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GovSpeak: A Guide to U.S. Government Acronyms & Abbreviations: O

The most current, extensive and fully-linked listing of U.S. government agency, office, program and publication acronyms.


OA Office of Administration (defunct or inactive 1/17, WH transition)
OAA Office of Academic Affiliations
OAAG Office of the Associate Attorney General
OAAM Office of Audit, Assessment, and Management (older link archive)
OAA NP Older Americans Act Nutrition Program (older link archive)
OAC Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (older link archive) | Office of Antiboycott Compliance (older link archive)
OACP Office of Aviation Consumer Protection
OACU Office of Animal Care and Use
OADMN Outbreak Analytics and Disease Modeling Network (changed to Insight Net)
OADPS Office of the Associate Director for Policy and Strategy, CDC (unable to verify 9/24)
OADR-ORWH Office of Autoimmune Disease Research-Office of Research on Women's Health
OADS Ocean Acidification Data Stewardship Project (merged into OCADS; older link archive) | Office of the Associate Director for Science (changed to OS)
OAE Office of Academic Engagement (older link archive)
OAG Office of the Attorney General
OAH Office of Adolescent Health (merged with OPA 6/19)
OAHMP Older Adult Home Modification Program
OAHP Office of Affordable Housing Preservation (changed to Recap)
OAI Office of Academic Improvement (unable to verify 9/24; older link archive; archive2)
OAIT Office of American Indian Trust (defunct)
OAL Office of Administrative Litigation (older link archive; archive2)
OALJ Office of Administrative Law Judges, DOL (older link archive) | Office of Administrative Law Judges, FERC (older link archive; archive2)
OAM Office of Administrative Management | Office of Advanced Manufacturing | Office of Air and Marine (changed to AMO) | Office of Archival Management (unable to verify 1/22)
OAO Office of Administrative Operations | Office of Advocacy and Outreach (unable to verify 3/20)
OAP Ocean Acidification Program | Office of Antimicrobial Products (changed to OID; older link archive; archive2) | Office of Acquisition Policy | Office of Atmospheric Protection (older link archive)
OAQPS Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
OAR Office of AIDS Research | Office of Air and Radiation (older link archive; archive2) | Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (older link archive)
OARA Office of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
OARC Office of Autism Research Coordination (changed to ONAC)
OARM Office of Administration and Resources Management (older link archive) | Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management
OAS Office of Applied Studies (changed to CBHSQ) | Office of Appraisal Services (merged into AVSO) | Office of Aviation Services
OASAM Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management (older link archive)
OASB Office of the Advocate for Small Business Capital Formation (older link archive)
OASCR Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (older link archive; archive2)
OASDI Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance
OASG Office of the Associate Attorney General
OASH Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health
OASIS One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4; archive5; archive6)
OAST Office of Accessible Systems & Technology (changed to CXD)
OAT Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4) | Organic Analytical Toxicology Branch (older link archive)
OAW Operation Allies Welcome
OAWP Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection (older link archive)
OBA Office of Biotechnology Activities (unable to verify 7/17; likely changed to BBEBP)
OBBR Office of Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research
OB.DAAC Ocean Biology Distributed Active Archive Center (older link archive; archive2)
OBEMLA Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs (changed to OELA)
OBHE Office of Behavioral Health Equity
OBI Office of Business Informatics (older link archive) | Office of Business Innovations (defunct)
OBIM Office of Biometric Identity Management
OBIMO Office of Bioresearch Monitoring Operations
OBIS-USA Ocean Biodiversity Information System USA
OBL Office of Business Liaison (changed to OPE; older link archive; archive2)
OBLR Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization
OBMT Office of Business Management and Transformation (changed to OOM)
OBO Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (older link archive)
OBOP GML Observatory Operations
OBP Office for Bombing Prevention (older link archive; archive2; archive3) | Office of Biotechnology Products (renamed/reorganized into OPQA; older link archive)
OBPA Office of Budget and Program Analysis (older link archive)
OBPG Ocean Biology Processing Group
OBPM Office of Budget and Performance Management
OBR Office of Building Renovation
OBRHI Office of Burden Reduction & Health Informatics (older link archive)
OBRR Office of Blood Research and Review (older link archive; archive2)
OBS Office of Broadcast Services (inactive or defunct 2/17) | Office of Observations
ObsIWG Integrated Observations Interagency Working Group (older link archive)
OBSSR Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
OBTS Offender Based Transaction Statistics
OBTT Off-Base Transition Training
