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GovSpeak Errors: 11/23


ADB Assimilation Development Branch unable to verify
AVC Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance changed to Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability
BRL Basic Research Laboratory unable to verify
DPAC Defense Programs Advisory Committee unable to verify; likely replaced by ACNS - Advisory Committee for National Security
ED Office of Economic Impact and Diversity changed to EJE - Office of Energy Justice and Equity
EDSD Evaluation and Decision Support Division changed to WIDS - Weather Informatics and Decision Support Division
EVAL Evaluation Branch unable to verify
GCDC Global Change Data Center unable to verify
GSD Global Systems Division changed to GSL - Global Systems Laboratory
INSITE INtegrated Support for Impacted air-Traffic Environments unable to verify
OCSE Office of Child Support Enforcement changed to OCSS - Office of Child Support Services
OEID Office of Economic Impact and Diversity changed to EJE - Office of Energy Justice and Equity
OIS Office of Immigration Statistics replaced by OHSS - Office of Homeland Security Statistics
OPSO Office of Physical Sciences-Oncology changed to PS-ON - Physical Sciences-Oncology Network
PPL Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning changed to PLR - Bureau for Planning, Learning, and Resource Management
SIG School Improvement Grants unable to verify
SLC Smaller Learning Communities unable to verify
VICAR Violent Crime and Racketeering Section changed to VCRS - same name
WISE Weather Information Systems Evolution Section unable to verify