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GovSpeak: A Guide to U.S. Government Acronyms & Abbreviations: E

The most current, extensive and fully-linked listing of U.S. government agency, office, program and publication acronyms.


EAP Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs | Expedited Access Pathway (changed to Breakthrough Devices Program)
EAPO Epidemiology and Analytic Methods Program Office (unable to verify 6/14; likely replaced by ATMB)
EAR Earth Sciences | Exploratory Advanced Research | Export Administration Regulations
EARS Education and Administration Reporting System (unable to verify 5/23, possibly replaced by N-PEARS)
Earth MRI Earth Mapping Resources Initiative
EAS Equipment Authorization System
EATS Environmental Assessment Training Series
EAVS Election Administration and Voting Survey
EB Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs | Enforcement Bureau | Epidemiology Branch
EBB Emergency Broadband Benefit Program
EBC Patent Electronic Business Center
EB/CIP Office of International Communications and Information Policy (changed to CIP)
EBCCP Evidence-Based Cancer Control Programs
EB/IFD International Finance and Development Unit (changed to IFD)
EBM Explosive Blast Modeling Program
EBNN Environment, Biology, Nuclear Science, & Nonproliferation Directorate
EBP Evidence-Based Practices
EBS Employee Benefits Survey  | Enterprise Business Solutions (changed to EA)
EBSA Employee Benefits Security Administration
EB/TRA Transportation Affairs Division (changed to TRA)
EBTS Electronic Biometric Transmission Specification
EC Energy & Climate (changed to Energy)
ECA Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
ECAB Employees' Compensation Appeals Board
ECAP Endangered Child Alert Program
ECAS Economic and Cost Analysis for Air Pollution Regulations | EOIR Courts & Appeals System
ECATT ECHO Clean Air Tracking Tool
ECC Office of Export Control Cooperation
ECCC Emergency Care Coordination Center (unable to verify 8/19)
ECCD Environmental Compliance and Cleanup Division
eCCF Electronic Consumer Complaint Form
ECCOE EROS Cal/Val Center of Excellence
ECCR Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution
ECCS Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems
ECD Emergency Communications Division | Energy Citations Database (merged into SciTech Connect 8/13, then 2/18) | Environmental Compliance Database | Environmental Compliance Division (unable to verify 3/21; possibly changed to ECP) | Office of Early Childhood Education
ECDS Early Career Doctorates Survey
eCERT Electronic Certification System
eCFR Electronic Code of Federal Regulations
ECFS Electronic Comment Filing System
ECHO Enforcement and Compliance History Online | Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes | Experience of Care and Health Outcomes Survey | Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes
ECHPP Enhanced Comprehensive HIV Prevention Planning
ECI Early Childhood Institute (unable to verify 10/12) | Employment Cost Index
ECIB Education and Community Involvement Branch
ECIE Executive Council on Integrity and Effiency (changed to CIGIE)
ECIP Emergency Capital Investment Program | Enhanced Competition Incentive Program | Enhanced Critical Infrastructure Protection (changed to Assist Visits)
ECLKC Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center
ECLS Early Childhood Longitudinal Study
ECLS-B Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort
ECN Engine Combustion Network
ED Department of Education | Office of Economic Impact and Diversity (changed to EJE)
ED3N Enhancing Data-driven Disease Detection in Newborns
EDA Economic Development Administration | Environmental Dashboard Application
EDAT Education Data Analysis Tool
EDAV Enterprise Data, Analytics, and Visualization
EDB Exporter Database
EDC Explosives Detection Canine Teams
EDCaDS Enterprise Data Collection and Dissemination Systems
EDCI Economic Development Capacity Index
EdCon EEO Education Consortium
EDD Engineering Development Division
EDDI Evaporative Demand Drought Index
EDEN Everglades Depth Estimation Network
EDFIN Education Finance Statistics Center
EDG Community Resilience Economic Decision Guide for Buildings and Infrastructure Systems | Environmental Dataset Gateway (decommissioned, replaced by Enterprise Data Catalog)