OC Office of Communications | Office of Compliance (older link archive)
OCA Office of Congressional Affairs, CIA (unable to verify 2/21)
OCADS Ocean Carbon and Acidification Data System (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
OCAHO Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer
OCAP Ocean Climate Action Plan
OCAPPM Office of Customer Advocacy, Policy and Portfolio Management
OCB Office of Cuba Broadcasting
OCPD Oceans and Coastal Protection Division (unable to verify 7/17)
OCPP Office of Clinical Policy and Programs
OCPR Office of Conflict Prevention and Resolution (changed to ADRO)
OCPS Office of Clinical and Preventive Services
OCQC Office of Compounding Quality and Compliance (older link archive)
OCR Office for Civil Rights, ED (older link archive) | Office for Civil Rights, HHS (older link archive) | Office for Civil Rights, OJP (older link archive; archive2) | Office of Civil Rights, EPA | Office of Community Revitalization | Office of Credit Ratings (older link archive; archive2)
OCRD Ocean Climate Research Division
OCRL Organic Chemistry Research Laboratory (older link archive)
OCRM Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (merged into OCM)
OCRPRO Office of Clinical Research Policy and Regulatory Operations
OCRS Organized Crime and Racketeering Section (merged into OCGS)
OCRWM Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (unable to verify 10/22)
OCS Office of Cancer Survivorship | Office of Coast Survey | Office of Common Services | Office of Community Services | Office of Computational Science (older link archive) | Office of the Chief Scientist, NASA (older link archive) | Office of the Chief Scientist, USDA
OCSC Office of Citizen Services and Communications (changed to OCSIT)
OCSE Office of Child Support Enforcement (changed to OCSS)
OCSIRF Office of Chief Scientist, Integrated Research Facility
OCSIT Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies (changed to TTS)
OCSPP Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention
OCSQ Office of Clinical Standards and Quality (changed to CCSQ)
OCSS Office of Child Support Services
OCT Office of the Chief Technologist (older link archive)
OCTAE Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (older link archive)
OCWR Office of Congressional Workplace Rights
OCX GeoXO Ocean Color Instrument
OD Ocean Drilling (changed to ODP) | Office on Disability, HHS (merged into ACL)
OD2A Overdose Data to Action (older link archive)
ODA Operational Data and Analytics Branch (unable to verify 4/24) | U.S. Official Development Assistance (replaced by FAE)
ODACMO Office of Diversity, Advisory Committee Management, and Outreach (unable to verify 12/18)
ODAG Office of the Deputy Attorney General
ODAPC Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy and Compliance
ODAR Office of Data, Analytics, and Research | Office of Disability Adjudication and Review
ODCR Office of Diversity and Civil Rights, ICE (older link archive)
ODE Office of Data and Evaluation (older link archive)
ODE I Office of Drug Evaluation I (unable to verify 8/24; older link archive; archive2)
ODE II Office of Drug Evaluation II (unable to verify 3/21; older link archive; archive2)
ODE III Office of Drug Evaluation III (changed to OII)
ODE IV Office of Drug Evaluation IV (unable to verify 8/24)
ODEEO Office of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity (older link archive)
ODEP Office of Disability Employment Policy (older link archive)
ODES Office of Drug Evaluation Sciences
ODGMO Office of Departmental Grants Management and Oversight (changed to GMO)
ODH Office of Digital Humanities
ODHD Office of Diversity and Health Disparities (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4)
ODI Office of Data and Informatics | U.S. House Office of Diversity & Inclusion (dissolved 4/24)
ODI&CR Office of Diversity, Inclusion & Civil Rights (older link archive)
ODIC Office of Disability Integration and Coordination (older link archive)
ODIN Outage Data Initiative Nationwide
ODLS Online Detainee Locator System (older link archive)
ODM Office of Disaster Management
ODMEEO Office of Diversity Management and Equal Employment Opportunity, CDC (changed to OEEO)
ODNI Office of the Director of National Intelligence (also, DNI)
ODNI CG Office of the Director of National Intelligence Classification Guide (pdf)
ODOCS Oversight Documents
ODP Ocean Drilling Program (older link archive; archive2) | Office for Domestic Preparedness (merged into FEMA) | Office of Disease Prevention | Open Data Platform
ODPHP Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
ODPP Office of Detention Policy and Planning (unable to verify 8/18; older link archive)
ODQN Orbital Debris Quarterly News
ODR Office of Disaster Recovery | Office of Dispute Resolution (changed to OCPR)
ODS Office of Data Science (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4) | Office of Dietary Supplements
ODSCT Office of Direct Service and Contracting Tribes
ODSIR Office of Drug Security, Integrity, and Response (older link archive)
ODSP Owners Dam Safety Program
ODSS Office of Data Science Strategy | Online Data Submission System (older link archive)
ODSTA Office of Digital Services and Technical Architecture
ODT Office of Digital Transformation
ODWD Office for Disparities Research and Workforce Diversity (older link archive)
OE Office of Economics | Office of Electricity (previously Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability) | Office of Enforcement (older link archive; archive2)
