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GovSpeak: A Guide to U.S. Government Acronyms & Abbreviations: V

The most current, extensive and fully-linked listing of U.S. government agency, office, program and publication acronyms.


VCC Virtual Card Catalog
VCCTL Virtual Cement and Concrete Testing Laboratory (older link archive)
VCEHP Vector Control for Environmental Health Professionals
VCF September 11th Victim Compensation Fund
VCI Bureau of Verification, Compliance, and Implementation (changed to AVC)
VCNP Valles Caldera National Preserve
VCRS Violent Crime and Racketeering Section
VCS Veterans Canteen Service
VCSP Voluntary Classification Settlement Program (older link archive; archive2)
VDAP Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (older link archive)
VDC Veteran Directed Care program
VDP Vulnerability Disclosure Policy
VE U.S. Flu Vaccine Effectiveness
VEAC Veterans Experience Action Center
VECS Vessel Entrance and Clearance System (older link archive)
VEF Vietnam Education Foundation (unable to verify 3/19)
VegDRI Vegetation Drought Response Index
VEHCS Veterinary Export Health Certification System (older link archive)
VEHSS Vision and Eye Health Surveillance System (older link archive)
VELMA Visualizing Ecosystem Land Management Assessments (older link archive)
VEO Veteran Employment Outcomes | Veterans Experience Office (older link archive)
VEPO Veteran Employment Program Office (older link archive)
VERA Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (older link archive; archive2)
VERIFI Virtual Engine Research Institute and Fuels Initiative (older link archive)
VERITAS Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography and Spectroscopy
VESL Victims Engagement and Services Line | Virtual Earth System Laboratory (older link archive)
VetoViolence Violence Education Tools Online (older link archive)
VETS Veterans' Employment and Training Service (older link archive)
VET TEC Veteran Employment Through Technology Education Courses
VEVRAA Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act (older link archive)
VFC Vaccines for Children Program (older link archive)
VfP Volunteers for Prosperity (unable to verify 1/15)
VISTA Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (unable to verify 3/17) | Volunteers in Service to America (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
VITA Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Grant Program
VIUS Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey
VIVS Vessel Information Verification Service
VJO Veterans Justice Outreach Program
VLM Veterans Legacy Memorial
VMAP Vegetation Management Action Portal
VMBIP Vaccine Management Business Improvement Project (page archived; older link archive)
VMLRP Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program (older link archive)
VMS Vehicle & Mobility Systems Department
VMT Vehicle Miles Traveled
VNS Victim Notification System (older link archive)
VOA Voice of America
VOI/TIS Violent Offender Incarceration and Truth-in-Sentencing Incentive Program (older link archive; archive2)
VOICE Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (changed to VESL)
VORTEX-SE Verification of the Origins of Rotation in Tornadoes EXperiment-Southeast
VPA-HIP Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentives Program (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
VPAT Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (older link archive)
VPGC Veterinary Pest Genomics Center (unable to verify 1/24)
VPI Virtual Platform Initiative (unable to verify 1/20)
vPIC Product Information Catalog and Vehicle Listing
VPO Office of Verification, Planning, and Outreach (older link archive)
VPOTUS Vice President of the United States (older link archive; archive2)
VPP Voluntary Protection Programs (older link archive)
VPPPGB Verification, Post-processing and Product Generation Branch
VQEG Video Quality Experts Group (older link archive; archive2)
VR&E Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program
VRAP Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (terminated 3/14)
VRC Vaccine Research Center
VRRAP Veteran Rapid Retraining Assistance Program (older link archive)
VRTAC-QE Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center for Quality Employment
VRTAC-QM Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center for Quality Management
VRTC Vehicle Research and Test Center
VS Veterinary Services (older link archive)
VSAC Value Set Authority Center
VSAT Vulnerability Self-Assessment Tool (older link archive)
VSCC Visa Security Coordination Center
VSD Vaccine Safety Datalink | Victim Services Division (older link archive)
VSE Visitor Spending Effects
VSFS Virtual Student Federal Service (older link archive)
VSGP Veterinary Services Grant Program
VSO Virtual Solar Observatory
VSP Vessel Sanitation Program (older link archive) | Visa Security Program (older link archive; archive2)
VSPB Viral Special Pathogens Branch (older link archive)
VSPS Veterinary Services Process Streamlining
VSPTS-Net Visa Security Program Tracking System
VSR Vehicle Safety Research
VSRT Victim Services Response Team
VSSRP Victim Services Statistical Research Program
VSTL Voting System Test Laboratories
VTA Victims of Terrorism Abroad (older link archive)
VTD Voting District Project
VTO Vehicle Technologies Office
VTP Veterans Transportation Program
VTR Versatile Test Reactor (older link archive)
VTrckS Vaccine Tracking System (older link archive)
VTT Vicarious Trauma Toolkit
VVSG Voluntary Voting System Guidelines
VWAC Victim and Witness Assistance Council
VWAP Victim Witness Assistance Program
VWP Visa Waiver Program (older link archive)