment: the "transparently partisan" House process is over; the Senate's time is at hand
1/16 GAO report on OMB withholding of Ukraine security assistance
1/16 Pelosi statement on GAO finding that Trump broke the law by withholding aid to Ukraine (via Internet Archive)
1/17 Letter from Schiff to Nadler transmitting additional documents from Parnas to House Judiciary Committee (via Internet Archive)
1/17 Additional material from Parnas released, including WhatsApp message excerpts with Harvey (via Internet Archive) and excerpts with Hyde (via Internet Archive), along with photos (via Internet Archive)
1/17 Statement from the press secretary announcing the president's Senate trial counsel (via Internet Archive)
1/18 Press release: U.S. House of Representatives files brief in impeachment trial of President Donald J. Trump, with attached Trial Memorandum and Statement of Material Facts (via Internet Archive)
1/18 Answer of President Donald J. Trump (via Internet Archive)
1/19 S. Engel memorandum opinion, House Committees' Authority to Investigate for Impeachment (via Internet Archive) (also attached to Trial Memorandum of President Donald J. Trump as Appendix C)
1/19 House impeachment managers statement on president's response to summons (via Internet Archive)
1/20 Trial Memorandum of President Donald J. Trump (via Internet Archive) (response to charges)
1/20 House replication to the response to the summons of President Donald J. Trump to the articles of impeachment (via Internet Archive)
1/20 Statement from the press secretary announcing Congressional members of the president's impeachment team (via Internet Archive)
1/20 McConnell organizing resolution for Senate trial (via NPR)
1/20 Schumer statement on McConnell's impeachment trial resolution (via Internet Archive)
1/20 Bondy letter to Barr requesting Barr's recusal from Parnas investigation/prosecution
1/21 House impeachment managers: Reply Memorandum to the Trial Memorandum filed by President Donald J. Trump (via Internet Archive)
1/21 House impeachment managers' letter to Cipollone re: status as material witness (via Internet Archive)
1/21 McConnell speaks on organizing resolution ahead of Senate impeachment trial
1/21 House impeachment managers' statement on McConnell resolution
1/21 Pelosi statement on McConnell cover-up resolution (via Internet Archive)
1/21 Revised McConnell organizing resolution (via CNN)
1/21 S.Res. 483 and 11 proposed amendments
1/21 Schumer amendment to subpoena White House materials related to impeachment (via CNN)
1/22 American Oversight releases Ukraine-related OMB documents obtained via FOIA
1/22 Feinstein statement on Senate impeachment trial
1/22 Feinstein: House case "fact-based"
1/23 Letter from Knight to Cooper re: prepublication security review of Bolton book (via tweet by @maggieNYT)
1/23 Letter from Letter to Langer re: Application of the Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. House of Representatives, for an Order Authorizing the Release of Certain Grand Jury Materials (via Internet Archive)
1/24 Letter from Cooper to Knight re: prepublication security review of Bolton book (via Internet Archive) (via tweet by @EliStokols)
1/24 Letter from Letter to Langer re: Committee on the Judiciary of the United States House of Representatives v. McGahn (via Internet Archive)
1/24 House General Counsel: President's impeachment defense fundamentally contradicts DOJ's arguments in courts (via Internet Archive)
1/24 E. Engel statement on State Department's failure to meet deadline on Yovanovitch security inquiry (via Internet Archive)
1/24 Documents from the Government Accountability Office released by Van Hollen
1/25 The Impeachment of Donald John Trump Evidentiary Record from the House of Representatives transmitted to the Senate (via Internet Archive)
1/25 Bondy releases recordings of Trump telling Parnas, Fruman, and others to "get rid of" Yovanovitch (via BuzzFeed News)
1/26 House impeachment managers' statement on New York Times report on John Bolton
1/28 American Oversight releases DOE records regarding U.S. delegation to Ukraine led by former Secretary Perry
1/28 Letter from Letter to Langer re: application for order authorizing the release of certain grand jury materials (via Internet Archive)
1/29 Schumer remarks ahead of Senator questions in Senate impeachment trial
1/29 E. Engel statement on September 23, 2019 call with John Bolton (via Internet Archive)
1/29 McConnell: 13 witnesses. Over 28,000 pages of documents.
1/30 Letter from Menendez and 21 other Senate Democrats to Pompeo re: alleged surveillance of Yovanovitch
1/31 McConnell statement on next steps in Senate impeachment trial
1/31 Pelosi statement on Senate vote to block witnesses and documents (via Internet Archive)
1/31 House managers' statement on Senate blocking witnesses and documents
1/31 Letter from Bondy to McConnell and Schumer re: Parnas's potential testimony (via PBS)
1/31 Justice Department court filing re: emails withheld regarding decision to withhold Ukraine aid (via Politico)
1/31 On the Motion: Shall It Be In Order To Consider And Debate Any Motion To Subpoena Witnesses Or Documents: rejected - vote summary
1/31 On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1295: Motion to Table Schumer Amdt. No. 1295; To subpoena certain relevant witnesses and documents: agreed - vote summary
1/31 On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1296: Motion to Table Schumer Amdt. No. 1296; To subpoena John Robert Bolton: agreed - vote summary
1/31 On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1297: Motion to Table Schumer Amdt. No. 1297; To subpoena John Robert Bolton: agreed - vote summary
1/31 On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1298: Motion to Table Van Hollen Amdt. No. 1298; To help ensure impartial justice by requiring the Chief Justice of the United States to rule on motions to subpoena witnesses and documents and issues of privilege: agreed - vote summary
1/31 On the Resolution: S. Res. 488; A resolution to provide for related procedures concerning the articles of impeachment against Donald John Trump, President of the United States: agreed - vote summary