OEA Office of Economic Adjustment (changed to OLDCC) | Office of Economics and Analytics | Office of Enforcement Analysis (older link archive) | Office of Environmental Analysis (older link archive; archive2)
OEC Office of Emergency Communications (changed to ECD)
OECA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
OECR Office of Emergency Care Research (unable to verify 2/18)
OECRC Office of External Civil Rights Compliance
OED Office of Economic Development | Office of Enrollment and Discipline
OEDCA Office of Employment Discrimination and Complaint Adjudication
OEDI Open Energy Data Initiative
OEE Office of Entrepreneurship Education (older link archive) | Office of Export Enforcement (older link archive)
OEEB Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch (older link archive)
OEEO Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, CDC (changed to OEEOWE)
OEEOWE Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Workplace Equity, CDC
OEEP Office of Energy and Environmental Policy
OEGT Office of Electronic Government and Technology (changed to e-gov; older link archive)
OEHE Office of Environmental Health and Engineering
OEHRM Office of Electronic Health Record Modernization (changed to VA EHRM Integration Office)
OEI Office of Environmental Information (unable to verify 12/20)
OEID Office of Economic Impact and Diversity (changed to EJE) | Office of Equity and Innovative Development
OEIO Office of Earnings & International Operations
OEIP Office of Enterprise Information Programs
OEIS Office of Energy Infrastructure Security (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
OEJ Office of Environmental Justice, DOJ | Office of Environmental Justice, HHS
OEJECR Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights
OEL Ocean Ecology Laboratory | Office of Early Learning (unable to verify 9/24) | Office of English Learners
OELA Office of English Language Acquisition (older link archive)
OELD Operations and Enforcement Law Division
OEM Office of Emergency Management, EPA | Office of Emergency Management, PHE (unable to verify 10/21; likely changed to EMMO) | Office of Emergency Management, State | Office of Environmental Markets (older link archive)
OEMM Offshore Energy and Minerals Management (now part of ONRR)
OEMR Office of Energy Market Regulation (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
OEMS Office of EMS (Emergency Medical Services) (older link archive)
OEND Opioid Overdose Education & Naloxone Distribution
OEO Office of Enforcement Operations (older link archive)
OEOCRP Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Civil Rights Programs
OEP Office of Energy Projects (older link archive; archive2; archive3) | Office of Environmental Programs | Office of Extramural Policy, NICHD (older link archive) | Office of Extramural Policy, NIDA | Office of Extramural Programs (older link archive)
OEPC Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance
OEPI Office of Energy Policy and Innovation (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
OEPNU Office of Energy Policy and New Uses (older link archive)
OEPR Office of Extramural Policy and Review (changed to OEP; older link archive; archive2) | Office of Program Evaluation, Performance, and Reporting
OER Office of Economic Resilience (changed to OED) | Office of Electric Reliability (older link archive; archive2; archive3) | Office of Extramural Research (older link archive) | Office of Ocean Exploration and Research
OERD Ocean Environment Research Division
OEREP Office of Extramural Research, Education, and Priority Populations
OERI Office of Educational Research and Improvement (defunct; see also IES) | Office of Everglades Restoration Initiatives
OERR Office of Emergency Response and Recovery (changed to OMA)
OES Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (older link archive) | Occupational Employment Statistics (changed to OEWS) | Office of Evaluation Sciences
OESE Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (older link archive; archive2)
OES/ECW Office of Conservation and Water
OES/EGC Office of Global Change (older link archive)
OES/OMC Office of Marine Conservation
OES/SA Office of Space Affairs
OES/SAT Office of Space and Advanced Technology (changed to OES/SA)
OET Office of Educational Technology | Office of Engineering and Technology (older link archive)
OEWS Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics
OExS Office of Exporter Services (older link archive)
OFA Office of Family Assistance | Office of Federal Acknowledgement (older link archive) | Office of Federal Activities | Office of Financial Agents
OFAC Office of Foreign Assets Control (older link archive; archive2)
OFACMO Office of Federal Advisory Committee Management and Outreach (changed to ODACMO)
OFAM Office of Financial and Administrative Management (unable to verify 12/19)
OFAP Office of Federal Agency Programs
OFAS Office of Facilities and Administrative Services
OFBNP Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (older link archive)
OFC Office of the Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects (defunct as of 3/15)
OFCCP Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (older link archive)
OFCIO Office of the Federal Chief Information Officer
OFCM Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology (changed to ICAMS)
