The Library has an agreement with the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) to provide UC San Diego students, faculty, and staff access to selected LAPOP datasets. LAPOP has produced over sixty surveys analyzing public perceptions of the role of government, political tolerance, citizen participation, and corruption among other issues. Uniquely, it includes The Americas Barometer, which is viewed as the most comprehensive survey of democratic public opinion and behavior that covers the Americas.
Access to LAPOP data is restricted to current students, faculty and staff at UC San Diego. These data may not be copied or redistributed in whole or part to third parties outside of UC San Diego. Please contact Data Services if you have any questions about LAPOP survey data access and usage.
Please note that journal articles, conference papers, books, book chapters, and other publications or reports that employ LAPOP data should include an acknowledgement line that would say: “We thank the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) and its major supporters (the United Stated Agency for International Development, the United Nations Development Program, the Inter-American Development Bank, and Vanderbilt University) for making the data available.”
All data files are available in both SPSS (.sav) and Stata (.dta) formats. The questionnaires for each survey are also available in PDF format.