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GovSpeak: A Guide to U.S. Government Acronyms & Abbreviations: I

The most current, extensive and fully-linked listing of U.S. government agency, office, program and publication acronyms.


I2U2 India, Israel, United Arab Emirates, United States
i2X Interconnection Innovation e-Xchange (older link archive)
i3 Investing In Innovation
I&A Industry & Analysis (older link archive; archive2) | Office of Intelligence and Analysis
I&M Biological Inventory and Monitoring (changed to ECO) | Inventory and Monitoring (older link archive)
I&O Industry and Occupation (older link archive)
IA International Affairs (changed to International Operations; older link archive) | Import Administration (changed to Enforcement and Compliance; older link archive) | Indian Affairs | Office of International Affairs (older link archive)
IAAF Interagency Accessibility Forum (older link archive)
IAAO International and Academic Affairs Office
IAB InterAgency Board
IABC International Analysis and Banking Condition Division (unable to verify 10/19)
IAC Industrial Advisory Committee | Industrial Assessment Center (older link archive) | Inventors Assistance Center | White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council
IACB Indian Arts and Crafts Board
IACC Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee
IACT Institute for Atom-Efficient Chemical Transformations (unable to verify 6/19; older link archive)
IAD Industry Analysis Division | Information Access Division | Information Assurance Directorate (changed to Cybersecurity; older link archive) | International Affairs Division, ATF | International Affairs Division, TTB (older link archive; archive2; archive3) | Investigative Analysis Division (older link archive)
IADRP International Alzheimer's and Related Dementias Research Portfolio (older link archive)
IADRWG Interagency Alternative Dispute Resolution Working Group
IAE Integrated Award Environment (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
IAEGC Inter-Agency Electronic Grants Committee (changed to
IAEM Institute for Advanced Electron Microscopy
IAF Inter-American Foundation
IAG Indigenous Animals Harvesting and Meat Processing Grant Program | Industries at a Glance
IAIP Infrastructure Analysis and Infrastructure Protection Program (unable to verify 1/08)
IAIWG International Activities Interagency Working Group (older link archive)
IAL Innovative Approaches to Literacy (older link archive)
IALS International Adult Literacy Survey
IAM Indian Affairs Manual (older link archive)
IAO Interagency Office (unable to verify 7/22)
IAP International Activities Program | International Agricultural Productivity | Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (older link archive; archive2)
IAPD Investment Adviser Public Disclosure (older link archive)
IAPE Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement
IAQ Indoor Air Quality
IARPA Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity
IARPC Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee
IASA International Aviation Safety Assessment
IASAP Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program (unable to verify 12/18)
IASOA International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere (unable to verify 4/23; older link archive)
IASP Integrated Aviation Systems Program (older link archive)
IAT Interagency Aviation Training
IATP Intelligence Analyst Training Program (unable to verify 8/18)
IAWG Interagency Working Group
IB Intelligence Branch (older link archive) | International Bureau (changed to OIA)
IBA Industrial Base Assessments (changed to IPA)
IBAS Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment (unable to verify 5/23)
IBAT Interagency Bolt Action Team
IC Intelligence Community
IC ACC Intelligence Community Advanced Campaign Cell
IC3 Internet Crime Complaint Center (older link archive)
ICAC Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program (unable to verify 10/19)
ICAD Intelligent Computer Assisted Detection
ICAM Identity, Credential, and Access Management | Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility Pilot Program
ICAMS Interagency Council for Advancing Meteorological Services
ICARS Interagency Council on Agricultural and Rural Statistics
ICASS International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (older link archive; archive2)
ICATT Increasing Community Access to Testing for COVID-19
ICBEMP Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project (archived site; older link archive; archive2)
ICBS-R Interagency Cache Business System Re-engineering
ICC Census Integrated Communications Campaign | Office of Incident Command and Control (older link archive)
ICCA International Conservation Chiefs Academy (older link archive)
ICCE Office of International Climate and Clean Energy (discontinued)
ICCPUD Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (alternate link archive)
ICCVAM Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (older link archive; archive2)