OFDA Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (older link archive)
OFDC Office of Federal Disaster Coordination (unable to verify 8/20)
OFDT Office of the Federal Detention Trustee (merged into USMS 6/12)
OFECR Office of Facilities, Environmental and Cultural Resources (changed to OFPSM)
OFEE Office of the Federal Environmental Executive (changed to OFS)
OH One Health (older link archive)
OHA Office of Health Affairs (page archived; older link archive) | Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOE) | Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOI)
OHAIDP Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy (changed to OIDP; older link archive)
OHAM Office of HIV and AIDS Malignancy (older link archive)
OHAP Office of HIV/AIDS Policy (changed to OHAIDP)
OHASIS Office of Health and Safety Information System (changed to OSHE)
OHC Office of Habitat Conservation | Office of Housing Counseling
OHCIO Office of Health Center Investment Oversight (older link archive)
OHCM Office of Human Capital Management (older link archive)
OHCPM Office of Health Center Program Monitoring (older link archive)
OHD Office of Hydrologic Development (older link archive)
OHE Occupational Health Equity Program | Office of Health Equity, CDC | Office of Health Equity, NIH
OHF Office of Hospital Facilities
OHHABS One Health Harmful Algal Bloom System (older link archive)
OHHLHC Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control (changed to OLHCHH)
OHL Occupational Hearing Loss (older link archive; archive2)
OHO One Health Office (older link archive)
OHPI Office of Highway Policy Information
OHRP Office for Human Research Protections (older link archive)
OHS Office of Head Start | Office of Homeland Security, USDA
OHSEC Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Coordination (changed to OHS)
OHSEPR Office of Human Services Emergency Preparedness and Response
OHSES Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Services (unable to verify 2/22; older link archive)
OHSN Occupational Health Safety Network (retired 9/19)
OHSS Office of Homeland Security Statistics (older link archive)
OHTA Office of Historical Trust Accounting (unable to verify 3/13)
OI Office of Intelligence
OIA Office of Insular Affairs | Office of Integrative Activities (older link archive; archive2) | Office of Intelligence and Analysis | Office of International Affairs, DOJ (older link archive) | Office of International Affairs, FCC | Office of International Affairs, NOAA (older link archive) | Office of International Affairs, NTIA (older link archive) | Office of Island Affairs (older link archive)
OIAA Office of Information Analysis and Access (unable to verify 5/20; likely replaced by OIM)
OIASA Office of Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse (older link archive)
OIB Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind
OIB-TAC Older Individuals who are Blind Training and Technical Assistance Center
OIC Office of Information Collection (unable to verify 5/20; likely replaced by OIM) | Office of Interoperability and Compatibility (unable to verify 5/21)
OICG Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth (older link archive)
OICI Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
OICT Office of Indigenous Communications and Technology
OIC-TC Office for Interoperability and Compatibility Technology Center
OID Office of Infectious Diseases, CDC (changed to DDID) | Office of Infectious Diseases, FDA (older link archive) | Offshore Infrastructure Dashboard (older link archive)
OIDO Office of the Immigration Detention Ombudsman
OIDP Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy | Office of Intake and Document Production (older link archive)
OIE Office of Indian Education (older link archive) | Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (older link archive) | Office of International Engagement
OIEA Office of Internal Evaluation and Assessment (changed to DIEA)
OIEP Office of Indian Education Programs (changed to BIE)
OIEPP Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs
OIFS Office of Investigative and Forensic Sciences (older link archive)
OIG Office of Indian Gaming (older link archive; archive2) | Office of the Inspector General (directory of OIGs)
OIGP Office of Information Governance and Privacy
OII Office of Immunology and Inflammation (older link archive) | Office of Innovation and Improvement (merged into OESE)
OIIA Office of Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs (defunct)
OIICS Occupational Injury and Illness Classification System (older link archive)
OIJA Office of International Judicial Assistance (older link archive)
OIL Office of Immigration Litigation
OIM Office of Information Management
OIMT Office of Information Management and Technology
OIP Office of Industry Partnerships | Office of Information Policy | Office of International Policy
OIPC Office of International Patent Cooperation (older link archive)
OIPD Office of Innovative Program Delivery
OIPDA Office of Information Products and Data Analysis (unable to verify 12/19)
OIPL Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison (merged into OLA)
OIPR Office of Intelligence Policy and Review (changed to Office of Intelligence)
OIR Office of International Relations (older link archive; archivee2) | Office of Intramural Research
OIRA Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (older link archive)
