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GovSpeak: A Guide to U.S. Government Acronyms & Abbreviations: S

The most current, extensive and fully-linked listing of U.S. government agency, office, program and publication acronyms.


SAE Office of Systems Architecture and Engineering | State and Metro Area Employment, Hours, & Earnings
SAER LLNL Site Annual Environmental Report (older link archive)
SAFARIS Spatial Analytic Framework for Advanced Risk Information Systems
SAFECOM Aviation Safety Communique | Safety Communications (older link archive)
SAFE-ITR Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence – Inventory, Tracking, and Reporting Program
SAFE MAP Schools Are Far Enough Map
SafeMTS Safe Maritime Transportation System
SafeOCS Safe Outer Continental Shelf
SAFER Safety and Fitness Electronic Records | Staffing for Adequate Fire & Emergency Response Grants Program (older link archive)
SAGE Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment
SAHIE Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (older link archive; archive2)
SAI Student Aid Index | Surface Awareness Initiative
SAIF Saving Associate Insurance Fund (merged into DIF)
SAIG Student Aid Internet Gateway
SAIPE Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates (older link archive)
SAIR Situational Awareness and Incident Response program
SAKI Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (older link archive; archive2)
SALI SEC Action Lookup for Individuals
SALPIE Small and Less Populous Island Economies Initiative
SAM System Advisor Model | System for Award Management (older link archive; archive2)
SAMHDA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive
SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAMS Secure Access Management Services
SanctSound Sanctuary Soundscape Monitoring Project
SANE Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner
SAO Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (older link archive; archive2)
SAOP Senior Agency Officials for Privacy (unable to verify 2/18; older link archive)
SAORM Senior Agency Officials for Records Management
SAP Scientific Advisory Panel | Standard Application Process | Survey of Adults on Probation
SAPP State Alternative Plan Program (older link archive)
SAR Semiannual Report to Congress, IG | Suspicious Activity Reports Program
SARA Service and Advice for Research and Analysis (older link archive) | Stock Assessment Results Archive (older link archive)
SARC Stock Assessment Review Committee (unable to verify 4/20)
SARD Safety and Assurance Requirements Division (changed to MASCD)
SARE Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
SARGDDC South Africa Regional Global Disease Detection Centre (unable to verify 9/23)
SARI Stock Assessment Review Index (older link archive)
SARP Sectoral Applications Research Program (unable to verify 9/23; older link archive; archive2; archive3)
SARSAT Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking
SAS Science Analytics and Synthesis | Service Annual Survey (older link archive) | Surveillance and Aviation Section (unable to verify 8/22) | Sustainable Agricultural Systems (older link archive; archive2)
SASD State Ambulatory Surgery and Services Databases
SASINF Stock Assessment Support Information (older link archive; archive2)
SASP Substance Abuse and Suicide Prevention program
SASS Schools and Staffing Survey
SAT Save America’s Treasures
SAVE Saving on a Valuable Education Plan | Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlement
SAVER System Assessment and Validation for Emergency Responders Program
SAVIN Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (older link archive)
SAVS System for Assessing Vulnerability of Species (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
SAW Stock Assessment Workshop (unable to verify 4/20)
SAWG Sustained Assessment Working Group (older link archive)
SAW/RTW Stay-at-work/Return-to-work
SAWSC South Atlantic Water Science Center
SB Space Biology Program (older link archive; archive2) | Surgery Branch
SBA Small Business Administration | Small Business Assistance Program (older link archive)
SBB Statistical Briefing Book (older link archive)
SBC Structural Biology Center (older link archive)
SBCC Southwest Border Coordination Center
SBCC-MIC Southwest Border Coordination Center Migration Information Center
SBDR ScienceBase Data Release Tool
SBE Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (older link archive)
