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GovSpeak Errors: 4/22


AILO American Indian Liaison Office changed to ONAA - Office of Native American Affairs
ANTD Advanced Network Technologies Division unable to verify
APFO Aerial Photography Field Office changed to GEO - Geospatial Enterprise Operations
CFP Office of Child and Family Programs changed to Child and Family Program
CIP Division for International Communications and Information Policy replaced by CDP - Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy
CIP/BA Office of Bilateral and Regional Affairs discontinued with establishment of CDP
CIP/MA Office of Multilateral Affairs discontinued with establishment of CDP
CIP/TS Office of Technology and Security Policy discontinued with establishment of CDP
DERS Data Element Registry Services decommissioned 3/22
ECR U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution changed to NCECR - John S. McClain III National Center for Environmental Conflict Resolution
ENT Emerging Network Technologies Group unable to verify
GSB Geospatial Services Branch unable to verify; likely changed to/merged with GEO - Geospatial Enterprise Operations
IRSOB IRS Oversight Board unable to verify
NPS National Participants Survey unable to verify
NUPO National Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program Office changed to NUSO - National Unscrewed Systems Office
S/CCI Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues replaced by CDP - Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy
SSRC Shared Services Resource Catalog unable to verify
WR OSMRE Western Region unable to verify