EDGAR Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval
EDGE Colorado Plateau Extreme Drought in Grassland Experiment | Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates | Enhanced Dynamic Geo-Social Environment (page archived) | Enhancing Development and Growth through Energy
EDGe$ Economic Decision Guide Software
ED-GRS U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools
EDHS ECS Data Handling System (unable to verify 2/21)
EDI Electronic Data Interchange | European Deterrence Initiative
EDIE Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator
EDL Electrochemical Discovery Laboratory | Enterprise Data Lake | Environmental and Disposal Liabilities Program
EDM Estuary Data Mapper
EDMC Environmental Data Management Committee (changed to DGC)
EDMED Enterprise Data Management & Engineering Directorate
EDO Economic Development Organization
EDOCS Electronic Document Management System
eDP electronic Document Processing
EDRN Early Detection Research Network
EDS Environmental Defense Section | Evaluation and Decision Support Division (changed to EDSD)
EDSCLS ED School Climate Surveys
EDSD Evaluation and Decision Support Division (changed to WIDS)
EDSP Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program
ED/SS Economic Development and Supportive Services Program
EDTF El Dorado Task Force
EDU Directorate for STEM Education
EDX Energy Data eXchange
EE Environmental Education
EE4D Energy Efficiency for Development program
EEB Environmental Epidemiology Branch
EEC Division of Engineering Education and Centers
EECBG Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program
EECLP Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program
EEDP Effective Educator Development Programs
EEEL Eastern Energy and Environmental Laboratory | Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory (absorbed into PML)
EEHS Division of Emergency and Environmental Health Services (unable to verify 1/20)
EEM Energy Efficient Mortgage Program
EEOB Eisenhower Executive Office Building (formerly, Old Executive Office Building - OEOB)
EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EEOICPA Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act
EEOMBD Ombudsman for the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program
EEP Epidemiology Elective Program | External Expertise and Partnerships (changed to PAIRS)
EERE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
EERI Environmental Economics Research Inventory
EERPAT Energy and Emissions Reduction Policy Analysis Tool
EES Earth and Environmental Sciences (unable to verify 11/18) | Energy and Environmental Sciences (changed to EESD) | Environmental Enforcement Section
EESA Earth and Environmental Sciences Area
EESC Eastern Ecological Science Center
EESD Energy and Environmental Sciences Directorate (unable to verify 12/20)
EESM Earth and Environmental System Modeling
EESSD Earth and Environmental Systems Sciences Division
EETD Environmental Energy Technologies Division (changed to ETA)
EEZ U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone
EF Emerging Frontiers Office (previously, Division of Emerging Frontiers)
EFAB Environmental Financial Advisory Board
EFAST Electronic Filing Acceptance System
EFC Environmental Finance Center
EFCN Environmental Finance Center Network
EFH Essential Fish Habitat
EFLEA Emergency Federal Law Enforcement Assistance Program
EFMA Division of Emerging Frontiers and Multidisciplinary Activities
EFNEP Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program
EFR Enhanced FDNS Review
EFRC Energy Frontier Research Center
EFRP Emergency Forest Restoration Program
EFRs Experimental Forests and Ranges
EFSMS Educational Field and Small Mine Services
EFSP Emergency Food and Shelter Program
EFST Export Facilitation Services Team (unable to verify 11/17)
EFS-Web Electronic Filing System-Web (retired, replaced by Patent Center)
EFTPS Electronic Federal Tax Payment System
EGAPP Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention
EGDB Energy Resources Program Geochemistry Laboratory Database
E/GFS Office of Global Food Security
e-GGRT electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool
eGIS Enterprise Geospatial Information Services
EGIST Earth Science Data Systems Geographic Information Systems Team