SBI State Broadband Initiative
SBIC Small Business Investment Company (older link archive)
SBIP Sustainable Buildings Implementation Plan
SBIR Small Business Innovation Research
SBIRT Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment
SBLF Small Business Lending Fund (older link archive)
SBLS Small Business Lending Survey
SBMH School-Based Mental Health Services Grant
SBO Survey of Business Owners and Self-Employed Persons
SBP School Breakfast Program (older link archive) | Section on Behavioral Pediatrics (unable to verify 10/19; older link archive)
SBPS Small Business Pulse Survey (terminated 6/22; succeeded by BTOS)
SBRB Social and Behavioral Research Branch (older link archive)
SBRL Special Bacteriology Reference Laboratory
SBSB Social and Behavioral Sciences Branch (older link archive)
SBSC Southwest Biological Science Center
SB/SE Small Business/Self-Employed Division (older link archive)
SBST Social & Behavioral Sciences Team
SC NASA Science Council | Office of Science (older link archive) | Soil Series Classification Database (older link archive)
SC2 Strong Cities, Strong Communities Initiative (unable to verify 2/18)
SCA Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs (older link archive) | Service Center Agencies
SCAAP State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (older link archive)
SCALEUP Seeding Critical Advances for Leading Energy technologies with Untapped Potential Program
SCAMP Seafloor Compliance, Assessment, and Monitoring Program (older link archive)
SCaN Space Communications and Navigation
SCAN Soil Climate Analysis Network (older link archive)
SCAP Security Content Automation Protocol (older link archive)
SCAS Small Community Advisory Subcommittee
SCB Standard Code Book | Survey of Current Business
SCBGP Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
SCC Sector Coordinating Council (older link archive) | Strategic Center for Coal (unable to verify 11/16)
SC CASC South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
S/CCI Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues (replaced by CDP; older link archive; archive2)
SCCN Seized Currency Collection Network
SC CSC South Central Climate Science Center (changed to SC CASC)
SCCT Supply Chain Control Tower Program (unable to verify 4/24)
SCDCD Scientific Computing and Data Curation Division
SCDM Superfund Chemical Data Matrix
SCEC State Climate Extremes Committee (older link archive)
SCED School Courses for the Exchange of Data
SCEP Office of State and Community Energy Programs
SCF Strengthening Communities Fund (unable to verify) | Survey of Consumer Finances (older link archive) | Swift, Certain, and Fair (older link archive; archive2)
SCG Security Classification Guide
SCHIP State Children's Health Insurance Program (older link archive)
SCI Special Crash Investigations | Specialty Crops Inspection (unable to verify 8/17) | Sustainable Communities Initiative
SciAct Science Activation (older link archive)
SciDAC Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing
SCIL Safer Chemical Ingredients List
SCIP Office of School Choice and Improvement Programs
SCIS SIRU Case Index System
SCISRS Securing Compartmented Information with Smart Radio Systems
SCLEA Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies (older link archive)
SC-LOC Supply Chain Logistics Operation Cell (unable to verify 7/24)
SCM Security Components and Mechanisms Group
SCNGO Strategic Center for Natural Gas and Oil (unable to verify 2/18)
SCO Office of Strategic Communications and Outreach (unable to verify 9/23; older link archive; archive2; archive3) | Special Counsel's Office (older link archive) | Standards Coordination Office
SCOPS Service Center Operations Directorate
SCOR Strategic Capital and Operational Research (unable to verify 5/23)
SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States
SCP Specialty Crops Program
S/CPR Office of the Chief of Protocol (older link archive; archive2)
SCPS State Court Processing Statistics (older link archive)
SCRAM Support Center for Regulatory Atmospheric Modeling
SCRC Southeast Crescent Regional Commission | Supply Chain Resilience Center
SCRHCFI Sustainable and Climate Resilient Health Care Facilities Initiative
SCRI Specialty Crop Research Initiative (older link archive)
SCS School Crime Supplement (older link archive) | Shared Cybersecurity Services
SCSD Smart Connected Systems Division