OIREC Office of International Research Engagement and Cooperation
OIRM Office of Information and Resource Management
OIRP Office of International Research Programs (changed to OIREC; older link archive; archive2)
OIS Occupational Information System | Office of Immigration Statistics (replaced by OHSS) | Office of Indian Services (older link archive) | Office of Information Security | OSHA Information System
OISE Office of International Science and Engineering
OISM Office of Information Systems Management
OISP Office of Information Security and Privacy
OISPA Occupational Injury Surveillance of Production Agriculture Survey (page archived)
OISST Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature
OIT Office of International Trade (older link archive)
OITA Office of International and Tribal Affairs
OITO Office of Information Technology Operations (older link archive)
OIV Office of International Visitors
OMA Office of Mission Assurance (older link archive)
OMAO Office of Marine and Aviation Operations
OMAR Office of Medical Applications of Research (absorbed 1/12 into ODP)
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OMDRHO Office of Medical Device and Radiological Health Operations
OME Office of Migrant Education (older link archive; archive2) | Office of Minority Economic Impact (changed to OEID)
OMG Oceans Melting Greenland
OMH Office of Minority Health
OMHA Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals
OMHAR Office of Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring (replaced by OAHP)
OMHD Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities (changed to OMHHE)
OMHHE Office of Minority Health & Health Equity (changed to OHE)
OMHP Office of Manufactured Housing Programs (older link archive)
OMHR Office of Minority Health and Research (unable to verify 11/2011; likely replaced by OSPD)
OMI Office of the Medical Inspector | Office of Multilingual Initiatives
OMIM Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
OMIS Office of Management and International Services
OMM Offshore Minerals Management Program (changed to OEMM, then ONRR)
OMP Office of Management Programs | Office of Medical Policy (older link archive) | Office of Minority Programs (older link archive)
OMPF Official Military Personnel Files
OMPI Office of Medical Policy Initiatives (older link archive)
OMPS Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (older link archive; archive2)
OMPTO Office of Medical Products and Tobacco Operations
OMQ Office of Manufacturing Quality (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
OMRL Organic Matter Research Laboratory
OMS Office of Management Services | Office of Marine Safety | Office of Mission Support
OMSHR Office of Mine Safety and Health Research
OMUMS Office of Minor Use and Minor Species
OMWI Office of Minority & Women Inclusion, CFPB | Office of Minority and Women Inclusion, SEC (older link archive; archive2)
ON Office of Neuroscience (older link archive)
ONA Office of Net Assessment
ONAA Office of Native American Affairs
ONAC Office of National Autism Coordination
ONADE Office of New Animal Drug Evaluation
ONAP Office of National AIDS Policy (older link archive) | Office of Native American Programs (older link archive)
ONC Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (changed to ASTP/ONC 7/24); older link archive)
ONCD Office of the National Cyber Director
ONCIX Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive (absorbed into NCSC)
OND Office of New Drugs (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
ONDCP Office of National Drug Control Policy
ONDIEH Office of Noncommunicable Diseases, Injury and Environmental Health (changed to Deputy Director for Non-Infectious Diseases (unable to verify 5/24)
ONDP Office of New Drug Policy | Office of New Drug Products (renamed/reorganized into OPQA; older link archive)
ONES Office of National Examinations and Supervision (unable to verify 3/19)
O*NET Occupational Information Network (older link archive)
ONHIR Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation
ONHR Office of Native Hawaiian Relations (older link archive)
ONI Oceanic Niño Index
ONL Office of National Laboratories
ONMS Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
ONP Office of National Programs
ONPD Office of Non-Prescription Drugs (older link archive)
ONPE Office of Non-Public Education (older link archive; archive2)
ONR Office of National Response (unable to verify 3/19) | Office of Nutrition Research (older link archive; archive2)
ONRR Office of Natural Resources Revenue
ONS Office of National Security (older link archive) | Office of Nursing Services
ONSC Office of National Security Controls
On-TRAC Online Technical Resource and Assistance Center
OOC Office of Compliance (changed to OCWR)
OOD Office of Oncologic Diseases (older link archive)
OOH Occupational Outlook Handbook
OOM Office of Organizational Management
OOPD Office of Orphan Product Development (older link archive; archive2)
OOQ Occupational Outlook Quarterly (changed to Career Outlook)
OOR Office of Obesity Research (older link archive) | Office of Operations and Resources (unable to verify 2/23)
OORP Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs
OOS Office of Operational Systems (unable to verify 5/18)
OP Office of Policy, DOE (unable to verify 12/20) | Office of Policy, EPA | Office of Proceedings
