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GovSpeak: A Guide to U.S. Government Acronyms & Abbreviations: C

The most current, extensive and fully-linked listing of U.S. government agency, office, program and publication acronyms.


C2M2 Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model
C2QA Co-design Center for Quantum Advantage
C3 Critical Infrastructure Cyber Community Voluntary Program (unable to verify 8/19) | Cyber Crimes Center (older link archive; archive2) | Pacific Northwest Climate Change Collaboration (unable to verify 9/15)
C3D Computation and Data Driven Discovery Division
C3RS Confidential Close Call Reporting System (older link archive; archive2)
C3VP Critical Infrastructure Cyber Community Voluntary Program (unable to verify 12/23)
CA Bureau of Consular Affairs (older link archive; archive2)
CAAAC Clean Air Act Advisory Committee
CAAC Civilian Agency Acquisition Council
CAAR Cost Analysis and Audit Resolution
CAB Climate Analysis Branch (unable to verify 11/18)
CABBI Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation
CABHI Cooperative Agreements to Benefit Homeless Individuals (unable to verify 8/23)
caBIG Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (defunct)
CABS Country Analysis Briefs
CAC Census Advisory Committees | Clouds, Aerosol, & Climate program
CACFP Child and Adult Care Food Program (older link archive)
CACGP College Access Challenge Grant Program
CACL Carbonate Aquifer Characterization Laboratory
CADDIS Causal Analysis/Diagnosis Decision Information System (older link archive)
CADR Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution, BLM | Office of Collaborative Action and Dispute Resolution, DOI
CADRO Collaboration and Alternative Dispute Resolution Office (older link archive)
CADRS Office of Consumer Affairs & Dispute Resolution Services (older link archive)
CAN Cures Acceleration Network (older link archive)
caNanoLab cancer Nanotechnology Laboratory (older link archive; archive2)
CANDOR Communication and Optimal Resolution (older link archive)
CannaQAP Cannabis Quality Assurance Program
CAOC Chief Acquisition Officers Council (earlier link)
CAOE Center for Accelerating Operational Efficiency
CAP Capability Acceptance Process | Client Assistance Program (older link archive) | Climate Adaption Partnerships | Collections Assessment for Preservation | Consulting and Advanced Projects Directorate | Criminal Alien Program (changed to Criminal Apprehension Program; older link archive) | Cross-Agency Performance Goals (inactive; older link archive)
CAPFUND Capital Fund
CAP-M CISA Advanced Analytics Platform for Machine Learning
CAPP Coastal Aquaculture Planning Portal (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4)
CAPPS II Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System (unable to verify; see GAO Report)
CAP/RISA Climate Adaptation Partnerships/Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments
CAPS Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (older link archive; archive2)
CAPSA Census of Adult Parole Supervising Agencies
CAPT Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies (unable to verify 5/19)
CAPTA List List of Foreign Financial Institutions Subject to Correspondent Account or Payable-Through Account Sanctions (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
CAPUS Care and Prevention in the United States
CAR Climate Action Report (archived)
CARAT Commercial Adoption Readiness Assessment Tool
CARD Child Abduction Rapid Deployment Team
CARDS Computer Access to Research on Dietary Supplements
CARE Community Action for a Renewed Environment (unavailable 2/18) | Critical Agricultural Research and Extension (older link archive; archive2)
CAROL Case Analysis and Reporting Online (older link archive)
CaRPE Carbon Reduction Potential Evaluation Tool
CARRA Center for Administrative Records Research and Applications
CARS Car Allowance Rebate System (defunct) | Central Accounting Reporting System (older link archive)
CART Community Assessment Reporting Tool
CARTS CHIP Annual Reporting Template System
CARVE Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment
CAS Corporate Applications Search
CAS Board Cost Accounting Standards Board
CASAC Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (older link archive; archive2)
CASC Center for Applied Scientific Computing (older link archive) | Central American Service Corps | Climate Adaptation Science Center (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4; archive5)
CASL Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors
CASM Communication Assets Survey and Mapping Tool
CASMIRC Child Abduction and Serial Murder Investigative Resources Center (unable to verify 6/18)
CASOM Comprehensive Approaches to Sex Offender Management Program (unable to verify 6/20; older link archive)
CASPIR CDC and ATSDR Specimen Packaging, Inventory and Repository (unable to verify 8/14)
CASS Coastal Aquaculture Siting and Sustainability (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
CASTNET Clean Air Status and Trends Network
CASU Cooperative Administrative Support Units (defunct)
CAT Chemical Catalysis (older link archive)
CAT-2 Credential Authentication Technology 2
CATC Clean Air Technology Center | College Affordability and Transparency Center
CATEF College Affordability and Transparency Explanation Form
CATI California Clean Air Technology Initiative
CATR Office of Conventional Arms Threat Reduction (older link archive; archive2)
CatReg Categorical Regression Analysis (older link archive; archive2)
CATS Center for the Advancement of Topological Semimetals | Central Application Tracking System | Cloud-Aerosol Transport System (older link archive) | Consolidated Asset Tracking System (older link archive)
CAVC United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program
CAVSS Centralized Area Video Surveillance System
CAW Center for Animal Welfare (older link archive)
CAWSC California Water Science Center (older link archive; archive2)
CCE Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems | Connecting Climate Entrepreneurs (unable to verify 4/23)
CCED Chemical Characterization and Exposure Division
CCEEPRA Child Care and Early Education Policy and Research Analysis (older link archive)