SCSEP Senior Community Service Employment Program (older link archive)
S/CT Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism (changed to CT)
SD Storm Data | Strategic Deterrence
SDAC Solar Data Analysis Center
SDAMs Streamflow Duration Assessment Methods
SEA Tool Sea Level Evaluation and Assessment Tool
SEAB Secretary of Energy Advisory Board
SEAC Southeast Archaeological Center | Student Engagement and Attendance Center (older link archive)
SEAESRT Spacecraft Environmental Anomalies Expert System – Real Time
SEAFiSh Southeast Abundance of Fish and Shrimp Data Visualizer
SEALS Sealant Efficiency Assessment for Locals and States (older link archive)
SEAPortal Secure Electronic Access Portal
SEARCH Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households (older link archive; archive2; archive3) | Study of Environmental Arctic Change
SEAS Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission | Space Environment Center (changed to SWPC)
SECA Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (unable to verify 8/18)
SE CASC Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
SecEA Security Executive Agent
SE CSC Southeast Climate Science Center (changed to SE CASC)
SED Safety Enforcement Division (older link archive; archive2) | Sciences and Exploration Directorate | Stakeholder Engagement Division | Statistical Engineering Division | Survey of Earned Doctorates (older link archive) | Systems Exposure Division (unable to verify 12/19)
SEDAC Socioeconomic Data and Applications Data Center (older link archive; archive2)
SEDAR SouthEast Data, Assessment, and Review
SEDD State Emergency Department Databases
SEDS Social & Economic Development Strategies (older link archive; archive2) | State Energy Data System | Statistical Enrollment Data System | Stochastic Energy Deployment System
SEE Senior Environmental Employment Program | Space Environments and Effects (discontinued)
SEE Action State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network (older link archive; archive2)
SEED Systems Engineering & Evaluation Directorate (unable to verify 5/16; likely changed to Assessments Directorate)
SEEP State Energy Extension Partnership (older link archive; archive2)
SEER Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results
SEES Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability (unable to verify 12/22)
SEFL Supervision, Enforcement, and Fair Lending Division (older link archive; archive2)
SHA Safe Harbor Agreement
ShaRE Shared Research Equipment User Facility (merged into CNMS; see archive)
SHARE Seek, Help, Assess, Reach, Evaluate
SHARE Initiative Safety, Health and Return-to-Employment (unable to verify 8/18)
SHARES Shared Resources High Frequency (HF) Radio Program (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
SHARP Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Office | Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (older link archive)
SHC Strategic Habitat Conservation (older link archive)
SHED Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking (older link archive)
SHEPheRD Safety and Healthcare Epidemiology Prevention Research Development
SHI School Health Index | Sustainable Highways Initiative (unable to verify 10/23)
SHIBs Safety and Health Information Bulletins (older link archive)
SHIELD Surveillance of HIV-related service barriers among Individuals with Early or Late HIV Diagnoses
SHIP Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program (older link archive; archive2) | State Health Insurance Assistance Program (older link archive; archive2)
SHIRA Strategic Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (older link archive)
SHOP Self-help Homeownership Opportunity Program | Small Business Health Options Program (older link archive)
SHP Secretary's Honors Program (unable to verify 11/21; older link archive) | Supportive Housing Program
SHPPS School Health Policies and Practices Study (older link archive)
SHRP2 Strategic Highway Research Program
SHRS Subtropical Horticulture Research Station
SHSD Safety & Health Services Division
SHSP State Homeland Security Program | Strategic Highway Safety Plan (older link archive; archive2)
SI Office of Services and Investment | Smithsonian Institution
SIAT Survey of International Air Travelers
SIBR Standards Incorporated by Reference database (older link archive; archive2)
SIC Standard Industrial Classification (older link archive)