OPA Office of Ocean and Polar Affairs | Office of People Analytics (older link archive; archive2) | Office of Pharmacy Affairs | Office of Population Affairs (older link archive) | Office of Project Assessment (older link archive; archive2; archive3) | Office of Public Affairs (older link archive)
OPAD Office of Policy Analysis and Development (older link archive)
OPAE Office of Planning, Analysis and Evaluation (older link archive; archive2)
OPAGAC Office of Public Assistance, Governmental Affairs, and Compliance
OPAL Office of Procurement, Acquisition and Logistics
OPAPH Office of Policy Analytics & Population Health (changed to PAEO)
OPART Office of Performance, Accountability, Resources, and Technology (changed to COE)
OPB Office of Performance Budgeting
OPC Ocean Policy Committee (older link archive) | Ocean Prediction Center (older link archive) | Office of the Police Corps (defunct)
OPCL Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties
OPDAT Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training (older link archive)
OPDP Office of Prescription Drug Promotion (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
OPDR Office of Policy Development and Research (older link archive) | Online Public Disclosure Room
OPE Office of Partner Engagement (older link archive) | Office of Partnership and Engagement | Office of Postsecondary Education (older link archive) | Office of Public Engagement, Commerce | Office of Public Engagement, White House (older link archive)
OPEM Office of Property and Environmental Management
OPEN Online Professional English Network | Organizations Preparing for Emergency Needs (older link archive)
OPEO Office of Preparedness and Emergency Operations (changed to OEM)
OPEP Office of Program Evaluation and Performance (changed to OEPR)
OPEPD Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development (older link archive)
OPF Official Personnel Folders
OPG Operations Proving Ground
OPH Office of Public Health
OPHDST Office of Public Health Data, Surveillance, and Technology (older link archive)
OPHER Office of Public Health Ethics and Regulations
OPHG Office of Public Health Genomics (changed to OGPPH)
OPHS Office of Public Health Science (older link archive; archive2)
OPHSS Office of Public Health Scientific Services (changed to DDPHSS)
OPI Office of Payment Integrity (unable to verify 9/24) | Office of Preservation Initiatives
OPIC Overseas Private Investment Corporation (changed to DFC)
OPL Office of Policy and Legislation
OPLA Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (older link archive)
OPL-IGA Office of Public Liaison & Intergovernmental Affairs (changed to Office of Public Engagement, OPE)
OPM Office of Personnel Management | Office of Operations Program Management
OPMA Office of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Assessment (older link archive; archive2)
OPMP Office of Pest Management Policy (older link archive)
OPO Office of Program Operations
OPOG Office of Privacy and Open Government (older link archive)
OPP Obstetric & Pediatric Pharmacology Branch (changed to OPPTB) | Office of Pesticide Programs | Office of Polar Programs | Office of Public Participation
OPPA Office of Policy and Program Analysis (older link archive) | Office of Projects, Partnerships, and Analysis (changed to SWO; previously, Office of Projects, Planning, and Analysis; older link archive; archive2)
OPPD Office of Policy and Program Development (older link archive)
OPPE Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement | Office of Policy, Performance, and Evaluation (older link archive)
OPPM Office of Performance and Personnel Management | Office of Planning and Performance Management (changed to OBPM)
OPPQ Office of Policy for Pharmaceutical Quality (older link archive; archive2)
OPPR Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (older link archive)
OPPSD Office of Planning and Programming for Service Delivery
OPPT Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
OPPTB Obstetric and Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics Branch
OPPTM Office of Personal Property and Transportation Management (older link archive)
OPPTS Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances (changed to OCSPP)
OPQ Office of Pharmaceutical Quality (older link archive)
OPQA Offices of Product Quality Assessment (older link archive)
OPQR Office of Pharmaceutical Quality Research (older link archive)
OPR Office of Passenger Rail | Office of Petroleum Reserves (older link archive) | Office of Professional Responsibility | Office of Protected Resources (older link archive) | Online Passport Renewal | Senate Office of Public Records
OPRE Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation
OPRO Office of Program and Regulatory Operations (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
OPS Office of Pipeline Safety (older link archive; archive2) | Office of Private Sector (older link archive)
OPSA Office of Program and Strategic Analysis (older link archive)
OPSC Office of Public Safety Communications (older link archive)
OPSEC National Operations Security
OPSG Operation Stonegarden
OPSO Office of Physical Sciences - Oncology (changed to PS-ON)
OPT Office of Pediatric Therapeutics (older link archive; archive2)
OPTF Obscenity Prosecution Task Force (absorbed into CEOS)
OPTN Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network
OPU Operational Projects Unit (changed to Operational Projects; older link archive)