Timeline of Documents: February 2020

2/2 E. Engel statement on the retirement of Ambassador Yovanovitch (via Internet Archive)
2/3 Manchin introduces Senate Resolution to censure Trump (via Politico)
2/4 McConnell on end of impeachment trial: "The Senate must do what we were created to do"
2/5 Romney speech announcing vote to convict Trump (via New York Times)
2/5 Guilty or Not Guilty: Article I, Articles of Impeachment Against President Donald John Trump; A resolution impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors: not guilty - vote summary
2/5 Guilty or Not Guilty: Article II, Articles of Impeachment Against President Donald John Trump; A resolution impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors: not guilty - vote summary
2/5 McConnell: This war on our institutions must end
2/5 McConnell: House Democrats' myopic impeachment crusade undermined the Constitution
2/5 E. Engel statement on the end of the Senate Republicans' sham trial (via Internet Archive)
2/5 Statement from the press secretary (via Internet Archive)
2/5 Pelosi statement on Senate impeachment vote (via Internet Archive)

Timeline Documents: List of Names/Positions Held

Anderson, Christopher Former Advisor to U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations
Armstrong, Tom General Counsel, Government Accountability Office
Atkinson, Michael Inspector General of the Intelligence Community
Bakaj, Andrew Attorney representing the whistleblower
Barr, William Attorney General
Blair, Robert Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff
Blumenthal, Richard U.S. Senator; Member, Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Bolton, John Former National Security Advisor
Bondy, Joseph Attorney representing Lev Parnas
Brechbuhl, T. Ulrich Counselor of the Department, U.S. Department of State
Bulatao, Brian Under Secretary of State for Management, U.S. Department of State
Burnison, Melissa Assistant Secretary of Energy, Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs
Burr, Richard Chair, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Cipollone, Pat White House Counsel
Collins, Doug Ranking Member, House Committee on the Judiciary
Cooper, Charles Attorney representing Charles Kupperman and John Bolton
Cooper, Christopher U.S. District Judge, United States District Court for the District of Columbia
Cooper, Laura Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia, Department of Defense
Croft, Catherine Special Advisor for Ukraine, Department of State
Cummings, Elijah Chair, House Committee on Oversight and Reform
Dowd, John Attorney representing Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas; former personal attorney to Donald Trump
Duffey, Michael Associate Director for National Security Programs, Office of Management and Budget
Durbin, Richard U.S. Senator; Member, Senate Appropriations Committee and Co-Chair, Senate Ukraine Caucus
Eisenberg, John Deputy Counsel to the President for National Security Affairs; Legal Advisor, National Security Council
Ellis, Michael Senior Associate Counsel to the President; Deputy Legal Advisor, National Security Council
Engel, Eliot Chair, House Foreign Affairs Committee
Engel, Steven Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel
Esper, Mark Secretary, Department of Defense
Feinstein, Dianne Ranking Member, Senate Judiciary Committee
Feldman, Noah Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law and Director, Julis-Rabinowitz Program on Jewish and Israeli, Harvard Law School
Ferriero, David Archivist of the United States
Fruman, Igor Associate of Rudy Giuliani
Gerhardt, Michael Burton Craige Distinguished Professor of Jurisprudence, The University of North Carolina School of Law
Giuliani, Rudy Personal Attorney for Donald Trump
Graham, Lindsey U.S. Senator; Chair, Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Grassley, Chuck U.S. Senator; Chair, Committee on Finance and Chair, Whistleblower Protection Caucus
Griffith, Preston Wells Senior Director for International Energy and Environment, National Security Council
Hardy, Dionne FOIA Officer, Office of Management and Budget
Harris, Kamala U.S. Senator; Member, Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Harvey, Derek Aide to Devin Nunes
Hawley, Josh U.S. Senator; Member, Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Hill, Fiona Director of Russian and European Affairs, National Security Council (April 2017-Aug. 2019)
Holmes, David Political Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine
Horowitz, Michael Chair, Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE); Inspector General, Department of Justice
Howell, Beryl Chief Judge, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
Hoyer, Steny House Majority Leader
Hyde, Robert Associate of Lev Parnas
Jackson, Amy Berman U.S. District Judge, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