SICP Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation (defunct or inactive 1/17, WH transition)
SID State Inpatient Databases | Strategic Intelligence Division (older link archive) | Systems Integration Division
SIES Office of Strategic Industries & Economic Security (older link archive)
SIF Sensitive Instrument Facility | Social Innovation Fund (older link archive)
SIFCF Survey of Inmates in Federal Correctional Facilities
SI-FTAC Scientific Integrity Fast-Track Action Committee (older link archive)
SIG School Improvement Grants (unable to verify 11/23)
SIGAR Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction
SIGPR Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery
SIGTARP Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program
SIID Safety and Incident Investigations Division (older link archive; archive2)
SIIM Office of Security, Intelligence, and Information Management (unable to verify 4/24; older link archive)
SILJ Survey of Inmates in Local Jails (older link archive)
SIMP Seafood Import Monitoring Program (older link archive)
SimPLER Simulation Program for Leveraging and Evaluating Resources
SIMRU Southern Insect Management Research Unit
SIND Solar Integration National Dataset
SINTRA Space Debris Identification and Tracking
SIO Survey of Irrigation Organizations
SIOC Strategic Information and Operations Center (older link archive; archive2; archive3)
SIPP Survey of Income and Program Participation (older link archive)
SIRIS Smithsonian Institution Research Information System
SIS Science and Information Subcommittee (older link archive) | Specialized Information Services (discontinued 6/19) | Species Information System (older link archive; public portal no longer available 8/19) | Statistics in Schools
SISB Strengthening Immunization Systems Branch (unable to verify 6/15)
SISCF Survey of Inmates in State Correctional Facilities
SIT State Inventory Tool (older link archive)
SITC Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance (older link archive)
SITE Solutions for the Information Technology Enterprise (unable to verify 8/21)
SITES Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (older link archive)
SitS Signals in the Soil
SIWDB Strategic Information and Workforce Development Branch
SIWRO Secretary's Indian Water Rights Office
SJI State Justice Institute
SJIC Survey of Jails in Indian Country (older link archive)
SJS State Justice Statistics Program
SLAA State Library Administrative Agency Survey
SLAC Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
SLAD State and Local Assistance Programs Division
SLAITS State and Local Area Integrated Telephone Survey (older link archive)
SLATT State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training Program (older link archive)
SLC Drug Safety Labeling Changes (changed to SrLC) | Smaller Learning Communities (unable to verify 11/23)
SLDS Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program
SLEGU Survey of Law Enforcement Gang Units
SLGS State and Local Government Series (older link archive; archive2)
SLIGP State and Local Implementation Grant Program
SLJ Survey of Large Jails
SLOPE State and Local Planning for Energy
SLPSRA Division of Space Life and Physical Sciences Research and Applications (changed to BPS)
SLR Sea Level Rise
SLSC State and Local Solution Center
SLSDC Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
SLTT State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Cyber Information Sharing Program
SLVAS Screening Level Vulnerability Assessment Survey (unable to verify 2/19)
SMA Safety and Mission Assurance Directorate (unable to verify 12/23) | SBE Office of Multidisciplinary Activities (older link archive)
SMAD Spinal Cord and Musculoskeletal Disorders and Assistive Devices Program (unable to verify 8/17)
SMAP Soil Moisture Active Passive
SMaRT Science Models and Research Tools
SMART Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (older link archive) | Selected Metropolitan/Micropolitan Area Risk Trends | Space-based Machine Automated Recognition Technique
SMART ePANTS Smart Electrically Powered and Networked Textile Systems (older link archive)
SMB Specimen Management Branch (unable to verify 7/20)
SMCD Satellite Meteorology and Climatology Division
SMD Science Mission Directorate
SMDS Smart Monitoring and Diagnostic System (unable to verify 9/23)
SME-QA Subject Matter Expert Qualification Assessments
SMG Spaceflight Meteorology Group
SMHPP Spot Market Hog Pandemic Program (site archived 5/22; older link archive)