CCEHBR Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research (unable to verify 10/17)
CCEHIP Coordinating Center for Environmental Health and Injury Prevention (defunct)
CCF Capital Construction Fund (older link archive; archive2) | Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities (older link archive) | Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation (defunct as of 3/15) | Compassion Capital Fund (unable to verify 2/21) | Division of Computing and Communication Foundations (older link archive)
CCFF Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation
CCG Center for Cancer Genomics (older link archive) | Country Commercial Guides (older link archive; archive2)
CCGBV Council on Combating Gender-Based Violence
CCGG Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases
CCGO Clinical Center Genomics Opportunity (older link archive)
CCH Center for Cryptologic History
CCHC Computing Cultural Heritage in the Cloud
CCHDO CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Data Office
CCHE Center for Cancer Health Equity
CCHH Climate Change and Human Health
CCHHG Interagency Crosscutting Group on Climate Change and Human Health (older link archive; archive2)
CCHIS Coordinating Center for Health Information and Service (unable to verify 12/15)
CCHQ Commissioned Corps Headquarters
CCHT Center for Countering Human Trafficking (older link archive)
CCI Census of Construction Industries | Community Catalyst Initiative | Community College Initiative Program
CDD Conserved Domains Database
CDDB Contraceptive Discovery and Development Branch (changed to CRB)
CDDIS Crustal Dynamics Data Information System
CDE Campaign for Disability Employment | Crime Data Explorer (older link archive)
CDER Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4)
CDF Calculator Customer Damage Function Calculator
CDFI Community Development Financial Institutions
CDGB Commerce Data Governance Board
CDHC Coral Disease & Health Consortium
CDI Chronic Disease Indicators
CDIAC Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (migrated into ESS-DIVE; older link archive)
CDIP Crash Data Improvement Program (unable to verify 3/20; older link archive)
CDL Census Depository Library | Commercial Driver's License Program | Cropland Data Layer
CDM Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
CDNS Climatological Data National Summary
CDO Chief Data Officer | Climate Data Online
CDOC Federal Chief Data Officers Council
CDOM Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets (unable to verify 10/19)
CDP Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy | Center for Domestic Preparedness | Commercial Data Program | Contraceptive Development Program
CDR Chemical Data Reporting | Climate Data Record Program (changed to CDRs)
CDRH Center for Devices and Radiological Health (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
cdRNS Common Data Repository for Nursing Science
CDRs Climate Data Records
CDRST Center for Direct Reading and Sensor Technologies
CDS Capability Development Support | Cataloging Distribution Service | Clinical Decision Support | Crashworthiness Data System
CDSCC Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex
CDSi Clinical Decision Support for Immunization
CDSI Conservation Delivery Streamlining Initiative (unable to verify)
CDSL Cancer Data Science Laboratory
CDUP Commerce Data Usability Project (unable to verify 11/18)
CDX EPA Central Data Exchange
CE Conservation Education (older link archive) | Consumer Expenditure Survey
CEA Council of Economic Advisers (older link archive)
CEAC Consular Electronic Application Center
CEAH Center for Epidemiology & Animal Health (older link archive)
CEAM Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (older link archive; archive2)
CEAP Conservation Effects Assessment Project (older link archive)
CEB Pacific Coastal Ecology Branch
CEBAF Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
CEBB Customs Electronic Bulletin Board (migrated to CBP)
CeBONDS Cash Electronic Bonds
CEBR DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction Program
CEBS Chemical Effects in Biological Systems database
CEC Climate Engagement and Capacity Building Interagency Group | Commission for Environmental Cooperation
CECA Center of Excellence on Children in Adversity (unable to verify 11/21) | Clean Energy Cybersecurity Accelerator (older link archive)
CECC Congressional-Executive Commission on China
CED Center for Enterprise Dissemination | Community Economic Development Program
CEDC Communications Equity and Diversity Council
CEDCaP Census Enterprise Data Collection and Processing Systems
CEDI Cumulative Estimated Daily Intakes (older link archive) | Cybersecurity Education Diversity Initiative (older link archive)
CEDR Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (older link archive)
CEDS Common Education Data Standards | Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
CEDSCI Census Enterprise Dissemination Services and Consumer Innovation
CEE Consumer Education and Engagement Division (changed to CEEA; older link archive) | Communication, Education, and Engagement Division (older link archive)
CEEA Consumer Education and External Affairs Division (older link archive)
CEEBT Center of Educational Excellence for Black Teachers Program at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
CEED Center for Efficient Exascale Discretizations | Climate Entrepreneurship for Economic Development (changed to CCE)
CEGIS Center of Excellence for Geospatial Information Science (older link archive; archive2)
CEHTP California Environmental Health Tracking Program (changed to Tracking California)
CEHTTFs Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Forces
CEI Climate Extremes Index (older link archive)
CEIC Clean Energy Investment Center (changed to EIC)
CEII Critical Electric Infrastructure Information (unable to verify 9/22)
CEJST Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (older link archive)
CELAVI Circular Economy Lifecycle Assessment and Visualization
CELCP Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program
CELICA Clean Energy for Low-Income Communities Accelerator
CELS Computing, Environment, and Life Sciences
CEMC Confocal and Electron Microscopy Core
CEMM Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling
CEMP Community Environmental Monitoring Program
CEN Bureau of the Census
CENC Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity
CENDI Federal STI Managers Group (formerly Commerce, Energy, NASA, Defense Information Managers Group)
CENP Child Exploitation Notification Program
CENRS NSTC Committee on Environment, Natural Resources, and Sustainability (defunct or inactive 1/17, WH transition)
CEO Chief Evaluation Office (older link archive) | Collect Earth Online
CEOS Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (older link archive)
CEP Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking | Community Eligibility Provision (older link archive; archive2) | Completed Exposure Pathway | Currency Education Program
CEPD Caribbean Environmental Protection Division
CEPI Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement
CEPPO Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office (unable to verify 12/15)
CEPS Center for Earth and Planetary Studies (older link archive; archive2)
CEQ Council on Environmental Quality (older link archive)
CER Community, Equity and Resiliency | Comparative Effectiveness Research (retired 9/21; older link archive; archive2)
CERC Columbia Environmental Research Center (older link archive; archive2) | Crisis & Emergency Risk Communication
CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, & Liability Information System (defunct; replaced by SEMS)
CERISS Commercially Enabled Rapid Space Science
CERP Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan
CERSC Central Energy Resources Science Center
CERSIs Centers of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation
CERT Community Emergency Response Teams (older link archive; archive2; archive3) | Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (older link archive; archive2)
CERTS Coronavirus Economic Relief for Transportation Services
CES Center for Economic Studies (older link archive) | Cooperative Extension System | Counterintelligence and Export Control Section (older link archive) | Current Employment Statistics
CESCF Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund
CESD Climate and Environmental Sciences Division (older link archive; archive2)
CESER Center for Environmental Solutions and Emergency Response | Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response
CETC Current and Emerging Threats Center (older link archive)
CfA Center for Analytics
CFA Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics (older link archive) | Commission of Fine Arts
CFACT Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends
CFAP Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (page archived 10/21; older link archive)
CFAR Centers for AIDS Research
CFATS Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
CFBCI Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (changed to CFBNP)
CFBNP Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (changed to CFOI)
CFC Combined Federal Campaign
CFCP Congressionally Funded Community Projects
CFDA Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (replaced by Assistance Listings)
CFE-DM Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance
C-FERST Community-Focused Exposure and Risk Screening Tool (no longer updating as of 8/19; older link archive; archive2)
CFETF COVID-19 Fraud Enforcement Task Force
CFFP Capital Fund Financing Program
CFFR Consolidated Federal Funds Report (older link archive)
CFID Commercial Fishing Incident Database (older link archive)
CFIUS Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States (older link archive)
CFL Computers for Learning
CFLEO Census of Federal Law Enforcement Officers
CFLHD Central Federal Lands Highway Division (older link archive)
CFLR Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration (also, CFLRP; older link archive)
CFLRP Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (also, CFLR; older link archive)
CFM Census Flows Mapper | Division of Contracting & Facilities Management, FWS (changed to CGS)
CFN Center for Functional Nanomaterials
CFO Chief Financial Officers Council
CFOC Chief Financial Officers Council
CFOI Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (older link archive) | Centers for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives (unable to verify 2/21; older link archive)
CFP Climate Friendly Parks Program | Child and Family Program (changed from Office of Child and Family Programs; older link archive) | Community Forest Program
CFPB Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
CFPCGP Community Food Projects Competitive Grant Program (older link archive; archive2)
CFR Center for Financial Research | Code of Federal Regulations (older link archive)
CFRAC Climate-related Financial Risk Advisory Committee
CFRP Community Facilities Relending Program (older link archive) | Cuban Family Reunification Parole Program (older link archive)
CFS Commodity Flow Survey (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
CFSAC Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (defunct 9/18)
CFSAN National Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (older link archive; archive2)
CFSRs Child and Family Services Reviews (older link archive; archive2)
CFSRU Counterterrorism and Forensic Science Research Unit (changed to RSU)
CFSv2 Climate Forecast System Version 2
CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission
CFTF Carbon Fiber Technology Facility
CFTT Computer Forensics Tool Testing
CFWSC Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center
CG Comptroller General of the United States (older link archive)
CGAHR Center for Grain and Animal Health Research
CGB Cancer Genetics Branch (changed to CGCGB) | Clinical Genetics Branch (older link archive) | Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau (older link archive)
CGC Crop Germplasm Committees
CGCGB Cancer Genetics and Comparative Genomics Branch (older link archive)
CGCI Cancer Genome Characterization Initiative (older link archive)
CGCS Cotton Ginning Cost Share Program (unable to verify 2/22)
CGDSR Center for Genomics and Data Science Research
CGFS Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services (older link archive)
CGH Center for Global Health, CDC (changed to Global Health Center) | Center for Global Health, NCI
CGIC Crime Gun Intelligence Center
CGMHR Center for Global Mental Health Research (older link archive)
CGO Community Guide Office
CGP Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
CGS Center for Global Security (unable to verify 8/19) | Division of Contracting and General Services (unable to verify 3/22)
CGSOC Command and General Staff Officers Course
CGSR Center for Global Security Research
CHEP Community Health and Economic Prosperity (older link archive)
CHEU Crude Helium Enrichment Unit
CHF Central Hazardous Materials Fund
CHI Community Health Improvement (page archived; older link archive)
CHIA Cumulative Hydrologic Impact Assessment
CHID Combined Health Information Database (discontinued as of 9/06)
CHIEF Clearinghouse for Inventories & Emissions Factors
CHIIC CDC Health Information Innovation Consortium (unable to verify 1/24; older link archive; archive2; archive3)
CHILL'D Out Cooling, Housing, Isolation & mobility, eLectricity, Learning, Drugs Outside (older link archive)
CHIP Children's Health Insurance Program (older link archive) | Community Health Improvement Plan | Complete Health Improvement Program
CHIRI Child Health Insurance Research Initiative
CHMR Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response
CHMRAP Civilian Harm Mitigation and Response Action Plan
CHNS NSTC Committee on Homeland & National Security (defunct or inactive 1/17, WH transition)
CHOB Cannon House Office Building
CHOPD Change Healthcare/Optum Payment Disruption
CHORC Community Health Online Resource Center (retired 10/21)
CHP Combined Heat and Power | COPS Hiring Program (older link archive)
CHPAC Children's Health Protection Advisory Committee (older link archive)
CHPS Community Hydrologic Prediction System
CHQR Community Health Quality Recognition
CHRNS Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering (older link archive)
CHS Census of Horticultural Specialties
CHSI Community Health Status Indicators (discontinued; merged into County Health Rankings & Roadmaps); older link archive
CHSP Comparative Health System Performance Initiative
CI Computation Institute (defunct 2018; older link archive) | Cooperative Institutes, NOAA | Counterintelligence | Criminal Investigation (older link archive)
CI2 Council for Inclusive Innovation
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CIADM Centers for Innovation in Advanced Development and Manufacturing (older link archive)
CIAO Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office (see NIAC)
CIAP Coastal Impact Assistance Program (unable to verify 3/22; older link archive)
CIAQ Federal Interagency Committee on Indoor Air Quality
CIB Clinical Investigations Branch
CIC Census Information Centers | Consumer Information Center (discontinued; replaced by | Cyber Intelligence Center
CIC/AG Counterintelligence Center Analysis Group (unable to verify 2/17)
CICA U.S.-Mexico Border Information Center on Air Pollution (older link archive)
CICP Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program
CIDA Center for Integrated Data Analytics (changed to OWI)
CIDI Center for International Disaster Information (older link archive)
CIDR CRSSP Imagery-Derived Requirements (older link archive)
CID-TV Comprehensive Incident Database on Targeted Violence
CIE Competitive Integrated Employment
C-IEDS Counter-IED Section (unable to verify 8/22)
CI-FLOW Coastal and Inland Flooding Observation and Warning Project (older link archive)
CIFS Center for Innovative Finance Support
CIG Capital Investment Grants Program | Conservation Innovation Grants (older link archive)
CIGIE Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
CIGP Citizenship and Integration Grant Program (changed to Citizenship and Assimilation Grant Program, then reverted back 2/21)
CIH Crop Insurance Handbook
CIHS Center for Integrated Health Solutions (changed to Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions; older link archive)
CIL Cancer Innovation Laboratory
CIMC Cleanups in My Community | Counterintelligence Mission Center (older link archive)
CIMS CDFI Information Mapping System
CINA Criminal Investigations and Network Analysis Center
CINCH Components of Inventory Change
CINDRR Center of Innovation on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
CINMS Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
CINT Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies
CIO Center for Immuno-Oncology
CIO Council Chief Information Officers Council
CIOC Chief Information Officers Council
CIP Cancer Imaging Program | Cataloging in Publication (older link archive; archive2) | Center for Integrated Programs (older link archive) | Division for International Communications and Information Policy (replaced by CDP) | Office of Case Intake and Publication | Division of Critical Infrastructure Protection (older link archive)
CIPAC Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council (older link archive; archive2)
CIP/BA Office of Bilateral and Regional Affairs (discontinued with establishment of CDP)
CIP/MA Office of Multilateral Affairs (discontinued with establishment of CDP)
CIPRIS Coordinated Interagency Partnership Regulating International Students (see SEVIS)
CIP/TS Office of Technology and Security Policy (discontinued with establishment of CDP)
CIR Collections Information Repository | Current Industrial Reports (older link archive)
CIRA Climate Change Impacts and Risks Analysis
CIRC Cyber Incident Reporting Council
CIREN Crash Injury Research Engineering Network
CIRG Critical Incident Response Group (older link archive)
CIRI Critical Infrastructure Resilience Institute
CIRR Commercial Interest Reference Rates | Office of Cyber, Infrastructure, Risk and Resilience Policy
CIS Cancer Information Service (older link archive)
CISA Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (older link archive)
CISCP Cyber Information Sharing and Collaboration Program (unable to verify 4/23)
CISE Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (older link archive)
CISR Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience
CISS Crash Investigation Sampling System
CISVC Clinical Indicators of Sexual Violence in Custody