ICD Intelligence Community Directive | Interagency Contract Directory | International Classification of Diseases (older link archive; archive2)
ICDBG Indian Community Development Block Grant (older link archive)
ICDR Interagency Committee on Disability Research (older link archive)
ICE Immigration and Customs Enforcement | Infrastructure Carbon Estimator
ICEIWG Indian Country Energy and Infrastructure Working Group (older link archive)
ICESat-2 Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2
ICF International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health | Office of Inertial Confinement Fusion (unable to verify 8/18)
ICH Interagency Council on Homelessness
ICHNR Interagency Committee on Human Nutrition Research
ICILS International Computer and Information Literacy Study
ICIS Integrated Compliance Information System
ICITAP International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (older link archive)
ICLUS Integrated Climate and Land-Use Scenarios (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
ICM Integrated Corridor Management
ICMOB Intramural Clinical Management and Operations Branch
ICOADS International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set
ICON Ionospheric Connection Explorer (older link archive)
ICOR Immigration Court Online Resource
I-Corps Innovation Corps
iCOUP Institute for the Cooperative Upcycling of Plastics
ICP Indian Children's Program (older link archive) | Informed Compliance Publication | International Information and Communications Policy
ICPD Individual and Community Preparedness Division (older link archive; archive2)
ICPG Intelligence Community Policy Guidance
ICPM Intelligence Community Policy Memorandum
ICPO International Cooperative Programs Office
ICPPS Interagency Council on Printing and Publications Services (replaced by FPC; older link archive)
ICR Information Collection Request | Information Collection Review | Information Collection Rule | Information Coordination and Reporting Branch (older link archive)
ICRO Information Collection Review Office
ICS Incident Command System (older link archive; archive2) | Industrial Control Systems (older link archive) | International Cyberspace Security | Investment Climate Statements
ICS-CERT Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (retired 2/23; previously merged into NCCIC)
ICSJWG Industrial Control Systems Joint Working Group
ICSO Interior Complex Security Operations
ICSP Interagency Committee on Standards Policy (older link archive; archive2) | Interagency Council on Statistical Policy
ICTAP Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program (older link archive)
ICTIME Interagency Center for Trade Implementation, Monitoring, and Enforcement
ICTS Information and Communication Technology Survey
ICU Influenza Coordination Unit (unable to verify 2/16)
ID Infectious Diseases (older link archive; archive2) | Influenza Division (older link archive) | Intelligence Division (older link archive)
IDA Individual Development Accounts (older link archive) | Interactive Data Analyzer
IDB International Data Base (older link archive) | Investigational Drug Branch
IDC Imaging Data Commons
ID-CTP Immune Deficiency Cellular Therapy Program
IDD Infrastructure Protection and Disaster Management Division (unable to verify 5/14)
IDDB Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Branch
IDE International Data Explorer
IDEA Index of Economic Activity | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IDEAS IARPA Distribution & Evaluation System | Interagency Disability Educational Awareness Showcase (unable to verify 8/13) | Inter-Disciplinary Engagement in Animal Systems (older link archive; archive2)
IDENT Automated Biometric Identification System
IDEP Integrated Diabetes Education Program (defunct)
IdHSC Identity History Summary Checks (older link archive; archive2)
IDIS Integrated Disbursement and Information System
IDLH Immediately Dangerous To Life or Health
IDMS Investigations Data Management System
IDN International Directory Network
IDPB Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch (older link archive)
IDR Income-Driven Repayment
IDS Incident Data System | Investigations Database System
IDSR Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (older link archive)
IEA Integrated Ecosystem Assessments | Office of Independent Enterprise Assessments (changed to EA) | Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs (older link archive)
IEC International Energy Commitments
IECMH Infant Early Childhood Mental Health
IECMHC Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (older link archive)
IED Office of Indian Economic Development
iEdison Interagency Edison (older link archive)
IEDO Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office (older link archive)
IEED Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (changed to IED; older link archive)
IEG Instrument Enhanced Grading program
IEIP International Emerging Infections Program (unable to verify 9/23)
IELS International Early Learning Study
IENC Inland Electronic Navigational Charts
IEO International Energy Outlook
IER Immigrant and Employee Rights Section