SMM Sustainable Materials Management
SMMD Shape Memory Materials Database | Solar Mirror Materials Database
SMP Senior Medicare Patrol (older link archive) | Special Milk Program
SMR Small Modular Reactor
SMS Safety Management System, FAA | Safety Management System, FS
SMSR Safety and Mission Success Review
SMT Scars, Marks, and Tattoos
SMVF TA Service Members, Veterans, and their Families Technical Assistance Center
SN Shared Neutrals
SNAP Significant New Alternatives Policy | Southern Nevada Agency Partnership (unable to verify 3/19) | Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (older link archive)
SNAP-Ed Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Education (older link archive)
SNAPP Synchronized NCEI Archive Projects Program
SNARC Harry K. Dupree Stuttgart National Aquaculture Research Center
SNCAFAC Sustained National Climate Assessment Federal Advisory Committee (also, ACSNCA; defunct 8/17)
SNF VBP Skilled Nursing Facility Value-Based Purchasing Program (older link archive)
SNL Sandia National Laboratories
SNMVC Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center
SNOTEL Snowpack Telemetry (older link archive; archive2)
SNP Special Needs Plan (older link archive)
SNS SAFECOM Nationwide Survey (older link archive) | Spallation Neutron Source | Strategic National Stockpile (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4)
SNUN Significant New Use Notice
SNUR Significant New Use Rules
SOAR SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery
SOC HHS Secretary’s Operations Center (unable to verify 4/24; older link archive) | Standard Occupational Classification | Survey of Construction
SOCC Sustainable Operations and Climate Change Branch
SOCCR State of the Carbon Cycle Report (unable to verify 8/23; older link archive; archive2)
SOCCR2 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report (older link archive)
SOCD Satellite Oceanography and Climatology Division
SOCDS State of the Cities Data Systems
SOCO Standards of Conduct Office (older link archive; archive2)
S/OCR Office of Civil Rights (older link archive; archive2)
SOD Branch of Safety of Dams (older link archive; archive2) | Superintendent of Documents
SOD-PPS Superintendent of Documents Public Policy Statements
SOFA Switching Operations Fatality Analysis Working Group (older link archive)
SOFC Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Program (older link archive; archive2)
SOG Border Patrol Special Operations Group (older link archive)
SOGI Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Research Group (unable to verify 3/24, possibly replaced by SOGISC; older link archive)
SOGISC Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Sex Characteristics Interest Group
SOGW Subcommittee on Ground Water (unable to verify 3/24)
SOHO Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (older link archive)
SOHSS Safety and Occupational Health Study Section
SOI Source of Income | Statistics of Income (older link archive)
SOII Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (older link archive)
soilSHOP Soil Screening, Health, Outreach, and Partnership
SOL Office of the Solicitor (older link archive)
SOMA Survey of Market Absorption of New Multifamily Units (older link archive)
SOMAPI Sex Offender Management Assessment and Planning Initiative
SOMD Space Operations Mission Directorate (older link archive)
SONIC Sound Online Inventory and Catalog (older link archive)
SOP Street Outreach Program
SOPD Sector Outreach and Programs Division (likely changed to Sector Management; older link archive; archive2)
SOPR Senate Office of Public Records (changed to OPR)
SOPS Surveys on Patient Safety Culture
SoR System of Registries (older link archive)
SORCE Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (older link archive)
SORD Special Operations and Research Division (older link archive; archive2)
SORNs System of Records Notices
SORS Suspicious Orders Report System (older link archive)
SOS Safe Online Surfing (older link archive) | Science on a Sphere | Seeds of Success | Subcommittee on Sedimentation (unable to verify 3/24)
SoSOA System of Systems Operational Analytics
SOST Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology (older link archive)
SOT Services for Survivors of Torture (older link archive; archive2)
SOTC State of the Climate (changed to Monthly Report; older link archive)
SOURCE Simulation of Opioid Use, Response, Consequences, and Effects
