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GovSpeak Errors: 4/20

AFF American FactFinder ceased; replaced by
BB Biologics Branch unable to verify
BC3 Building Component Cost Community unable to access/verify
BDP Big Data Project changed to Big Data Program
CFSRU Counterterrorism and Forensic Science Research Unit changed to RSU - Research and Support Unit
CSD Chemical Sciences Division (NOAA) changed to CSL - Chemical Sciences Laboratory
DAS Data and Analytical Solutions Division unable to verify
EADS USAID Economic Analysis and Data Services changed to USAID Data Services
EPPMD Engineering Program/Project Management Division changed to EPPD - Engineering Policy, Practice, and Development Division
FDB Financial Disclosure Branch unable to verify
GIPSA Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration absorbed into AMS - Agricultural Marketing Service
HCAAF Human Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework unable to verify
HRCPO HR Connect Program Office changed to EBS - Enterprise Business Solutions
ILA Independent Living Administration unable to verify
IMCP Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership unable to verify
IPI International and Philanthropic Innovation changed to IPAD - International and Philanthropic Affairs Division
PILB Public Information and Liaison Branch changed to CB - Communications Branch
PSD Physical Sciences Division changed to PSL - Physical Sciences Laboratory
SARC Stock Assessment Review Committee  unable to verify
SAW Stock Assessment Workshop unable to verify
WED Western Ecology Division changed to PESD - Pacific Ecological Systems Division

Note: Some of the changes on this month's list may be old changes, discovered in the course of a manual - rather than automated - link review.