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Career Choice & Change: Job Hunting, Internship Seeking & Discovering Your Career Path: Industry Overviews

This guide uncovers resources for exploration of careers and college major choices, career development and change, and resumes and interviewing.

Hoover's Company Reports


Industry associations frequently are useful sources of news about market size and trends within an industry. The easiest way to identify potential publications from these sources is through using ProQuest Statistical Insight. Search by topic or association name (if known).

Market Research Highlights

Industry reports highlights from ProQuest Statistical Insight and OECD iLibrary, and other sources (IEEE, Nature), which frequently have specialized reports.

Private Sources: Analysts, Pre-packaged Risk Analysis

These resources cover background on industries or companies from a risk analysis perspective.

NOTE: When you register for Refinitiv Workspace to do market research and company research, here are the licenses to ask for: Workspace for Students; AMR add-on for Students. (AMR="advanced market research" package).

e-books with Technology Background

Looking for more?

Try these subject searches in UC Library Search:

Scanning Your Regulatory Environment? Think Newsletters

Nexis Uni has nearly 1000 fulltext online newsletters that provide constantly-updated analysis about the regulatory environment of business and Washington policy making. This timely content is uncovered simply by doing a News search on the Nexis Uni home page.

You also may limit your search specifically to these newsletters by path: Advanced Search limit to newsletters focused on company activities and management.

Example: Inside Washington Publishers group contains 25+ titles on a range of topics, including – California Energy & Climate Report, Clean Energy Report, Health Exchange Alert, Inside Cal/EPA, Inside EPA Weekly Report, Inside Health Reform, Inside US-China Trade, Water Policy Report, and more. 

Although you can search across all of them inside the Newsletters search in Nexis Uni, some titles have direct links: