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GovSpeak Errors: 8/20

ACSNCA Advisory Committee for the Sustained National Climate Assessment defunct 8/17
AHPP Alternative Housing Pilot Program unable to verify
CEE Consumer Education and Engagement Division changed to CEEA - Consumer Education and External Affairs Division
DCN Division of Cardiovascular and Nephrology changed to DCN - Division of Cardiology and Nephrology
FERRETT Federated Electronic Research, Review, Extraction, and Tabulation Tool decommissioned 6/20; replaced by Microdata Access
LWRS Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program unable to access/verify
MAP Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning changed to Risk MAP
NEUP Nuclear Energy University Programs unable to access/verify
OAH Office of Adolescent Health merged with Office of Population Affairs 6/19
OFDC Office of Federal Disaster Coordination unable to verify
REPP Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program changed to REP - Radiological Emergency Preparedness
SLPSRA Division of Space Life and Physical Sciences Research and Applications changed to BPS - Division of Biological and Physical Sciences
SNCAFAC Sustained National Climate Assessment Federal Advisory Committee defunct 8/17
TSA Transitional Sheltering Assistance unable to verify