IERH International Emergency and Refugee Health (changed to ERRB)
IES Institute of Education Sciences | International Energy Statistics | Investigative and Enforcement Services (older link archive)
IESC Indian Energy Service Center (older link archive; archive2)
IEUBK Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic
IE&VT Industries, Education, and Vocational Training Division (unable to verify 8/17)
IFAC In-Field Address Canvassing
IFAP Information for Financial Aid Professionals (changed to Knowledge Center then FSA Partner Connect)
I-FAST Innovations in Food and Agricultural Science and Technology Prize Competition (unable to verify 3/21)
IFD Division for International Finance and Development
IFDP International Finance Discussion Papers (older link archive)
iFECS integrated Federal Employees' Compensation System
IFFC Illicit Finance Fusion Cell
IFLE International and Foreign Language Education
IFO International Field Offices
IFPM Interagency Fire Program Management Standard
IFPS Institute of Food Production and Sustainability (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4)
IFS Center for Innovative Finance Support
IFSAC Interagency Food Safety Analytics Collaboration (older link archive)
IFSN Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4; archive5)
IFTDSS Interagency Fuel Treatment Decision Support System
IFU International Field Units (unable to verify 4/15)
IGA Office of Intergovernmental Affairs (older link archive; archive2)
IGBST Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team
IGCE Independent Government Cost Estimate
IGEMS Interior Geospatial Emergency Management System (unable to verify 2/18)
IGIA Interagency Group on Insular Areas (older link archive; archive2)
IGIM Interagency Group on Integrative Modeling (older link archive)
IGMS Integrated Grants Management System (changed to NGGS; older link archive)
IGNITE Implementing Genomics in Practice | Inspector General Network for Information and Telecommunications Exchange
IGP Office of Information Governance and Privacy (changed to OIGP; older link archive)
IGRA Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive (older link archive)
IGSB Institute for Genomics & Systems Biology (unable to verify 4/19)
IHA Indian Housing Authority (changed to PIH)
IHB Office of International Health and Biodefense (unable to verify 9/23)
IHBG Indian Housing Block Grant (older link archive)
IHCIF Indian Health Care Improvement Fund
IHEC Interdepartmental Health Equity Collaborative (older link archive)
IHM Images from the History of Medicine (older link archive) | Indian Health Manual
IHP Individuals and Households Program
IHPES Indian Health Performance Evaluation System
IHR International Health Regulations
IHRU International Human Rights Unit
IHS Indian Health Service
IHSC Immigration and Customs Enforcement Health Service Corps (older link archive)
IHSDM Interactive Highway Safety Design Model
IMC Imaging Mass Cytometry Laboratory | Interagency Management Council for Federal Telecommunications (unable to verify 12/12)
IMCO Interagency Meteorological Coordination Office
IMCP Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership (unable to verify 4/20)
IMDCC Interagency Marine Debris Coordinating Committee (older link archive; archive2)
IMDS International Macroeconomic Data Set
IME Institute of Molecular Engineering (unable to verify 9/17)
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMG/M Integrated Microbial Genomes & Microbiomes
IMG/VR Integrated Microbial Genomes/Virus
IMIS Integrated Management Information System
IML Irradiated Materials Laboratory
IMLGS Index to Marine and Lacustrine Geological Samples
IMLS Institute of Museum and Library Services
IMM Immigration Law Division
IMMDL Insect Management and Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory (older link archive)
IMMPaCt International Micronutrient Malnutrition Prevention and Control Program (older link archive; archive2)
ImmPort Immunology Database and Analysis Portal
IMP Inventory Management Plan
IMPACT Interagency Implementation and Advanced Concepts Team
IMPACT-MH Individually Measured Phenotypes to Advance Computational Translation in Mental Health
IMS Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System
IMS/PIC Inventory Management System/PIH Information Center
INA Office of International Affairs
INADs Investigational New Animal Drugs
INB Integrative Neuroscience Branch (older link archive; archive2)
InCA Interactive Cancer Atlas (unable to verify 8/18; likely changed to USCS Data Visualizations)
INCA Interagency National Climate Assessment Working Group (unable to verify 2/18)
InciWeb Incident Information System (older link archive)
INCSR International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (older link archive; archive2)
IND Interplanetary Network Directorate (older link archive) | Investigational New Drug (older link archive)
IndIWG Indicators Interagency Working Group (older link archive)
INEAP Interagency Network of Enterprise Assistance Providers (unable to verify 9/16)
