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Latin American Studies: News Sources on Latin America

An introductory guide to doing research in Latin American studies in the UCSD Library

Set up Alerts to Keep Up

A great way to keep up with News is to use BrowZine to create customized list of your favorite scholarly, peer-reviewed journals and News Sources (64 max), which you can access on the web (via, through a mobile app, or both as it syncs your account across all devices. 

Best Bets

Factiva is an EXCELLENT resource containing a broad collection of newspapers and periodicals.  However, searching in this database is a bit less intuitive than some -- so here are some pointers:

1. Select UC San Diego

2. Click on the Search button along the horizontal bars at the top and select "Search Builder" from the drop-down options.

3. To search Factiva effectively, IT IS ESSENTIAL TO USE BOOLEAN SEARCH TERMS (scroll down on the linked page to find a primer/reminder)!

4. To see if Factiva includes a particular source in its collection, click on the "Source" option and then type its name in the search box.

Full Search News Resources

IMPORTANT ACCESS INFORMATION For BNA AMERICAS:(1) The first time you login, you will need to use the passwordless login; put in your email and click on "send magic link." (2) The magic link will probably go to your Junk Mail/Spam.  Ifyou have that set so that you get a daily digest, by the time you get it it will probably have expired.  Here's how to get it more quickly and unblock it for the future. (3) Search your inbox or junk mail or deleted mail for : UCSD Spam Quaranteen Click on "Request New End User Digest" -- which will bring up a digest of your recent spam alerts. 5. Find the message from (likely in your junk mail) and click on "Release and Allow Sender"  - so that this email will go into your inbox and, in the future, any emails from BNAmericas will not be blocked.  Once you get in, you will be able to reset your password for continued use.


Tijuana's Independent Newspaper  Zeta known for its critical political and cultural commentary and its cultural supplements is microfilmed at UCSD.

UCSD also recently began to digitally archive the weekly print edition of Zeta  through the Internet Archive's Way Back Machine.  To access, click on the most recent date indicated.

The microfilm for 1984-2011 is available on Geisel's 2nd Floor West Wing (in the microfilm drawer -- call # XF 1865)

Recent print editions are available in the Current Newspapers area also on Geisel's 2nd Floor West Wing

For other editions, ask at the Research Assistance Desk to see issues in the Bindery.  These are for in-library use only.

San Diego News

Online access to UCSD affiliates is available for:

Microfilm access is available for issues from 1871-present. The newspaper has gone through various name changes, but all are together at call number XF 248. Microfilm provides cover-to-cover page images of all issues. 

Important Open Access Onine News Sites

LANIC Newspapers and News 

lists many different news sites, most offering some free content.

Latin American Newspapers (Zona Latina) 

list by country of newspaper web sites, some with free content

UN News 

Historical News Sources

Latin American Newspapers from the World Newspaper Archive

Full text of more than 200 fully searchable newspapers published in the 19th early 20th century from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, and elsewhere. Covers period 1805 through 1922 only.

Proquest Historical Newspapers 

Includes many newspapers providing information about U.S. Latin American relations (from a North American perspective).  Please note that clicking on the link above will bring out to a page listing the 52 newspapers from United States, Canada, and beyond, including Chinese, African American, and Jewish titles.  To get to a specific newspaper, click on the three bars in the top left, scroll down to publications, and either search for the publication you want or select the letter it begins with.

Alternatively, major national dailies can be accessed directly:

New York Times (1851-present)

Los Angeles Times(1881-present)

Washington Post (1877-present)

The Financial Times Historical Archive (1888-2010) Licensed by UCSD 

The Economist Historical Archive (1843-2011) Licensed by UCSD 

California Digital Newspaper Project 

Coordinates preservation of California newspapers printed since 1846. Catalog shows publishing history and library locations for nearly 13,000 papers. Part of the state-by-state U.S. Newspaper Project. Based at UC Riverside.

Foreign Broadcast Information Service Electronic Index Licensed by UCSD 

1975-1996. Index to the FBIS Daily Reports issued by the U.S. Government on political, economic, scientific and cultural issues and events worldwide. Translations of broadcasts, news agency transmissions, newspapers, periodicals, and government statements.

Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports Licensed by UCSD 

1941-1996. Translations by U.S. government of international magazine, newspaper, and newswire stories, transcripts from speeches and radio and television. Scanned from print Daily Report issues covering areas such as China, East Asia, Latin America.

Latin American Anarchist and Labour Periodicals Online

Full Text access to periodicals accumulated by the Austrian anarchist, historian and collector Max Nettlau (1865-1944) as well as additional items held at the International Institute of Social History (IISH) in Amsterdam. Materials pertaining explicitly to the formative anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist Latin American labor movement (1890-1920).

Latin American Newspapers in United States Libraries by Charno, Steven M. 

Call Number: Reference Geisel 2 W and Geisel 1 E Z 6947.L36

Publication Date: Austin : Published for the Conference on Latin American History by the University of Texas Press, [1969, ©1968]

The Center for Research Libraries provides online access to this resource to members.

[Argentina] Archivo Historico RTA (Radio y Televisión Argentina) 

El RTA ordena, preserva, digitaliza y pone en estado público el material audiovisual y sonoro que fuera tanto grabado como emitido por Canal 7 y Radio Nacional en Argentina. Prisma es su sitio web, que hace posible la democratización del acceso al acervo audiovisual y sonoro del Archivo Histórico de RTA. También, Prisma provea información contextual muy util sobre su contenido.
The Historic Archive of RTA (Radio and Television Argentina) organizes, preserves, and digitizes audiovisual and sound material recorded and distributed on Argentina’s Channel 7 and National Radio. Prisma is its website, which facilitates democratic, public access to tue audiovisiual and sound collections of the Historic Archive of RTA. Prisma provides rich contextual information about its content as well.

[Caribbean] Digital Library of the Caribbean (DLOC) includes a significant number of scanned, historical newspapers from Caribbean countries.  To limit to a certain kind of material (in this case newspapers, click on the types link across the top of the site, select your format (IE newspapers) and then keyword search -- using the default (basic search) or advanced search (from the drop-down "other searches" menu).  It is likely helpful to use the sort drop-down to list the items by "oldest [date] first" 

Independent and Revolutionary Mexican Newspapers

Enables full-text, searchable access to nearly 1000 Mexican newspapers covering the early nineteenth century through the Mexican Revolution.

[Spain] Digital Periodical and Newspaper Library