Johnson, Ron U.S. Senator; Chair, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Jordan, Jim Ranking Member, House Committee on Oversight and Reform
Karlan, Pamela Kenneth and Harle Montgomery Professor of Public Interest Law and Co-Director, Supreme Court Litigation Clinic, Stanford Law School
Kellogg, Keith National Security Advisor to Vice President Pence
Kent, George Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Dept. of State
Kerner, Henry Special Counsel, U.S. Office of Special Counsel
Kirk, Michael Attorney representing Charles Kupperman
Kislin, Semyon Associate of Rudy Giuliani
Klitenic, Jason General Counsel, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Knight, Ellen Senior Director, Records Management Directorate, Executive Office of the President
Kupperman, Charles Former Deputy National Security Advisor
Langer, Mark Clerk of the Court, U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit
Leahy, Patrick U.S. Senator; Member, Senate Appropriations Committee
Lee, Mike U.S. Senator; Member, Senate Judiciary Committee
Lerner, Allison Vice Chair, Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE); Inspector General, National Science Foundation
Letter, Douglas General Counsel, House of Representatives
Levin, Daniel Attorney representing Laura Cooper
Linick, Steve State Department Inspector General
Lutsenko, Yuriy Prosecutor General of Ukraine (May 2016-Aug. 2019)
Maguire, Joseph Acting Director of National Intelligence
Maloney, Carolyn Acting Chair, House Committee on Oversight and Reform (assumed position after death of Rep. Cummings)
McCarthy, Kevin House Minority Leader
McConnell, Mitch Senate Majority Leader
McCormack, Brian Associate Director for Natural Resources, Energy, and Science, Office of Management and Budget
McKinley, Michael Former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State
Menendez, Robert U.S. Senator; Ranking Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Miller, Brian Senior Associate Counsel to the President
Mitchell, Nicolas Investigation Counsel, House Select Committee on Intelligence
Morgan, Matthew Counsel to the Vice President
Morrison, Timothy Senior Director for European and Russian Affairs, National Security Council
Moy, Stacey Deputy Assistant Director, Counterintelligence Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Mulvaney, Mick White House Acting Chief of Staff
Nadler, Jerrold Chair, House Committee on the Judiciary
Norquist, David Deputy Secretary of Defense
Nunes, Devin U.S. Senator; Ranking Member, House Select Committee on Intelligence
Paoletta, Mark General Counsel, Office of Management and Budget
Parnas, Lev Associate of Rudy Giuliani
Pelosi, Nancy Speaker of the House of Representatives
Pence, Mike Vice President of the United States
Perry, Rick Secretary of Energy
Peters, Gary Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Philbin, Patrick Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Counsel to the President
Pompeo, Mike Secretary of State
Portman, Rob U.S. Senator; Co-Chair of Senate Ukraine Caucus
Pressman, David Attorney representing Alexander Vindman
Purpura, Michael Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Counsel to the President
Raskin, Jamie Member, House Judiciary Committee
Reeker, Philip Acting Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs
Risch, Jim U.S. Senator; Chair, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Romney, Mitt U.S. Senator
Sandy, Mark Deputy Associate Director for National Security, Office of Management and Budget
Schiff, Adam Chair, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Schumer, Chuck Senate Democratic Leader
Shaheen, Jeanne U.S. Senator; Ranking Member, Subcommittee on European Affairs
Sondland, Gordon U.S. Ambassador to the European Union
Sullivan, John Deputy Secretary of State
Taylor, William Chargé d’Affaires, U.S. Embassy in Ukraine
Trump, Donald President of the United States
Turley, Jonathan J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law, The George Washington University Law School
Van Hollen, Chris U.S. Senator: Member, Senate Appropriations Committee
Vindman, Alexander National Security Council, Director for European Affairs
Volker, Kurt U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations (July 2017-Sept. 2019)
Vought, Russell Acting Director, Office of Management and Budget
Warner, Mark Vice Chair, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Whitehouse, Sheldon U.S. Senator; Member, Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Williams, Jennifer Special Advisor for Europe and Russia, Office of the Vice President
Wolosky, Lee Attorney representing Fiona Hill
Yovanovitch, Marie "Masha" U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine (Aug. 2016-May 2019)
Zelensky, Volodymyr President of Ukraine

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