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GovSpeak: A Guide to U.S. Government Acronyms & Abbreviations: T

The most current, extensive and fully-linked listing of U.S. government agency, office, program and publication acronyms.


T2C Technology Transfer and Commercialization Program
T3CO Transportation Technology Total Cost of Ownership
T4PA Center Title IV-A Technical Assistance Center
T&E Threatened and Endangered
TA Technology Administration (defunct)
TAA Trade Adjustment Assistance Program
TAACCCT Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training
TAAF Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms
TAAMS Trust Asset and Accounting Management System (older link archive)
TAATC Division of Trade Agreement Administration and Technical Cooperation (unable to verify 5/14)
TABSS Technical, Acquisition and Business Support Services (changed to Professional & Office Area Support Services; older link archive)
TAC Technical Assistance Center | Trademark Assistance Center | Tribal Advisory Committee (older link archive; archive2)
TACCIMO Template for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Management Options (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
TACP Transformative Aeronautics Concept Program (older link archive)
TACT Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks Program (older link archive)
TAD Tax Audit Division (older link archive; archive2; archive3) | Toolsets for Airborne Data (decommissioned ~9/20)
TAG Adolescent Health: Think, Act, Grow (unable to verify 9/20)
TAGA Trace Atmospheric Gas Analyzer (older link archive)
TAGGS Tracking Accountability in Government Grants System
TAK Team Awareness Kit
TALF Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility
TALIS Teaching and Learning International Survey
TAM Transit Asset Management
TAMB Translational Addiction Medicine Branch
TAME Tagged Animal Movement Explorer
TANC Office of Trade Agreements Negotiations and Compliance (older link archive)
TANF Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (older link archive)
TAO Tropical Atmosphere Ocean project
TAP Technology Assessment Program | Transition Assistance Program (older link archive; archive2) | Transportation Alternatives Program | Tree Assistance Program | Tribal Access Program | Tribal Action Plan (older link archive)
TAPD Telecommunications Access Policy Division
TAPS Transportation and Power Systems
TAR Tranportation Acquisition Regulation (older link archive; archive2)
TARGET Technology & Accessible Resources Give Employment Today Center (older link archive) | Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments (older link archive)
TARP Troubled Asset Relief Program (older link archive; archive2)
TARS Tropical Agriculture Research Station
TAS Taxpayer Advocate Service (older link archive) | Teacher at Sea Program (older link archive; archive2) | Treatment as a State
TASC Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops | Tool for Assessing Statistical Capacity
TAVISS Targeted Violence Information Sharing System
TB Division of Tuberculosis Elimination (older link archive)
TBAC Tribal Budget Advisory Council (changed to TIBC)
TBCC Trust Beneficiary Call Center (unable to verify 4/24)
TBDWG Tick-Borne Disease Working Group
TBESC Tuberculosis Epidemiologic Studies Consortium (older link archive)
TB GIMS TB [Tuberculosis] Genotyping Information Management System (older link archive)
TBHCE Telebehavioral Health Center of Excellence
TBI/TSR Traumatic Brain Injury and Stroke Rehabilitation Program (unable to verify 8/17)
TBMP Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Manual of Procedure
TBMPP Treasury Bank Mentor-Protégé Program
TBS Transborder Security Center
TBTC Tuberculosis Trials Consortium (older link archive)
TC Tropospheric Chemistry | William J. Hughes Technical Center
TCAC Tribal Consultation Advisory Committee (changed to TAC)
TCAP Tribal Courts Assistance Program (unable to verify 12/18)
TCB Telecommunications Certification Bodies System | Trade Capacity Building (older link archive)
TCC Trade Compliance Center (changed to TANC) | Tree Canopy Cover
TCCC Transportation and Climate Change Clearinghouse (unable to verify 12/18; older link archive; archive2)
TCCLA Tribal Civil and Criminal Legal Assistance
TCCP Terms of Credit Card Plans Survey
TCCPRU Tropical Crop and Commodity Protection Research
TCDB Technology Cost Database for Renewables (replaced by ATB) | Transparent Cost Database (older link archive)
TCDS Type Certificate Data Sheets (older link archive)
TCE Tax Counseling for the Elderly Program (older link archive)
TCEG Tribal Colleges Education Equity Grants Program
TCEO Training and Continuing Education Online
TCF Technology Commercialization Fund
TCFP Tropical Cyclone Formation Probability (older link archive)
TCGA The Cancer Genome Atlas (older link archive; archive2)
TCH Think Cultural Health
TCIS Treasury Check Information System (older link archive)
TCIU Transnational Criminal Investigative Unit (older link archive)
TCLI Teacher Cancellation Low Income
TCLP Teachers of Critical Languages Program (older link archive)
TCMM Treasury Collateral Management and Monitoring