SOWFA Simulator fOr Wind Farm Applications
S/P Policy Planning Staff (older link archive; archive2)
SPA Small Project Assistance Program (older link archive)
SPACE STI Prevention Allocation Consequences Estimator | Stochastic Population Analysis for Complex Events
SPAN State Physical Activity and Nutrition Program (older link archive)
SPARC Strategic Partners Acquisition Readiness Contract (older link archive)
SPARK SAMHSA’s Program to Advance Recovery Knowledge
SPB Science Policy Branch (older link archive)
SPC Storm Prediction Center
SPD Safety Partnerships Division (older link archive) | Science Policy Division | Special Programs Division (unable to verify 10/14) | Survey of Program Dynamics (older link archive) | Sustainability Performance Division (reverted to SPO)
SPDF Space Physics Data Facility
SPEA Strategic Planning and Economic Analysis (changed to EAO)
SPEAR Safety Performance Enhanced by Analytical Review
SPEC Special Presidential Envoy for Climate
SPECA Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12 Classroom Challenge Grants Program (older link archive; archive2)
SPEED Special Projects for Equitable and Efficient Distribution (unable to verify 9/21; older link archive)
SPF Strategic Prevention Framework (unable to verify 5/19)
SPG Coalition Sustainable Productivity Growth Coalition
SPHB Susceptibility and Population Health Branch (unable to verify 12/13)
SPHERES Sequencing for Public Health Emergency Response, Epidemiology and Surveillance
SPI Office of Economic Sanctions Policy and Implementation (older link archive) | Smart Policing Initiative (changed to Strategies for Policing Innovation, then reverted back to Smart Policing Initiative) | Survey of Prison Inmates
SPI DAT Survey of Prison Inmates Data Analysis Tool
SPIDERS Smart Power Infrastructure Demonstration and Energy Reliability and Security
SPIROLA Spirometry Longitudinal Data Analysis (older link archive)
SPL Substance Priority List
SPLASH Study of Precipitation, the Lower Atmosphere and Surface for Hydrometeorology
SPLP Safer Product Labeling Program (changed to Safer Choice)
SPM Supplemental Poverty Measure
SPO Special Programs Office (older link archive; archive2) | Strategic Partnerships Office | Sustainability Performance Office (reverted back from SPD; older link archive; archive2)
SPOREs Specialized Programs of Research Excellence
SPoRT Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center (older link archive)
SPP School Pulse Panel | Screening Partnership Program | Sustainable Procurement Plan
SPPA Survey of Public Participation in the Arts (older link archive)
SPPC Safety Program for Perinatal Care (older link archive)
SPPE Safety and Pollution Prevention Equipment
SPPO Student Privacy Policy Office
SPPR Office of Strategy, Policy, Planning, and Requirements (unable to verify 4/24; older link archive)
SPR Strategic Petroleum Reserve (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4)
SPRAC Senior Preservation Rental Assistance Contracts (older link archive)
SPRC Suicide Prevention Resource Center
SPRINT Scaling Pandemic Resilience Through Innovation and Technology Challenge
SPRIRC Suicide Prevention and Response Independent Review Committee
SPRRS Southern Plains Range Research Station (unable to verify 5/23)
SPRUCE Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Climatic and Environmental Change
SPS Secure Payment System (older link archive)
SPSD Satellite Products and Services Division | Standardized Program Structure and Definitions (unable to verify 6/19)
SPSQ IWG Software Productivity, Sustainability, and Quality Interagency Working Group
SPTAC Strategic Prevention Technical Assistance Center
SP-TC Sensors and Platforms Technology Center
SPTF State, Private, and Tribal Forestry (older link archive)
SQ-CLASS Business and Professional Classification Survey (older link archive)
SRA Sequence Read Archive
SRA Tool Security Risk Assessment Tool
SRAE Sexual Risk Avoidance Education Program
SRAR Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation (changed to Special Representative for Afghanistan; older link archive; archive2)
SRAS Small Rural Assessment System
SRB Scientific Review Branch (older link archive) | Services Research Branch (older link archive)
SRBC Susquehanna River Basin Commission (older link archive)
SRC Science Research and Collaboration
SRCL Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Program (changed to CLSD)
