CEIC Data CEIC Data contains economic, industrial and financial time-series data. Access limited to 5 simultaneous users. Try again later if refused.
Four databases are included in this package:
• China Premium Databases
The China Premium Database offers over 415,000 time-series records on macroeconomic, sector, industry and regional data dating back to 1949. The China Premium Database is available in both English and Chinese.
• Brazil Premium Databases
The Brazil Premium Database covers 13 macroeconomic and 13 industry growth sectors with unmatched coverage of the energy, biofuel, and automobile sectors. Regional data are also available for Brazil's 5 regions, all 27 states, and 6000 municipalities.
• Global Database
CEIC Data’s Global Database provides access to granular macroeconomic data covering both developed and emerging markets covering over 200 economies and is ideal for business students, professors and lecturers for macroeconomic research projects and course assignments.
• Daily Database