TCNS Tower Construction Notification System (older link archive)
TCP Technology Collaboration Program | Tropospheric Chemistry Program (older link archive)
TCPCTIP Tribally Controlled Postsecondary Career and Technical Education Program
TCR Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience (older link archive) | Technology Clearinghouse (changed to R-Tech)
TCRB Tobacco Control Research Branch
TCRP Tribal Climate Resilience Program (changed to TCR; earlier, changed to TRP, then back to TCRP)
TCSIRC Treasury Computer Security Incident Response Capability
TEAS Trademark Electronic Application System (older link archive)
TEC Tribal Epidemiology Center
TECPHI Tribal Epidemiology Centers Public Health Infrastructure
TED Test and Evaluation Division | The Economics Daily
TEDAC Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center (older link archive)
TEDB Transportation Energy Data Book (older link archive)
TEDC Tribal Energy Development Capacity (older link archive; archive2)
TEDS National Standards on Transport, Escort, Detention, and Search | Train Energy and Dynamics Simulator | Treatment Episode Data Set (older link archive)
TEEIC Tribal Energy and Environmental Information Clearinghouse (unable to verify 8/18)
TEFAP The Emergency Food Assistance Program (older link archive)
TEFCA Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement
TEHIP Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program (unable to verify 12/19; older link archive)
TEI-REX Targeted Evaluation of Ionizing Radiation Exposure Program
TEK Traditional Ecological Knowledge
TEKTRAN Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (changed to Scientific Manuscript Database)
TEL Terrorist Exclusion List
TELGP Tribal Energy Loan Guarantee Program (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
TELI Tribal Early Learning Initiative (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
TEMPO Transportation Energy & Mobility Pathway Options | Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution
TEOAF Treasury Executive Office for Asset Forfeiture (older link archive)
TEP Tribal Electrification Program
TEPEX Tropical Pacific Observing System (TPOS) Equatorial Pacific Experiment
TERC Threat Evaluation and Reporting Course
TERO Threat Evaluation and Reporting Overview
TES Office of Trade and Economic Security | Terrestrial Ecosystem Science Program (changed to/replaced by ESS)
TESS Trademark Electronic Search System (retired 11/23, replaced by Trademark Search; older link archive) | Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (older link archive)
TEST This is a Test
TEU Trace Evidence Unit (unable to verify 9/22)
TEUI Terrestrial Ecological Unit Inventory (older link archive)
TextMD Technical Metadata for Text
TFAA Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs
TFAS Trust Fund Accounting System (unable to verify 2/21)
TFDM Terminal Flight Data Manager
T-FERST Tribal-Focused Environmental Risk and Sustainability Tool (requires login 12/19; older link archive; archive2)
TFF Transmission Facility Financing Program | Treasury Forfeiture Fund (older link archive) | Treasury Franchise Fund
TFFC Office of Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes (older link archive)
TFFIP Tracy Fish Facility Improvement Program
TFGB Translational and Functional Genomics Branch (older link archive)
TFHRC Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (older link archive)
TFI Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (older link archive)
TFM Treasury Financial Manual (older link archive; archive2)
TFMC Tribal Financial Management Center
TFMICF Task Force on Market Integrity and Consumer Fraud (unable to verify / website archived 1/22)
TFP Transmission Facilitation Program (older link archive; archive2)
TFR Temporary Flight Restriction
TFS Counter Threat Finance and Sanctions Division (older link archive; archive2) | Teacher Follow-Up Survey
TFSSP Twelve-Five Standard Security Program
TFS/SPI Office of Economic Sanctions Policy and Implementation
TFS/TFC Office of Threat Finance Countermeasures
TFTP Terrorist Finance Tracking Program
TFX Treasury Financial Experience (older link archive)
TGA Treasury General Account
TGDC Technical Guidelines Development Committee (older link archive)
TGS Traveler-based Genomic Surveillance
THP Territorial Highway Program
THPO Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (older link archive; archive2)
T.H.R.I.V.E. Train. Hope. Rise. Innovate. Venture. Elevate
THRO Tribal Health Research Office
THRU Technical Hazards Response Unit (unable to verify 9/22)
THSAC Tribal Homeland Security Advisory Council
THSRB Treatment, Health Services, and Recovery Branch
THT Transportation and Health Tool
TIAG Tribal Issues Advisory Group
TIAS Treaties and International Acts Series
TIBC Tribal/Interior Budget Council (older link archive)
TIC Technical Information Center | Trade Information Center (merged with; changed to Export Solutions) | Treasury International Capital System (older link archive) | Trusted Internet Connections
TIC Task Force Interagency Task Force on Trauma-Informed Care
TickNET Tick-Borne Diseases Network
TID Trade Investigations Division (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
TiDHE Training, Diversity and Health Equity Office
TIEAs Tax Information Exchange Agreements
TIEH Treatment for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness (older link archive)
TIFSD Technology Innovation and Field Services Division (unable to verify 12/15)
TIG Technology Initiative Grant | Trusted Identities Group (older link archive; archive2)
TIGER Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (older link archive) | Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (replaced by BUILD 4/18)
TIGGER Transit Investments in Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction
TIGTA Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (older link archive)
TIML Treatment and Inspection Methods Laboratory (older link archive)
TIMS Technical Information Management System (older link archive)
TIMSS Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
TIP Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (older link archive) | Technology Innovation Program | Transition Incentives Program | Transmission Infrastructure Program (older link archive) | Traumatic Injury Prevention Program (older link archive)
TIP Office Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (older link archive)
TIPCAP Tribal Injury Prevention Cooperative Agreement Program
TIPS SmartWay Trends, Indicators, and Partner Statistics (older link archive) | Technical Innovation and Professional Services (older link archive) | Terrorism Information and Prevention System (defunct; see Senate hearing) | Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (older link archive)
TIRC Toxicology Information Response Center (unable to verify 3/12)
TJS Tribal Justice Support Directorate (older link archive)
TJSIP Tribal Justice Systems Infrastructure Program (older link archive)
TJSO Thomas Jefferson Site Office (older link archive)
TLC Office of the Tax Legislative Counsel
TLD Tribal Leaders Directory
TLDC Tribal Leaders Diabetes Committee (older link archive)
TLF Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program (older link archive)
TLOA Tribal Law and Order Act
TLP Transitional Living Program for Older Homeless Youth
TLR Theft/Loss Reporting
TLTF Truck Leasing Task Force
TMAC Technical Mapping Advisory Council
TMaH Transforming Maternal Health
TMAS Travel Monitoring Analysis System
TMC The Mentoring Connection (unable to verify 10/13)
TMDLs Total Maximum Daily Loads
TMEP Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure
TMF Technology Modernization Fund
TMG Traffic Monitoring Guide | Tribal Management Grant (older link archive)
TMIECHV Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting program
TMIP Transportation Model Improvement Program
TMOG Trademark Official Gazette
TMP Technology Maturation Program (older link archive; archive2)
T-MSIS Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System (older link archive)
TNM The National Map (older link archive)
TOC Telecommunication Operations Center (older link archive) | Transportation Operations Center
TOCMC Transnational Organized Crime Mission Center (changed to TBS)
TOD Transit-Oriented Development
TOMS-EP Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer-Earth Probe
TOP Technology Opportunities Program (changed to BTOP) | Treasury Offset Program (older link archive; archive2)
TOPS Transform to Open Science
TORUS Targeted Observation by Radars and UAS of Supercells
TOTAL Technology Open To Approved Lenders | Tenure, Ownership, and Transition of Agricultural Land (older link archive)
TOX21 Toxicology Testing in the 21st Century
ToxCast Toxicity ForeCaster (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
TPA Trade Promotion Authority
TPAC Trademark Public Advisory Committee
TPC Tourism Policy Council (older link archive)
TPFS Transportation Public Finance Statistics
TPG Training Project Grants (older link archive)
TPGRDRU Tropical Plant Genetic Resources and Disease Research Unit
TPIO Technology, Planning and Integration for Observation (unable to verify 1/22)
TPIS Trade Policy Information System (public access retired 5/22)
TPLD Technology Programs Law Division
TPM Transportation Performance Management
TPN Trade Policy and Negotiations (older link archive)
TPO Technology Partnerships Office (NIST) | Technology Partnerships Office (NOAA) | Timber Products Output (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
TPOPS Telephone Point of Purchase Survey (unable to verify BLS site 3/20; see alternate Census site)
TPP Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4) | Trade Policy and Programs (changed to TPN) | Trans-Pacific Partnership (older link archive; archive2)
TPS Teaching with Primary Sources | Technical Preservation Services (older link archive; archive2) | Temporary Protected Status
TPSAC Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee (older link archive)
TPSID Transition and Postsecondary Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
TPWIC Tribal Practices for Wellness in Indian Country
TQP Teacher Quality Partnership (older link archive)
TRA Division for Transportation Affairs
TRA/AN Office of Aviation Negotiations
TRACC Transportation Research And Analysis Computing Center (older link archive)