SRCP Sodium Reduction in Communities Program (discontinued)
SRDR Systematic Review Data Repository (older link archive)
SREF Short-Range Ensemble Forecast
SRF Security Response Force | State Review Framework
S/RGA Office of Religion and Global Affairs (unable to verify 6/19)
SRI Soil Resources Inventory
SrLC Drug Safety-related Labeling Changes
SRM Standard Reference Materials | Supervision Risk Management (unable to verify 8/21)
SRMA Sector Risk Management Agencies
SRMC Special Representative to Muslim Communities (unable to verify 6/19)
SRNL Savannah River National Laboratory (older link archive)
SRO Smithsonian Research Online
SRP Superfund Research Program
SRRL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (older link archive; archive2)
SRRS Service Records Retention System
SRRT Southern Rockies Reforestation Tool (older link archive; archive2)
SRS Savannah River Site | Southern Research Station (older link archive; archive2) | Substance Registry Services (older link archive; archive2) | Summary Reporting System (discontinued 1/21; older link archive) | Water Quality Surveillance and Response System (older link archive)
SRT Solicitation Review Tool (older link archive)
SRTB Science of Research and Technology Branch (unable to verify 11/16)
SRTS Safe Routes to School | Survey Request Tracking Solution (discontinued)
SRWG NASA Sounding Rocket Working Group
SSLE Security, Safety and Law Enforcement Office
SSMA Status of Stocks and Multispecies Assessments (older link archive)
SSO Seamless Summer Option | SLAC Site Office (changed to BASO at SLAC; older link archive)
SSOAP Sanitary Sewer Overflow Analysis and Planning
SSOCS School Survey on Crime and Safety
SSODv2 Synoptic Summary of the Day Version 2
SSP Office of Safety and Security Policy | Office of Safety and Security Policy (changed to Office of Field Safety, Security, and Infrastructure; older link archive) | Shared Services Programs | Shelter and Services Program (older link archive)
SSPs Syringe Services Programs (older link archive; archive2)
SSPTW Social Security Programs Throughout the World
SSRC Shared Services Resource Catalog (unable to verify 4/22; older link archive)
SSRP School Support and Rural Programs (unable to verify 10/19)
SSRW Safe Skilled Ready Workforce Program (older link archive)
SSS Selective Service System | Student Support Services program
SST Sea Surface Temperature | Small Spacecraft Technology program
SS-TC Social Sciences Technology Center
S-STEM Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (older link archive)
SSTF Subject Summary Tape Files
SSTP Small Spacecraft Technology Program (changed to SST)
SSuN STD Surveillance Network (older link archive)
SSURGO Soil Survey Geographic database (older link archive)
SSV Survey of Sexual Victimization (formerly Survey of Sexual Violence; older link archive)
SSVF Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program
SSWD Subcommittee on Spatial Water Data (unable to verify 3/24)
SSWR Safe and Sustainable Water Resources Program
STAA Science, Technology Assessment, and Analytics Team (older link archive; archive2)
STAC Secretary’s Tribal Advisory Committee (older link archive)
STAG State and Tribal Assistance Grant Programs (unable to verify 1/15)
STAR Center for Satellite Applications and Research
STARS Spatial Tools for the Analysis of River Systems (older link archive)
STAR TREC Standards References and Training Research Committee (older link archive)
STAS Office of the Science & Technology Adviser (older link archive)
Stat. United States Statutes at Large (older link archive)
STATE State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation
STATSGO2 Digital General Soil Map of the United States (older link archive)
STAX Stacked Income Protection Plan
STB Science & Technology Branch (older link archive) | Surface Transportation Board (older link archive; archive2)
STBG Surface Transportation Block Grant program
STC Annual Survey of State Government Tax Collections (older link archive) | Office of Science and Technology Cooperation | Securing the Cities (pdf)
STCC Signal, Train Control, and Crossings Division
STDs Sexually Transmitted Diseases (changed to STIs)
STEADI Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries
STEAP Screening Tool for Equity Analysis of Projects (older link archive)
STELA System for Tracking Export License Applications
STEM Safety, Training and Emergency Management Division