CIT Center for Information Technology | United States Court of International Trade (older link archive)
CITA Committee for the Implementation of Textile Agreements (older link archive; archive2)
CITAP Coordinated Interagency Authorizations and Permits Program
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
Cities-LEAP Cities Leading through Energy Analysis and Planning (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
CIV Civil Division
CJI Census of Jail Inmates
CJIS Criminal Justice Information Services (older link archive; archive2)
CJPAF Criminal Justice Participation Assistance Fund
CJRP Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement
CJSSC Civil Justice Survey of State Courts
ClinGen Clinical Genome Resource
CLIVAR US Climate Variability and Predictability
CLP Chemistry of Life Processes (older link archive)
CLPPP Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
CLPT Office of Civil Liberties, Privacy and Transparency
CLSD Comprehensive Literacy State Development
CLU Climate and Land Use Change (changed to Land Resources; unable to verify 9/20) | Criminal Liaison Unit
CMA Cash and Medical Assistance (older link archive) | Center for Marine Acoustics
CMAA Customs Mutual Assistance Agreements
CMAP California Current Marine Mammal Assessment Program
CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program
CMAS Center for Multiscale Applied Sensing
CMAT Community Mitigation Assistance Team
CMB Clinical/Medical Branch (older link archive; archive2) | Committee Management Branch | Comparative Medicine Branch (older link archive) | Cosmic Microwave Background
CMB-S4 Cosmic Microwave Background-Stage 4
CMBC Creative Media and Broadcast Center (older link archive)
CMC Office of Civilian-Military Cooperation
CMCS Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (older link archive)
CME Center for Molecular Engineering
CMEC Census of Medical Examiner and Coroner Offices
CMECS Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (older link archive; archive2)
CMEDE Center for Materials in Extreme Dynamic Environments
CMEL Center for Management and Executive Leadership (changed to FAA University; unable to verify 11/14)
CMGDS Coastal and Marine Geoscience Data System
CMGP Coastal and Marine Geology Program (changed to CMHRP)
CMHRP Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program (older link archive)
CMHS Center for Mental Health Services
CMI Critical Materials Institute
CMIP Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (older link archive)
CMKI Countering Malign Kremlin Influence (older link archive; archive2)
CMMC Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification
CMMD Condensed Matter and Materials Division (changed to MSD)
CMMI Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative | Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation
CMO Certificate Management Offices | Charter Management Organization (older link archive) | Committee Management Office | Congressional Members Organization (older link archive; archive2)
CMOP Coalbed Methane Outreach Program
CMOR Climate Model Output Rewriter (unable to verify 5/15)
CMP Civil Monetary Penalty | Connections Marketplace
CMPR China Military Power Report (older link archive; older editions available via FDLP)
CMPRP Civil Money Penalty Reinvestment Program (older link archive)
CMR Common Metadata Repository | Congressionally Mandated Reports
CMRA Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation
CMRP Clinical Monitoring Research Program (changed to CMRPD)
CMRPD Clinical Monitoring Research Program Directorate (older link archive; archive2)
CMRS Case Management and Reporting System
CMS Carbon Monitoring System (older link archive) | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CMSHS Center for Maritime Safety and Health Studies (older link archive)
CMSI Crop Moisture Stress Index (unable to verify 12/21)
CMSP Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (unable to verfiy 2/20)
CMTS Committee on the Marine Transportation System
CMU Crisis Management Unit (unable to verify 10/22; older link archive)
CMV Center for Minority Veterans
CMVS Center for Motor Vehicle Safety (older link archive)
CMWSC Central Midwest Water Science Center
COAC Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee (previously, Advisory Committee on Commercial Operations of the Customs and Border Protection)
C.O.A.L. Claimant Online Access Link
COALS Cable Operations and Licensing System (older link archive)
COAST Coastal Ocean Assessments, Status, and Trends (unable to verify 5/16)
CoastsIG Coasts Interagency Group
COB Coordination of Benefits (older link archive)
COB&R Coordination of Benefits & Recovery (older link archive)
COBRA CO-Benefits Risk Assessment Health Impacts Screening and Mapping Tool | Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
CoC Congressional Oversight Commission | Continuum of Care Program
COCA Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity | Coastal and Ocean Climate Applications (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4)
CoCASA Comprehensive Clinic Assessment Software Application (older link archive)
CoCHP Coordinating Center for Health Promotion (defunct)
COD Common Origination and Disbursement
CODIS Combined DNA Index System (older link archive; archive2)
COE Center for Outcomes and Evidence (merged into CEPI) | Condition of Education | Grants Center of Excellence
COER Commissioned Officers’ Effectiveness Report
COFFA Council on Federal Financial Assistance
COFO Coalition of Federal Ombudsman (older link archive; archive2)
COGH Coordinating Office for Global Health (changed to CGH)
COIL Census Open Innovation Labs | Congressional Office for International Leadership
COJ Census of Jails (older link archive)
COL Cooperative Oxford Laboratory (older link archive)
COLC Copyright Office, Library of Congress
COLE Carbon OnLine Estimator (older link archive)
College AIM College Alcohol Intervention Matrix (older link archive)
COM Climate Observations and Monitoring (older link archive)
COMBAT Commercial Building Analysis Tool for Energy-Efficient Retrofits (unable to verify 6/19)
COMET City-based Optimization Model for Energy Technologies | Communication and Education in Tumor Profiling