E-Gov Office of E-Government and Information Technology
EGP Equipment Grants Program | Fire Enterprise Geospatial Portal
eGRID Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database
EGRP Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program
EGS Energy and Global Security (split into AET and NTNS 3/22)
EGSC Eastern Geographic Science Center (unable to verify 5/19; probably merged into or changed to Florence Bascom Geoscience Center)
EHAP Experimental Housing Allowance Program
EHC Effective Health Care Program | Environmental Health Capacity
EHD-EJ Environmental Health Disparities and Environmental Justice
EHE Ending the HIV Epidemic
EHEA Environmental Health Economic Analysis
EHealth Enhancing Health Data Program
EHHE Environmental Hazards and Health Effects (unable to verify 1/20)
EHP Earthquake Hazards Program | Environmental Health Perspectives
EHR Directorate for Education and Human Resources (changed to EDU) | Electronic Health Records Incentive Programs (changed to PI)
EHRM EHR (Electronic Health Record) Modernization
EHS Environmental Health Services Branch (unable to verify 5/24)
EHSB Environmental Health Surveillance Branch
EHSC Environmental Health Support Center
EHS-CCP Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships (changed to The Partnership Center - unable to verify 11/18)
EHS-Net Environmental Health Specialists Network
EHSS Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security
EHTER Environmental Health Training in Emergency Response
EIA Early Independence Award | Economic Impact Analyses | Energy Information Administration
EIB Economic Information Bulletin | Engineering and Implementation Branch | Experimental Immunology Branch | Export Import Bank of the United States
EIC Electron-Ion Collider Directorate | Energizing Insular Communities | Energy Investor Center (unable to verify 10/19)
EID Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal | Emerging Infectious Diseases programs | Enforcement Integrated Database
EIDL COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan
EIEN Environmental Information Exchange Network
EIO CDC/ATSDR Ethics and Integrity Office
EIOC Electricity Infrastructure Operations Center
EIP Economic Impact Payments | Emerging Infections Programs
EIP Card Economic Impact Payment Card
EIPB Explosives Industry Programs Branch (changed to Explosives Industry)
EIR Education Innovation and Research Program
EIS Environmental Impact Statement | Epidemic Intelligence Service
EITC Earned Income Tax Credit
EITI US Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (unable to verify 6/20)
EIV Enterprise Income Verification
EJ Environmental Justice
EJCC Environmental Justice Climate Corps Program
EJCPS Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreement Program
EJE Office of Energy Justice and Equity
EJG2G Environmental Justice Government-to-Government
EJI Elder Justice Initiative | Environmental Justice Index
EJ IWG Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice
EJSCREEN Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool
EJSG Environmental Justice Small Grants
EJ TCGM Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program
EJ TCTAC Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers
EMAP Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (discontinued)
EMB Environmental Medicine Branch
EMBARC Every Mariner Builds A Respectful Culture
EMC Air Emission Measurement Center | Ecosystem Management Coordination | Electron Microscopy Center (unable to verify 1/18) | Energetic Materials Center | Environmental Modeling Center
EMD Environmental Management Division, NASA | Environmental Management Division, USDA
EMDP Energy and Mineral Development Program
EMERSC Eastern Mineral and Environmental Resources Science Center (unable to verify 2/21)
EMG Election Management Guidelines
EMI Emergency Management Institute
EMIS Energy Management Information Systems
EMIT Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation
EML Environmental Measurements Laboratory (changed to NUSTL)
EMMO Office of Emergency Management and Medical Operations (unable to verify 2/23)
EMOTR Emergency Management of Tomorrow Research
EMP Electricity Markets and Policy Group | Emerging Markets Program
EMPG Emergency Management Performance Grant