STEO Short-Term Energy Outlook
STEP Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (older link archive) | Smart Traveler Enrollment Program | State Trade Expansion Program | State Tribal Education Partnership (older link archive) | Supercritical Transformational Electric Power (older link archive) | Sustainable Transportation Education & Partnerships
STEPPS State-Based Epidemiology for Public Health Program Support (unable to verify 2/13)
STEP-UP Secondary Transition to Employment Program – USGS Partnership (older link archive; archive2)
STEREO Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (older link archive; archive2)
STEWARDS Sustaining the Earth's Watersheds, Agricultural Research Data System (older link archive; archive2)
STEW-MAP Stewardship Mapping Project (older link archive)
STF Summary Tape File, Census
STGWG State and Tribal Government Working Group (older link archive)
STI Scientific and Technical Information
STIC Scientific and Technical Information Center
STIP Scientific and Technical Information Program | Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
STIP APS Science, Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships Annual Program Statement (older link archive)
STIR/SHAKEN Secure Telephone Identity Revisited/Signature-based Handling of Asserted Information Using toKENs
STIs Sexually Transmitted Infections
STL Special Technologies Laboratory (older link archive)
STLP Short Term Lending Program (unable to verify 8/19)
STMD Space Technology Mission Directorate (older link archive)
STOP Stop Transmission of Polio Program (older link archive) | Strategy for Targeting Organized Piracy (changed to Enforcement Resources; older link archive)
STORET Storage and Retrieval Data Warehouse (decommissioned 6/18; older link archive; archive2)
STP Science, Technology and Policy (older link archive; archive2; archive3) | Solar-Terrestrial Physics
STPC Science and Technology Policy Council (unable to verify 3/18)
STRBase Short Tandem Repeat DNA Internet DataBase (older link archive)
STRGP Space Technology Research Grants Program (older link archive)
STRI Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
STRIDE Strategic Recruitment, Inclusive Diversity, and Engagement
STRP Seafood Trade Relief Program (terminated 1/21)
STRS Space Telecommunications Radio System
STRYVE Striving to Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere (older link archive; archive2)
STS Second Target Station
STSAC Surface Transportation Security Advisory Committee
STSI State Traffic Safety Information (older link archive)
ST-Sim State-and-transition simulation model (older link archive)
STTR Small Business Technology Transfer (older link archive)
STVM Security Testing, Validation, and Measurement Group
S/WCI Office of War Crimes Issues (changed to GCJ)
SW CSC Southwest Climate Science Center (changed to SW CASC)
SWDI Severe Weather Data Inventory (older link archive; archive2; archive3; archive4; archive5)
SWEDD Southwest Energy Exploration, Development, and Drought (changed to SWEDR; older link archive)
SWEDR Southwest Energy Exploration, Development, and Reclamation
SWERA Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment
SWFO Space Weather Follow-On (older link archive)
SWFSC Southwest Fisheries Science Center (older link archive)
SWFT Statewide Wildland-Urban Interface Fuels Treatment
SWG State Wildlife Grants
SWiFT Scaled Wind Farm Technology (older link archive; archive2)
SWIM System Wide Information Management (older link archive)
SWMM Storm Water Management Model
SWO Office of Space Weather Observations
SWORM Space Weather Operations, Research, and Mitigation Subcommittee
SWOT Surface Water and Ocean Topography
SWPA Southwestern Power Administration (older link archive)
SWPC Space Weather Prediction Center
SWPP Source Water Protection Program
SWRC Southwest Watershed Research Center
SWRR Sustainable Water Resources Roundtable (unable to verify 3/24)
SWS Safe Water System (older link archive)
SWSI Surface Water Supply Index (unable to verify 10/22; older link archive)
SWTCIE Subminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment (older link archive)
SYCU Science You Can Use
SyH-DR Synthetic Healthcare Database for Research (older link archive)
SynLBD Synthetic Longitudinal Business Database
SynPUFs Medicare Claims Synthetic Public Use Files (older link archive)
SyRIS Systemic Risk Identification Support & Specialty Supervision (older link archive)