COMETS COnsortium of METabolomics Studies
CoMFRT Co-Management of Fire Risk Transmission (older link archive)
ComPASS Community Partnerships to Advance Science for Society
CompTox Computational Toxicology Chemicals Dashboard (older link archive)
COMT Coastal and Ocean Modeling Testbed
CONCEPTS CONservational Channel Evolution and Pollutant Transport System
CoNED Coastal National Elevation Database
CONPLAN U.S. Government Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan (unable to verify 1/23)
CONSER Cooperative Online Serials
COOL Country of Origin Labeling
COOP Continuity of Operations, GSA (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4; archive5) | Continuity of Operations Program, HHS (unable to verify 4/24) | Cooperative Observer Network (older link archive)
CO-OP Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan (older link archive; archive2)
CO-OPS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services
CoP Conference of the Parties (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
COPAG Cosmic Origins Program Analysis Group
COPR Council of Public Representatives (unable to verify 11/14)
COPS Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
COPs/ROPs Country Operational Plans (older link archive)
COR Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Division | Cosmic Origins Program
CORAL COral Reef Airborne Laboratory (older link archive; archive2)
CORD CDC Online Resource Directory (unable to verify 12/18) | Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration (older link archive; archive2)
CORE Network Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation Network (older link archive)
Core SIPP Core State Injury Prevention Program
Core SVIPP Core State Violence and Injury Prevention Program (replaced by Core SIPP; older link archive)
Core VIPP Core Violence and Injury Prevention Program (changed to Core SVIPP)
CORES COmmission REgistration System
CoRIS Coral Reef Information System
CORP Corporation for National and Community Service (changed to CNCS)
CORR Center for Occupational Robotics Research (older link archive)
CORS Continuously Operating Reference Stations
CoRTAD Coral Reef Temperature Anomaly Database
CORVD Coronavirus and Other Respiratory Viruses Division
CoS NSTC Committee on Science (defunct or inactive 1/17, WH transition)
COS CareerOneStop | Report of Organization (older link archive)
COSIM Climate, Ocean and Sea Ice Modeling (unable to verify 12/16)
CoSMoS Coastal Storm Modeling System
COSSAP Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (changed to COSSUP)
COSSUP Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program
CoSTEM NSTC Committee on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education (defunct or inactive 1/17, WH transition)
CoT NSTC Committee on Technology (defunct or inactive 1/17, WH transition)
COTPER Coordinating Office for Terrorism Preparedness & Emergency Response (defunct)
COTS Cotton, Oilseeds, Tobacco and Seeds Division (unable to verify 12/13)
CovEx COVID Experiences Surveys
COVID AQS COVID Air Quality Study
COVID-NET Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Hospitalization Surveillance Network
COVIS Cholera and Other Vibrio Illness Surveillance (older link archive)
CP Chemistry and Pharmacology Branch (older link archive; archive2)
CP3 Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships | Center for Primary Care, Prevention, and Clinical Partnerships (merged into CEPI)
CPA Cuba Prohibited Accommodations
CPAD Chemical and Pollutant Assessment Division
CPAG Cybersecurity Program Audit Guide
CPAMS Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations Survey
CPARD Certification Plan and Reporting Database (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
CPARS Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System
CPB Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Branch (older link archive; archive2) | Consultation Package Builder | Corporation for Public Broadcasting
CPC Casual Payment Center | Climate Prediction Center | Cooperative Patent Classification (older link archive) | Countries of Particular Concern
CPCat Chemical and Product Categories (unable to verify 12/21)
CPCRC Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center
CPD Center for Protected Disclosures | Continuity Planning Division | Correctional Programs Division (older link archive) | Office of Community Planning and Development (older link archive)
CPDB Carcinogenic Potency Database (retired 12/19)
CPDO Census of Public Defender Offices
CPEX Census Program for Evaluations and Experiments (older link archive; archive2)
CPF Capital Projects Fund
CPFFCL Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories (older link archive)
CPG Cybersecurity Performance Goals (older link archive)
CPGL Conservation of Private Grazing Land (unable to verify 10/22; older link archive)
CPGM Compliance Program Guidance Manual (changed to Compliance Program Manual; older link archive)
CPH Census of Population and Housing (older link archive)
CPHC Central Pacific Hurricane Center (older link archive)
CPHEA Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment
CPHR Center for Precision Health Research
CPHST Center for Plant Health Science and Technology (unable to verify 4/24)
CPI Center for Program Integrity (older link archive; archive2; archive3) | Consumer Price Index | Counter-Proliferation Investigations (unable to verify 5/24; older link archive) | Office of Counter-Proliferation Initiatives (older link archive; archive2)
CPIC Capital Planning and Investment Control
CPID Chemical Processes & Instrument Development
CPIM Critical Path Innovation Meetings
CPM Clinical Performance Measures (older link archive)
CPMC Copyright Public Modernization Committee
CPN Clinical Psychoneuroendocrinology and Neuropsychopharmacology Section
CPNI Customer Proprietary Network Information (older link archive; archive2)
CPO Climate Program Office | Coral Protocols Online (unable to verify 1/23) | Corrections Program Office (now part of BJA)
CPONDER CDC’s PRAMS Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (discontinued: replaced by PRAMStat)
CPOS Credentialing Post Office Sites (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