TRACER Trace Radioisotope Analysis Center
TRACIE Technical Resources Assistance Center and Information Exchange
TRACS Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System | Tracking and Reporting Accomplishments for the Conservation of Species (older link archive) | Transportation Cost System (older link archive)
TRACT Targeted Resource Acquisition Comparison Tool (older link archive)
TRAD Tribal Resilience Action Database
TRA/OTP Office of Transportation Policy
TRAVL Transportation Analysis and Visualization Laboratory (older link archive; archive2)
TRCC Traffic Records Coordinating Committee
TRDS Travel Record Data Service
TREAS Department of the Treasury (older link archive)
TRI Toxics Release Inventory
Tribal PREP Tribal Personal Responsibility Education Program
TRI-CHIP TRI (Toxics Release Inventory)-Chemical Hazard Information Profiles
TRIP Terrorism Risk Insurance Program
TRIPS Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
TRIPwire Technical Resource for Incident Prevention (older link archive; archive2)
TRMM Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
TRN Tenant Resource Network Program (older link archive)
TrojAI Trojans in Artificial Intelligence
TROPICS Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats (older link archive; archive2)
TROR Treasury Report on Receivables (older link archive; archive2)
TRP Translational Research Program | Tribal Climate Resilience Program (reverted back to TCRP)
TRRG Tribal Resilience Resource Guide (older link archive; archive2)
TRS Telecommunications Relay Service (older link archive)
TRTW Training for Realtime Writers
TS Terminology Services (older link archive)
TSA Teacher Shortage Areas | Transitional Sheltering Assistance (unable to verify 8/20) | Transportation Security Administration
TSAR Transportation Statistics Annual Report (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
TSB Thoracic Surgery Branch
TSC Technical Service Center | Terrorist Screening Center (older link archive)
TSCD Technical Support Coordination Division
TSD Transportation Services Division
TSDB Terrorist Screening Database
TSDC Transportation Secure Data Center
TSDFs Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities
TSDR Trademark Status and Document Retrieval
TSDS Terrorist Screening Dataset
TSE TradeStats Express (older link archive; archive2)
T-SEP Transportation Security Exports Program
TSI Timber Stand Improvement | Transportation Safety Institute (older link archive) | Transportation Services Index (older link archive)
TSL Teacher and School Leader Incentive Program
TSM Traffic Safety Marketing
TSN Trade Support Network
TSO Transit Safety and Oversight
TSP Tanker Security Program | Telecommunications Service Priority (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4; archive5) | Thrift Savings Plan | Transportation Safety Planning (older link archive; archive2)
TSU Tribal Support Unit (changed to OTASA)
TSWG Technical Support Working Group (older link archive; archive2)
TT&L Treasury Tax and Loan Service (unable to verify 10/14)
T/TA Early Childhood Training and Technical Assistance (see ECCTAS; unable to verify 7/21; older link archive; archive2)
TTA Tribal Training and Technical Assistance Center
TTAB Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (older link archive)
TTABVUE Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Inquiry System
TTAC Transforming Transportation Advisory Committee | Tribal Technical Advisory Committee
TTANF Tribal Temporary Assistance for Native Families
TTB Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau
TTC Technology Transfer Center
TTCW Tribal TANF – Child Welfare
TTGP Tribal Tourism Grant Program
TTiF Transportation Trends in Focus (older link archive)
TTN Technology Transfer Network (changed to Technical Air Pollution Resources; older link archive)
TTO Technology Transfer Office
TTP Tribal Transportation Program (older link archive; archive2) | Trusted Traveler Programs
TTPCC Tribal Transportation Program Coordinating Committee
TTPP Tobacco Transition Payment Program (moved to password-protected eAuthentication)
TTR Total Taxable Resources
TTRDC Transportation Technology R&D Center (unable to verify 8/18)
TTRU Technology and Translational Research Unit
TTS Technology Transformation Service (older link archive 1; archive 2)
TTSA Travel and Tourism Satellite Account
TTSD Railroad Safety Technical Training Standards Division (older link archive)
TTSGP Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program
TTVP Tuna Tracking & Verification Program (older link archive)
TUDA Trial Urban District Assessment
TUS-CPS Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority (older link archive)
TVAP Trafficking Victim Assistance Program
TVIS Title V Information System
TVS Traveler Verification Service
TVT Traffic Volume Trends
TVTP Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (older link archive)
TWH Total Worker Health
TwHP Teaching with Historic Places
TWIC Transportation Worker Identification Credential (older link archive)
TWU Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities Program (older link archive)
TYP Tribal Youth Program (older link archive)