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GovSpeak Errors: 5/20

ACE Aerosols, Clouds, Ecosystems unable to verify
COA Clinical Outcome Assessments changed to DCOA - Division of Clinical Outcome Assessment
DBRUP Division of Bone, Reproductive, and Urologic Products unable to verify
DCaRP Division of Cardiovascular and Renal Products changed to DCN - Division of Cardiovascular and Nephrology
DDDP Division of Dermatology and Dental Products changed to DDD - Division of Dermatology and Dentistry
DGIEP Division of Gastroenterology and Inborn Errors Products changed to DG - Division of Gastroenterology
EEP External Expertise and Partnerships changed to PAIRS - Partnerships to Advance Innovation and Regulatory Science
LSB Laboratory Support Branch unable to verify
NORMS National Occupational Respiratory Mortality System unable to verify
NSLTCP National Study of Long-Term Care Providers changed to NPALS - National Post-acute and Long-term Care Study
NTES National Training and Education System unable to verify
OADS Office of the Associate Director for Science changed to OS - Office of Science
ODE III Office of Drug Evaluation III changed to OII - Office of Immunology and Inflammation
OIAA Office of Information Analysis and Access unable to verify; likely replaced by OIM - Office of Information Management
OIC Office of Information Collection unable to verify; likely replaced by OIM - Office of Information Management
ONDIEH Office of Noncommunicable Diseases, Injury and Environmental Health changed to Deputy Director for Non-Infectious Diseases
RADInfo Radiation Information Database discontinued 6/19

Note: Some of the changes on this month's list may be old changes, discovered in the course of a manual - rather than automated - link review.