EMPP Airport Environmental Mitigation Pilot Program
EMPR Environmental Management Performance Report
EMRS2 Emergency Management Response System 2.0
EMS Emergency Medical Services | Environmental Management Systems
EMSC Emergency Medical Services for Children
EMSL William R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
EM SSAB EM Site Specific Advisory Board
EMSSD Emergency Management, Safety, and Security Division
EMTS EPA Moderated Transaction System
EMU Evaluation and Measurement Unit (inactive or defunct 2/17)
EOUSA Executive Office for United States Attorneys
EOUST Executive Office for U.S. Trustees
EP Employment Projections
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPAD Earth Prediction Advancement Division
EPAP Emergency Prescription Assistance Program
EPAS Economic and Policy Analysis Staff | Electronic Patent Assignment System (retired, replaced by Assignment Center)
EPC Entities of Particular Concern | Evidence-based Practice Center
EPD Directorate of Educational Policy and Development | Ecosystem Processes Division | Emergency Programs Division | Expedited Project Delivery Pilot Program
EPHML Environmental and Public Health Microbiology Laboratory (unable to verify 9/22)
EPHS Essential Public Health Services
EPHT Environmental Public Health Tracking Program
EPIC Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera | Earth Prediction Innovation Center | El Paso Intelligence Center | Emergency Partners Information Connection | Energy Program for Innovation Clusters | Environmental Profiling and Initiation of Convection | Exploratory Programs and Innovation Competitions
Epi-X Epidemic Information Exchange
EPLPPS Eligible Plant List and Plant Price Schedule
EPLS Excluded Parties List System (merged into SAM; archived)
EPO Epidemiology Program Office (unable to verify 1/20)
EPOD Executive Protection Operations Division
EPP Employment Projections Program | Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
EPPD Engineering Policy, Practice and Development Division | Office of Economic Policy Analysis & Public Diplomacy
EPPMD Engineering Program/Project Management Division (changed to EPPD)
EPR Emergency Preparedness and Response
EPS Enhanced Pertussis Surveillance
EPSA Office of Energy Policy and Systems Analysis (changed to OP)
EPSCoR Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
EPSDT Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment
ePSS Electronic Preventive Services Selector (changed to Prevention TaskForce)
EPT Employer-Provided Training
EQD Environmental Quality Division
EQIP Environmental Quality Incentives Program
ES Ecological Services | Endangered Species | Energy Systems (split into TAPS and ESIA)
ESA Economics and Statistics Administration (unable to verify 10/18) | Employment Standards Administration (defunct 11/09)
ESAC Earth Science Advisory Committee
ESAM Environmental Sampling and Analytical Methods Program
ESAR-VHP Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals
ESB Earth Systems Biogeochemistry Laboratory | Ecosystems Surveys Branch
ESC Energy, Sanctions and Commodities (changed to TFS) | Energy Security Center (unable to verify 1/15) | Enterprise Services Center | Environmental Science Center | Office of Emerging Security Challenges
EscaPADE Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers
ESCO ESDIS Standards Coordination Office
ESD Earth Science Division | Earth Sciences Division (changed to EESA) | Environmental Sciences Division
ESDIS Earth Science Data and Information System
ESDMD Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate
ESDS Earth Science Data Systems
ESE Earth System Explorers
ESEC Office of the Executive Secretary
ESF Education Stabilization Fund | Enduring Security Framework
ESF-REM Education Stabilization Fund-Rethink K12 Education Models Grants
ESF-RWP Education Stabilization Fund-Reimagine Workforce Preparation Grants
ESG Emergency Solutions Grants Program
ESGC Energy Storage Grand Challenge
ESGF Earth System Grid Federation
ESI Early Stage Innovations | Earth Surface and Interior | Environmental Sensitivity Index | Experimental Sites Initiative
ESIA Energy Systems and Infrastructure Analysis
ESIF Energy Systems Integration Facility
ESLR Effects of Sea Level Rise
ESM Earth Systematic Missions Program