CPP Capital Purchase Program (older link archive) | City Pair Program | Civilian Personnel Policy | Clean Power Plan (repealed 6/19; older link archive; archive2)
CPPBSD Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled (aka "U.S. AbilityOne Commission")
CPPD Climate Protection Partnerships Division (unable to verify 9/15)
CPPM Crop Protection and Pest Management Program (older link archive)
CPPW Communities Putting Prevention to Work Program (site archived)
CPR Center for Population Research (absorbed into DER) | Center for Preparedness and Response (changed to ORR)
CPRC Conflict Prevention and Resolution Center (older link archive)
CPRG Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
CP-RND Critical Path for Rare Neurodegenerative Diseases
CPRS Construction Progress Reporting Survey | Copyright Public Records System
CPS Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization (older link archive) | Child Passenger Safety (replaced by Parents Central, then Parents and Caregivers, then Child Safety) | Current Population Survey
CPSC Census of Problem-Solving Courts | Consumer Product Safety Commission
CPS-FSS Current Population Survey Food Security Supplement
CPSO Cataloging Policy and Support Office (changed to PSD)
CPSRB Chemistry and Physiological Systems Research Branch (changed to CP)
CPT Cannabis Policy Taxonomy
CPVA Child Pornography Victim Assistance (changed to CENP; older link archive; archive2)
CPWR Center for Construction Research and Training (older link archive)
CQR Census Count Question Resolution
CQuIPS Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
CRA Commercial Routing Assistance | Community Reinvestment Act
CRAD Compliance Risk Analysis Division (unable to verify 8/21; older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4)
CRB Contraception Research Branch | Copyright Royalty Board (older link archive)
CRC Cancer, Reproductive, Cardiovascular, and Other Chronic Disease Prevention Program (older link archive) | Civil Rights Center (older link archive) | Coastal Resilience Center
CRCC Strategy Cultural Resources Climate Change Strategy
CRCCP Colorectal Cancer Control Program (older link archive)
CRCHD Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (changed to CCHE)
CRCL Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
CRCP Commercial Repayment Center Portal (older link archive) | Coral Reef Conservation Program
CRDC Civil Rights Data Collection
CRDP Cataloging Record Distribution Program (older link archive)
CRE Climate Ready Estuaries | Community Resilience Estimates
CREAT Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool (older link archive)
CreDS Credentialing Distribution System
CRENL Commission to Review the Effectiveness of the National Energy Laboratories (terminated)
CREP Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
CREST CIA Records Search Tool (older link archive)
CREW Continuous Reliability Enhancement for Wind (unable to verify 10/20; older link archive; archive2)
CREx Collaborative Research Exchange
CRF Combustion Research Facility (unable to verify 2/21)
CRGB Clinical Research Grants Branch (older link archive; archive2)
CRGGH Center for Research on Genomics and Global Health
CRGIS Cultural Resources Geographic Information Systems (older link archive)
CRGR Committee to Review Generic Requirements
CRH Contraception & Reproductive Health Branch (changed to CDDB, then CRB)
CRHP Civil Rights History Project
CRI Chain Reaction Innovations | Cities Readiness Initiative
CRIA Interagency Forum on Climate Risks, Impacts and Adaptation
CRIS Center for Risk & Integrated Sciences (unable to verify 12/13) | Current Research Information System | Customer Relationship Interface System
CRISI Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements Program (older link archive)
CRISP Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects (merged into RePORT)
CRM Coastal Relief Model (older link archive) | Criminal Division | Cultural Resources Management
CRMC Center for Research for Mothers & Children (absorbed into DER)
CRMS Coastwide Reference Monitoring System
CRNR Coral Reef and Natural Resources
CROIE Cultural Resources Office of Interpretation and Education
CROMERR Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Rule
Crop-CASMA Crop Condition and Soil Moisture Analytics
CROPS Cost-effective Rollover Protective Structures (page archived)
CROSS Customs Rulings Online Search System (older link archive)
CRP Carbon Reduction Program | Community Resilience Panel for Buildings and Infrastructure Systems (terminated 12/17; older link archive; archive2; archive3) | Conservation Reserve Program
CRPDG Compensation Research and Program Development Group
CRR Climate Resilience Resources for Cultural Heritage | Cyber Resilience Review (older link archive)
CRRL Columbia River Research Laboratory
CRS Center for Research Strategy | Centralized Receivables Service | Community Relations Service | Congressional Research Service
CRSCI Climate-Ready States and Cities Initiative (older link archive)
CRSRA Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs (older link archive; archive2)
CRSS Crash Report Sampling System
CRSSP Commercial Remote Sensing Space Policy
CRT Civil Rights Division | Climate Resilience Toolkit | Country Reports on Terrorism
CRUPs Cultural Resource Use Permits (older link archive)
CRW Coral Reef Watch
CRWS-BoK Cyber Resilient Weapon Systems Body of Knowledge
CRWU Creating Resilient Water Utilities
CS U.S. Commercial Service (older link archive)
CS&C Office of Cybersecurity and Communications (changed to CISA Cybersecurity Division)
CSAC Census Scientific Advisory Committee | Chemical Security Analysis Center | CISA Cybersecurity Advisory Committee (older link archive) | Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee (older link archive)
CSAP Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
CSAPR Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (older link archive)
CSAT Center for Substance Abuse Treatment | Corrections Statistical Analysis Tool
CSB Center for Structural Biology | Clean School Bus Program | Crop Sequence Boundaries | U.S. Chemical Safety Board
CSBG Cell and Structural Biology Group (older link archive; archive2) | Community Services Block Grant (older link archive)