OPUS Online Positioning User Service
OQA Office of Quality Assurance (older link archive)
OQI Office of Quality Improvement (older link archive)
OQS Office of Quality Surveillance (older link archive; archive2)
OR Office of Recovery
ORF Oral Reading Fluency Study
ORHP Office of Rural Health Policy (changed to FORHP)
ORI Office of Regional Intelligence | Office of Research Integrity
ORIA Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (older link archive)
ORIP Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (older link archive; archive2)
ORISE Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
ORLP Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership
ORM Ocean Resource Management Subcommittee | Office of Research and Methodology (unable to verify 12/20) | Office of Resolution Management (changed to ORMDI) | Office of Resource Management (unable to verify 7/24; older link archive)
ORMDI Office of Resolution Management, Diversity & Inclusion
ORMH Office of Research on Minority Health (changed to OMHR, then to OSPD)
ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
ORNL DACC Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (older link archive; archive2)
ORO Office of Regulatory Operations
ORP Office of Recovery Programs | Office of Regulatory Policy (older link archive) | Office of River Protection (older link archive)
ORPB Outbreak Response and Prevention Branch (older link archive)
ORPM Office of Regulatory Policy and Management
ORPP Office of Real Property Programs (older link archive)
ORPURM Office of Rare Diseases, Pediatrics, Urologic and Reproductive Medicine (older link archive)
OR&R Office of Response and Restoration
ORR Office of Readiness and Response (older link archive) | Office of Refugee Resettlement | Office of Response and Recovery (older link archive | Office of Response and Restoration | Operational Readiness Review
ORS Occupational Requirements Survey | OFAC Reporting System | Office of Radiological Security | Office of Resource Sustainability
ORSA Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account
ORSC Obesity Research Strategic Core (unable to verify 2/16)
ORTA Office of Research, Transition, and Application
ORWH Office of Research on Women's Health
OS Office of Science | Operations Support Office
OS3I Open-Source Software Security Initiative
OS&C Office of Surveillance and Compliance
OSE Office of Science Education | Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology (older link archive) | Open Source Enterprise (decommissioned 10/19)
OSEA Office of Strategic Engagement and Assessments
OSEC Office of the Secretary, Dept. of Labor (older link archive; older link archive)
OSEEP Office of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Programs (older link archive)
OSEL Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories
OSELS Office of Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (changed to CSELS)
OSEM Office of Strategic Environmental Management
OSEOD Office of Strategic Employee and Organization Development
OSEP Office of Special Education Programs (older link archive)
OSERS Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (older link archive)
OSF Office of Space Flight (changed to Office of Space Operations, then to HEO) | Office of Sustainable Fisheries
OSFAP Office of Student Financial Assistance Programs (changed to FSA)
OSFR Oil Spill Financial Responsibility (older link archive)
OSG Office of Self-Governance (older link archive) | Office of the Solicitor General | Office of the Surgeon General (older link archive)
OSGS Office of Satellite Ground Services (changed to OCS; older link archive; archive2)
OSH Office of Occupational Safety and Health | Office on Smoking and Health
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration | Office of Special Health Affairs (unable to verify)
OSHC Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities (unable to verify 2/14; likely changed to Office of Sustainable Communities, unable to verify 11/22)
OSHE Office of Safety, Health, and Environment (unable to verify 5/24)
OSHI Office of Special Health Initiatives (older link archive)
OSHRC Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
OSHS Office of Safe and Healthy Students (changed to OSSS; older link archive)
OSI Office of Scientific Integrity | Office of Scientific Investigations (older link archive) | Office of Special Investigations (merged into HRSP)
OSIM Office of Scientific Information Management (changed to ODS)
OSIS Office of Study Integrity and Surveillance (older link archive)
OSLLE Office for State and Local Law Enforcement
OSLTC Office of State, Local and Tribal Coordination (unable to verify 11/16)
OSM Office of Special Masters | Office of Specialty Medicine (older link archive) | Office of Spectrum Management (older link archive) | Office of Systems Management (unable to verify 2/23; older link archive)
OSMA Office of Safety and Mission Assurance (older link archive)
OSMC Observing System Monitoring Center
OSMO Office of Science Management and Operations
OSMP Office of Special Medical Programs (unable to verify 1/20; older link archive)
OSMR Office of Survey Methods Research
OSMRE Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
OSO Oak Ridge National Laboratory Site Office (older link archive) | Office of Satellite Operations (merged into OSPO) | Office of Space Operations (changed to HEO) | Office of Support Operations