INEPC Office of International Nuclear Energy Policy and Cooperation
INF Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4)
InfoLaw Information Law Division
INFRA Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
InFRM Interagency Flood Risk Management
INL Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (older link archive) | Idaho National Laboratory
INL/AME Office of Africa and Middle East Programs (unable to verify 6/19)
InPort NMFS Information Portal (older link archive)
INR Bureau of Intelligence and Research (older link archive; archive2)
INRMPs Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans
INS Immigration and Naturalization Service (changed to USCIS)
INSD FBI Inspection Division
INSITE INtegrated Support for Impacted air-Traffic Environments (unable to verify 11/23; older link archive)
INSTINCT Infrastructure for Noise and Soundscape Tolerant Investigation of Nonspecific Call Types
INT Office of International Affairs (DOI)
INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization
INVNT CBP Innovation Team
IO Bureau of International Organization Affairs (older link archive)
IOC/AG Information Operations Center’s Analysis Group (unable to verify 2/17)
IOCM Integrated Ocean and Coastal Mapping
IOD Indexing on Demand | International Operations Division (older link archive)
IOLP Inventory of Owned and Leased Properties (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4)
IOMs Internet Only Manuals (older link archive; archive2)
IOOC Interagency Ocean Observation Committee
IOOS Integrated Ocean Observing System
IOS Division of Integrative Organismal Systems
IOSS Interagency OPSEC Support Staff (decommissioned 12/22) | Investigative and Operations Support Section (unable to verify 8/22)
IP Intellectual Property Section | Office of Infrastructure Protection (changed to ISD)
IPA Industrial Policy and Analysis (older link archive)
IPaC Information for Planning and Consultation (changed from Information, Planning, and Conservation; older link archive)
IPAD International and Philanthropic Affairs Division | International Production Assessment Division (older link archive)
IPAS Illicit Pathways Attack Strategy (older link archive)
IPAWS Integrated Public Alert & Warning System
IPB Inspection Policy Branch
IPC Integrated Partnership and Communication
IPCA International Parental Child Abduction
IPCD Intermodal Passenger Connectivity Database (older link archive; archive2)
IPD Innovative Program Delivery (changed to CIFS) | International Programs Division (unable to verify 11/22)
IPDD Institutional Programs Development Division
IPE Immunization Program Evaluation
IPEC Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (older link archive)
IPEDS Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
IPEF Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity
IPEMF Integrated Physical and Ecological Modeling and Forecasting
IPEP Intellectual Property Theft Enforcement Program (older link archive; archive2)
IPHIS Integrated Plant Health Information System
IPI Bureau for Inclusive Growth, Partnerships, and Innovation | International and Philanthropic Innovation (changed to IPAD)
IPIF Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry (older link archive; archive2)
IPL Intergovernmental Public Liaison
IPM Integrated Pest Management, FWS (unable to verify 2/16) | Integrated Pest Management, NIFA (older link archive)
IPP Import Permit Program (older link archive; archive2) | Innovative Partnerships Program (changed to ITPO) | Unmanned Aircraft System Integration Pilot Program | Invoice Processing Platform
IPR Interatomic Potentials Repository
IPR Center National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center
IPRiS Intellectual Property Rights Internal Search System
IPRL Invasive Plant Research Laboratory (older link archive)
IPRP Interagency Pain Research Portfolio (older link archive; archive2)
IPRR Intellectual Property Rights e-Recordation Online System
IPRS Intellectual Property Rights Search
IPS Images and Publications System, NCDC
IPTF Intellectual Property Task Force (unable to verify / website archived 1/22)
IPTU International Prisoner Transfer Program (older link archive; archive2)
IPY International Polar Year
IQCP Individualized Quality Control Plan
IQIP Immunization Quality Improvement for Providers (older link archive)
IRA Industry and Regional Analysis Division (unable to verify 10/19)
IRAC Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee
IRAD International and Refugee Affairs Division
IRAP International Research and Applications Project (unable to verify 9/23; older link archive; archive2; archive3)
IRAS IWG Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Systems Interagency Working Group
IRAT Influenza Risk Assessment Tool (older link archive) | Inorganic and Radiation Analytical Toxicology Branch (older link archive)
IRB Internal Revenue Bulletin (older link archive)
IRDA Informatics Research and Development Activity (unable to verify 6/14; likely replaced by DHIS)
IREMS Integrated Real Estate Management System
IRENE Image, Reconstruct, Erase Noise, Etc.
