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Accounting Resources:

This research guide provides high quality resources for Masters of Accounting program and others studying accounting at UC San Diego

Financial Times: Campus-wide Access


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Financial Times is a leading international newspaper that is well-known for its world business, politics and economics news, as well as its data visualizations. Read more about its journalistic standards and Editorial Code here.

Current UC San Diego students, faculty, and staff may now create a free personal account to access the Financial Times via the publisher's direct platforms. Authenticate Here To Begin Creating Your Account

(Enter your active UCSD email address; please use a different password than your AD login one, for data security. Successful authentication will lead to the actual user account registration site.)

Note: we plan to changeover to SSO authentication for all users in January 2023.This link opens in a new wind This link opens

TERMS OF USE: Each account holder will be governed by the Copyright Policy, which is periodically updated by the publisher. Refer to that document for permitted and restricted uses.

Account Policies

The Copyright Policy governs your terms of use, i.e., how you can use and share content. Highlights:

  • Access is for current students, faculty and staff of UC San Diego
  • You must use your email address to register
  • You may not share your account with anyone else
  • You may only share content as permitted by the tools embedded in the site
    • NO ARTICLE FULL-TEXTS may be uploaded to, or posted in, Canvas.
    • resources are intended for your personal, educational use. Commercial use is not permitted.
    • No sharing content with non-UC San Diego people for a fee
  • Tips for Canvas and/or working in teams:
    • You MAY POST A LINK in Canvas, but not the full-text content. Using the link means everyone signs in to read with their own account.
      • To get the link, use the article's Share button and select the "FT Subscribers Only" link (preferred), or use the link in the address bar
      • The content may differ slightly between and e-paper edition of the same article
  • FT content is provided for general information or entertainment purposes, and should not be taken as a recommendation, endorsement or advice, and should not be relied upon for making decisions for purchasing, investments, sales, etc. FT recommends that you always should use appropriate other advice before making any such decisions.

NOTE: The Library reserves the right to deactivate user accounts, if they are not complying with copyright terms. If you have ANY questions about copyright or educational use, please contact Adele Barsh, who will help you. (abarsh at

Privacy Policy - When you create a account, your personal information is subject to use by publisher as described in their privacy policy.

Cookie Policy

Cyber Security Statement

Accessibility - all pages on the site are accredited accessible, conforming to level AA of the WCAG 2.1 guidelines, as verified by the Digital Accessibility Centre.This site was tested and found to be accessible to people using keyboard-only control, screen reader access on desktop and mobile, screen magnification and high-contrast mode. Some of the sub-domains are undergoing improvements. Video content includes closed captioning (with the caveat that videos older than 2016 may not all be captioned). FT is trialing a 3rd party tool for transcripts on podcasts. FT has a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template document in place spelling out its plan and progress to meeting accessibility standards.

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