OSP Office of Science Policy (changed to OSAPE) | Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis (unable to verify 12/18) | Office of Strategic Policy | Office of Strategic Programs (older link archive)
OSPA Office of Science Planning and Assessment (defunct)
OSPAC Office of Science Policy, Analysis and Communication (changed to OSPRA)
OSPC Office of Science Policy and Communications (older link archive)
OSPD Office of Special Programs in Diversity (unable to verify 5/16) | Oil Spill Preparedness Division
OSPO Office of Satellite and Product Operations
OSPPI Office of Strategic Planning and Performance Improvement
OSPRA Office of Science Policy, Reporting, and Program Analysis
OSQ Office of Science Quality
OSQI Office of Science Quality and Integrity (older link archive; archive2)
OSQR Office of Scientific Quality Review (older link archive)
OSRA Ocean Shipping Reform Act
OSRP Off-Site Source Recovery Program
OSRTI Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation
OSS Office of Science Support | Office of State Support (changed to SSA)
OSSI Open-Source Science Initiative (older link archive; archive2)
OSSPI Office of Shared Solutions and Performance Improvement
OSSS Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (older link archive)
OST Ocean Science and Technology Subcommittee | Office of School Turnaround (unable to verify 5/24) | Office of Secure Transportation (older link archive) | Office of Strategic Partnerships and Technology Innovation | Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians | Out of School Time
OST-F Office of Multimodal Freight Infrastructure and Policy
OSTI Office of Science and Technology Integration | Office of Scientific and Technical Information
OSTLTS Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support (changed to CSTLTS)
OSTM Ocean Surface Topography Mission (older link archive)
OSTP Office of Science and Technology Policy (older link archive)
OST-R Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4)
OSTR Office of Science and Technology Resources
OST-Z National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance Bureau: Build America Bureau
OSWER Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (changed to OLEM)
OT Office of Technology | Office of Trade
OTA Office of Tax Analysis (older link archive) | Office of Technology Assessment (defunct; older link archive) | Office of Tribal Affairs (unable to verify 11/16; possibly changed to TSU)
OTAQ Office of Transportation and Air Quality (older link archive; archive2)
OTASA Office of Tribal Affairs and Strategic Alliances (older link archive)
OTAT Office of Tissues and Advanced Therapies (older link archive; archive2)
OTBB Office of Therapeutic Biologics and Biosimilars (older link archive)
OTC Operational Technology and Cyber Division (changed to Cyber and Operational Technology Division)
OTCD Operational Technology and Cyber Division (changed to OTC)
OTCnet Over-the-Counter Channel Application
OTD Office of Training and Development (merged into OTTP) | Office of Training and Diversity (unable to verify 3/19) | Operational Technology Division (changed to Operational Technology)
OTE Office of Technology Evaluation (older link archive)
OTech Office of Technology Research and Investigation (unable to verify 7/24)
OTECP Organic and Transitional Education and Certification Program (site archived 5/23; older link archive; archive2)
OTEXA Office of Textiles and Apparel
OTF Open Technology Fund | Outdoor Test Facility
OTGR Office of Tribal Government Relations (older link archive)
OTI Ocean Transportation Intermediaries (older link archive; archive2) | Office of Technology and Innovation | Office of Transition Initiatives (older link archive) | OSHA Training Institute (older link archive; archive2)
OTIA Office of Telecommunications and Information Applications (changed to OICG)
OTIP Office on Trafficking in Persons (older link archive)
OTIPI Office of Translational Initiatives and Program Innovations (older link archive; archive2)
OTIS Online Tracking Information System (replaced by ECHO) | Online Tuberculosis Information System
OTJ Office of Tribal Justice
OTLA Office of Trade and Labor Affairs (older link archive; archive2)
OTM OSHA Technical Manual
OTMP Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy (unable to verify 2/21; older link archive)
OTOP Office of Technology Operations and Planning (changed to OITO)
OTP Office of Tax Policy (older link archive) | Office of Technology Policy (defunct) | Office of Therapeutic Products | Open Textbooks Pilot Program (older link archive)
OTPS Office of Technology, Policy, and Strategy (older link archive)
OTR Office of Translational Resources | Office of Tribal Relations (older link archive; archive2; archive3) | Office of Trust Records (older link archive)
OTS Office of Thrift Supervision (merged into OCC) | Office of Translational Sciences (older link archive) | Office of Trust Services (older link archive)
OTSG Office of Tribal Self-Governance
OTT Office of Technology Transitions | Office of Technology Transfer (older link archive) | Office of Transportation Technologies (changed to FreedomCAR, then VTO)
OTTI Office of Travel and Tourism Industries (changed to NTTO)
OTTP Office of Training and Tactical Programs (changed to OLCD)
OTVTP Office for Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (replaced by CP3)