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GovSpeak Errors: 10/22


AGNPS Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution Model unable to verify
AMO Advanced Manufacturing Office split into AMMTO (Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office) and IEDO (Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office)
AWEP Agricultural Water Enhancement Program unable to verify
AWTP Advanced Wireless Test Platforms unable to verify
CMU Crisis Management Unit unable to verify
CPGL Conservation of Private Grazing Land unable to verify
DART Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Database unable to verify
EHR Directorate for Education and Human Resources changed to EDU - Directorate for STEM Education
EWPP Emergency Watershed Protection Program changed to EWP - same name
FAVIR Fruits and Vegetables Import Requirements Database replaced by ACIR - Agricultural Commodity Import Requirements
FBE Foreign Biometric Exchange Program unable to verify
FRPP Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program unable to verify
FSIMS Flight Standards Information Management System decommissioned; replaced by DRS - Dynamic Regulatory System
GRAIL Gaseous Radioisotope Analysis In Situ Laboratory unable to verify
MT&D Marine Trash and Debris changed to Marine Debris Program (no acronym)
NGCE National Geospatial Center of Excellence unable to verify
NTER National Training and Education Resource unable to verify
OCRWM Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management unable to verify
OEHRM Office of Electronic Health Record Modernization changed to VA EHRM Integration Office (no acronym)
RGL Regulatory and Guidance Library decommissioned; replaced by DRS - Dynamic Regulatory System
RISA Regional Integrated Sciences & Assessments changed to CAP/RISA - Climate Adaptation Partnerships/Regional Integrated Sciences & Assessments
SWSI Surface Water Supply Index unable to verify
WHIP Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program unable to verify
WRP Wetlands Reserve Program unable to verify