CSC Climate Science Centers (changed to CASC) | Cyberspace Solarium Commission | NOAA Coastal Services Center (merged into OCM) | Office of Science Consolidated Service Center (older link archive)
CSCE Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission)
CSCI Climate Smart Communities Initiative
CSCOR Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research (unable to verify 10/17)
C-SCRIP Communications Supply Chain Risk Information Partnership (older link archive)
CSD Chemical Sciences Division (LLNL) (changed to NACS) | Chemical Sciences Division (NIST) | Chemical Sciences Division (NOAA) (changed to CSL) | Computer Security Division | Cybersecurity Division (older link archive)
CSDA Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition Program
CSDL Coast Survey Development Laboratory (unable to verify 2/21)
CSE Office of Child Support Enforcement (changed to OCSE)
CSELS Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services (unable to verify 2/23; older link archive)
CSEM Case Studies in Environmental Medicine
CSEPP Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (older link archive)
CSESP Citizen Science for Earth Systems Program
CSF Cybersecurity Framework
CSFC Center for Sustainable Fuels and Chemicals (older link archive)
CSFP Commodity Supplemental Food Program (older link archive)
CSGB Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division | Computational and Statistical Genomics Branch (changed to CGDSR; older link archive)
CSGCL Crop Systems and Global Change Lab (changed to ACSL)
CSI Center for the Study of Intelligence (unable to verify 2/21) | Climate and Societal Interactions Division (older link archive; archive2) | Computational Science Initiative | Conservation Study Institute (changed to Stewardship Institute) | Container Security Initiative
CSIA IWG Cyber Security and Information Assurance Interagency Working Group (older link archive)
CSL Chemical Sciences Laboratory (older link archive) | Chemical Security Laboratory | Consolidated Screening List
CSLLEA Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies
CSMAC Commerce Spectrum Management Advisory Committee
CSMB Center for Structural Molecular Biology
CSMS Cargo Systems Messaging Service
CSN Consumer Sentinel Network
CSO Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (older link archive) | Congressional Staff Organization (older link archive; archive2) | Office of the Federal Chief Sustainability Officer
CSOD FAI Cornerstone OnDemand
CSOS Controlled Substance Ordering System
CSOSA Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia
CSOTUS Chief Statistician of the United States
CSP Charter Schools Programs (older link archive; archive2) | Community Science Program (older link archive) | Concentrating Solar Power | Conservation Stewardship Program (older link archive) | Controlled Substances Program | Court Statistics Project
CSPD Cargo Systems Program Directorate
CSPECE Choose Safe Places for Early Care and Education program
CSPED National Child Support Noncustodial Parent Employment Demonstration
CSPOS Computational Statistics and the Production of Official Statistics
CSPR Consolidated State Performance Reports (unable to verify 10/10)
CSPro Census and Survey Processing System
CSR Center for Scientific Review | Comprehensive School Reform Program (unable to verify 12/21) | Corporate Social Responsibility
CSRB Cyber Safety Review Board (older link archive)
CSRC Computer Security Resource Center
CSREES Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (changed to NIFA)
CSRIC Communications Security, Reliability and Interoperability Council
CSRM Center for Statistical Research and Methodology
CSRS Call Sign Reservation and Authorization System (older link archive)
CSRT Climate-Smart Restoration Tool (older link archive)
CSR-TTAC Crisis Systems Response Training and Technical Assistance Center
CSS Campus Safety and Security | Controlled Substance Staff (older link archive; archive2) | Core Science Systems | Crime and Safety Surveys
CSSBMB Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys (older link archive)
CSSI Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives (older link archive)
CSSR Climate Science Special Report (older link archive)
CSS-SMI Clinical Support System for Serious Mental Illness (unable to verify 7/24; older link archive)
CSST Community Solar Scenario Tool
CSTL Chemical Science & Technology Laboratory (merged into MML) | Constitutional and Specialized Tort Litigation Section
CSTLTS Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Support (unable to verify 5/24)
CSTOR CDC Specimen Test Order and Reporting
CT Bureau of Counterterrorism and Countering Violent Extremism (changed to Bureau of Counterterrorism; older link archive; archive2; archive3 ) | Cryptographic Technology Group
CTA Center for Transportation Analysis (unable to verify 9/19, see Transportation Analysis; older link archive) | Conservation Technical Assistance
CTAC Cadmium Telluride Accelerator Consortium | Commercial Targeting and Analysis Center
CTAP Coronavirus Treatment Acceleration Program | COVID-19 Technical Assistance Program
CTAS Center-TRACON Automation System (older link archive) | Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation
CTC Counterterrorism Center | Counterterrorist Center (changed to NCTC)
CTCC CUFR [Center for Urban Forest Research] Tree Carbon Calculator (unable to verify 2/24)
CTCEU Counterterrorism and Criminal Exploitation Unit
CTCMS NIST/MML Center for Theoretical and Computational Materials Science
CTCP Office of Counterterrorism and Counterproliferation
CTD Collecting Taxes Database | Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (retired 12/19) | Counterterrorism Division (unable to verify 11/14)
CTD2 Cancer Target Discovery and Development (older link archive)
CTE Career/Technical Education
CTECS Counter-Terrorism and Emergency Coordination Staff (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4; archive5)
CTEP Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program | China and Transformational Exports Program
CTG Community Transformation Grant Program (site archived)
CTIIC Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center (unable to verify 1/22)