ESMC Economic Security Mission Center (changed to NST)
ESMIS USDA Economics, Statistics and Market Information System
ESMI TTA Center National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Early Serious Mental Illness
ESnet Energy Sciences Network
ESOC Enterprise Security Operations Center (unable to verify 3/24)
ET Emerging Technologies (unable to verify)
ETA Electronic Transfer Account (terminated 8/18) | Employment and Training Administration | Energy Technologies Area | Energy Transition Accelerator | Explosives Threat Assessment
ETAAC Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee
ETAC Energy Threat Analysis Center | Engineering Technology Assessment Center
ETAP EPA Transcriptomic Assessment Product
ETAS Electronic Trademark Assignment System (retired, replaced by Assignment Center)
ETB Emerging Technologies Branch  | Environmental Toxicology Branch
E-TBEx Enhanced Tandem Beacon Experiment
ETEPs EPA-Tribal Environmental Plans
ETFS Electronic Tariff Filing System
ETIB Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch (unable to verify 11/22)
eTIC Electronic Technical Information System
ETJD Enhanced Transitional Jobs Demonstration
ETL Environmental Tort Litigation Section
ETOH Alcohol and Alcohol Problems Science Database (unable to verify 9/15)
ETOPO Earth TOPOgraphy
eTRaP Ensemble Tropical Rainfall Potential
ETRS EAS Test Reporting System
ETS E-Gov Travel Service )
ETV Environmental Technology Verification Program (archived page; program ended)
EU Explosives Unit (unable to verify 8/21)
EUA Emergency Use Authorization
EUPP Energy Utility Partnership Program
EUR Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
EUR/ACE Office of the Coordinator of U.S. Assistance to Europe and Eurasia
EVA Enhanced Visualization and Analysis Tool
EVAL Evaluation Branch (unable to verify 11/23)
EVENT Event-based Verification and Evaluation of NWS Gridded Products Tool (unable to verify 3/24)
eVetRecs Electronic Veterans Records
EVI-EDGES Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Enabling Distributed Generation Energy Storage
EVI-EnSite Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Energy Estimation and Site Optimization
EVI-FAST Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Financial Analysis Scenario
EVI-Pro Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Projection Tool
eVIUS Electrical Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey
EVL Environmental Visualization Laboratory (unable to verify 8/18; likely merged into Imagery and Data, then Imagery Collections)
EVM Earned Value Management
eVMS Enterprise Voucher Management System
EVPS Emerging Viral Pathogens Section
EVS Environmental Science Division
EVUS Electronic Visa Update System
EWCP Export Working Capital Program (unable to verify 6/22)
EWD Education and Workforce Development Program
EWEM Early Warning and Environmental Monitoring Program
EWIDS Early Warning Infectious Disease Surveillance (defunct)
EWOC Enterprising Women of Color
eWORLD Work-Related Lung Disease Surveillance System (unable to verify 5/24)
EWP Emergency Watershed Protection Program
EWPP Emergency Watershed Protection Program (changed to EWP)
EXAP Exposure Assessment Program
EXBS Export Control and Related Border Security Program
ExCELS Early Care and Education Leadership Study
EXCITE Extension COVID Immunization Training and Education
EXCOM-South Exodus Command Center South
EXD Explosives Division (changed to Explosives Detection, then Explosives Threat Assessment)
Exec Sec Council of Federal Executive Secretariats (unable to verify 8/17)
ExEP Exoplanet Exploration Program
Ex-Im Export-Import Bank of the United States (also, EIB)
EXIS Exercise Information System | Office of Import Surveillance
ExLENT Experiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies
EXO Exobiology & Evolutionary Biology
ExoPAG Exoplanet Exploration Program Analysis Group
ExpandQISE Expanding Capacity in Quantum Information Science and Engineering
EXP-BDS Experimental Business Dynamics Statistics
EXPRESS Expanding Pacific Research and Exploration of Submerged Systems
EXSO Office of the Executive Secretariat
EZACJRP Easy Access to the Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement
EZIE Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer
EZMT Energy Zones Mapping Tool