IREPO Institutional Resilience and Expanded Postsecondary Opportunity program
IRFMS Integrated Rangeland Fire Management Strategy (older link archive)
IRG Intergovernmental Reference Guide
IRIS Immigration Records and Identity Services Directorate (older link archive) | Industrial Research and Development Information System (unable to verify 11/18; see archive) | Integrated Risk Information System | Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (older link archive)
IRM Bureau of Information Resource Management (changed to DT; older link archive) | Internal Revenue Manual
IRMA Integrated Resource Management Applications
IRMCO Interagency Resources Management Conference (unable to verify 3/13)
IROC Interagency Resource Ordering Capability
IRP Intermediary Relending Program (older link archive) | Intramural Research Program
IRPF Infrastructure Resilience Planning Framework (older link archive)
IRR Indian Reservation Roads (replaced by TTP; older link archive)
IRS Indian Resources Section | Internal Revenue Service
IRS-CI Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigations (older link archive; archive2)
IRSOB IRS Oversight Board (unable to verify 4/22)
IRTM Division of Information Resources and Technology Management (older link archive)
IRVS Integrated Rapid Visual Screening for Buildings
IRWIN Integrated Reporting of Wildland-Fire Information (older link archive)
IS International Services (older link archive)
ISA Importer Self-Assessment (older link archive; archive2)
ISAs Integrated Science Assessments
ISAC Invasive Species Advisory Committee
ISAT Information Sharing Assessment Tool
ISB Immunization Systems Branch | Investigative Services Branch
ISC Integrated Support Center (changed to CSC; older link archive) | Interagency Securities Council | Interagency Security Committee (older link archive; archive2)
ISC3 Implementation Science Centers in Cancer Control
ISCAP Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel
ISCD Infrastructure Security Compliance Division (changed to Chemical Security; older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4)
ISCR Institute for Scientific Computing Research (unable to verify 2/19)
ISD Division of Indian Self-Determination | Immunization Services Division (older link archive) | Industry Safety Data | Information Services Division | Infrastructure Security Division (older link archive; archive2) | Integrated Surface Database (replaced by GHCNh; older link archive)
ISDC Interagency Suspension and Debarment Committee
ISE Information Sharing Environment (unable to verify 8/22; older link archive)
ISEP Indian School Equalization Program
ISF Importer Security Filing
ISIS Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (older link archive)
ISLSWG International Space Life Sciences Working Group (unable to verify 10/23)
ISMICC Interdepartmental Serious Mental Illness Coordinating Committee
ISN Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (older link archive)
ISN/ECC Office of Export Control Cooperation (also, ECC)
ISN/MNSA Office of Multilateral Nuclear and Security Affairs (also, MNSA)
ISO Immunization Safety Office (older link archive) | Office of International Security Operations (unable to verify 6/19)
ISOO Information Security Oversight Office
ISP International Statistics Program
ISPO International Safeguards Project Office
ISSM Ice Sheet System Model
ISSMG Internet and Scalable Systems Metrology Group (older link archive)
IST Investigative Support Team
ISTAND Innovative Science and Technology Approaches for New Drugs
I-STEP Intermodal Security Training and Exercise Program
ITA Interactive Tax Assistant (older link archive) | International Trade Administration
ITAP Federal Interagency Committee on Invasive Terrestrial Animals and Pathogens | International Technical Assistance Program
ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations
ITC International Tax Counsel | International Technical Cooperation | NRCS Information Technology Center (unable to verify 11/22) | United States International Trade Commission
ITCR Informatics Technology for Cancer Research
ITD International Trade Division (changed to IAD)
ITDS International Trade Data Systems
ITEC Interagency Trade Enforcement Center (replaced by ICTIME)
ITF Infrastructure Task Force | Innovation Task Force
ITIL Interdiction Technology and Integration Laboratory
ITIS Integrated Taxonomic Information System
ITK Information, Translation, and Knowledge-Delivery
ITL Information Technology Laboratory
ITPO Innovative Technology Partnerships Office (changed to SPO)
ITR Innovation, Technology, and Research Hub
i-Tree Individual Trees
ITS Identity Theft Supplement (older link archive) | Institute for Telecommunications Sciences (older link archive) | Intelligent Transportation Systems | International Treasury Services
ITVERP International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program (older link archive; older link archive)
IV&V Katherine Johnson Independent Verification and Validation Facility (older link archive)
IVLP International Visitor Leadership Program
IVP International Visitors Program
IWAAs Integrated Water Availability Assessments (older link archive)
IWCAL Integrated Water Chemistry Assessment Laboratory
IWCG Integrated Water Cycle Group (older link archive)
IWG Interagency Working Group
IWG-FI Interagency Working Group on Facilities and Infrastructure
IWG-OCM Interagency Working Group on Ocean and Coastal Mapping
IWG-OEC Interagency Working Group on Ocean Exploration and Characterization
IWGOA Interagency Working Group on Ocean Acidification (older link archive)
IWGYP Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs
IWM Office Integrated of Waste Management (unable to verify 6/24)
IWMS Irrigation and Water Management Survey
IWS Irregular Warfare Support Program (unable to verify; likely changed to CTTSO)
IWTSD Irregular Warfare Technical Support Directorate
IYFC Institute of Youth, Family, and Community (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4)
IYSC Indian Youth Service Corps Program