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Career Choice & Change: Job Hunting, Internship Seeking & Discovering Your Career Path: Accounting Careers

This guide uncovers resources for exploration of careers and college major choices, career development and change, and resumes and interviewing.

Vault Careers: Accounting

The Vault online resource collection features banking and finance specific contents as well as company profiles, rankings, and industry and profession profiles. It's a great resource for job hunting, internship seeking and career planning. Below are a sample of the kinds of titles you'll come across here. Don't miss the guides for  Banking and Finance, Accounting and Consulting.

Other notable links for accounting: the rankings and guides sections, internships, intern resource center, and job search content.

How to Read Like a Pro

Every field and industry has at least one publication that people in the field read to keep up with what's going on. These magazines are in the Library's collections and you can access them and read like any pro in your field! For those exploring careers, they are great sources for inspiration. For job seekers, they are sources that can help you look knowledgable on trends, which can give you an edge for your job interviews and put you at ease for those moments of small talk with a potential employer.

Classic titles are:

C U R R E N T  E V E N T S and A C A D E M I C  A R T I C L E S

Trying to find articles on current articles in accounting or current articles in auditing? Look no further! 

NEWSFEED: Review of Accounting Studies

Significant academic research in accounting including theoretical, empirical, & experimental work. Articles on the "boundary" of accounting today.

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Featured Books

Previously-featured items:

Using Regional "Books of Lists" for Accounting Firms Jobs Research

Many North American regional business publications have list features in their weekly publications that are devoted to the top companies or organizations on a particular topic or industry, like top women-owned businesses, top accounting firms, largest employers in... (name a city)., etc.These weekly lists are compiled annually into a Book of Lists for a city or region.

There are two main publishers of these weeklies, and their contents are incorporated into at least one of two of our subscription resources, MasterFile Premier and Gale Business Insights. Southern CA local publications are listed below. You'll have to experiment to find similar publications in another region.

Note: not all of the most recent BoL issues are available yet. They will be updated here as they become available. Use the "latest rankings articles" in the meantime.

cover of the San Diego Book of Lists

Other Rankings of Accounting Firms

Career Resources @ Professional Associations' Sites